
Max's hidden secret past

Max was born into a big family, he had 2 younger sisters Kathriene and Rebecca and two older brothers Deckster and Trydon. Growing up he had a great life his family travelled to many places around the world and his mum and dad were happily married and devoted themselves to their kids. Then max's 18th birthday came and with that a awful tragedy would change his life for ever. Max had just arrived home from work he noticed the house seemed more quiet than usual. He called for his parents but their was no response. Max feeling uneasy begins to investigate. Max becomes increasingly aware his dad's office door is locked which is usual as his father as he never left the office which meant something was wrong. Max runs into the kitchen to see if the is a spare key. Then he notices the basement door open. He slowly starts make his way down into the basement. What he's about to discover permanently effects the rest of his life.

As he reaches the last step with a sense of fear going down his throat he begins to swallow hard feeling every inch of his body shiver.

It was that very moment he saw his parents dead on the floor. They were both cut open and blood everywhere like a battle yard. Max froze in shock and feel to the floor in floods of tears and angry weeping for his parents. The next 48 hours seemed like a blurr to him. His siblings all moved away and desended from one another everything he had known was know shattered like glass. His older brothers went on a request to find who did this and make them pay as for his sisters they went to live with their uncle Luther. As for max he went on his own adventure he began to sofa surf at his friends and mixed into a bad crowd.

One night max bumped into a older gentleman called Jeremy who owned a strip club in town. They got drinking and talking and later that night max found out Jeremy was a vampire. Max was intoxicated and didn't want to believe it at first . Jeremy being so hungry and desperate for food. sensing how much pain Max was in Jeremy decided there and then he was going to kill him and put him out of his missery. When humans get bitten by vampires they normally only have 24 percent success rate of living and surviving the veon of a vampire. But Jeremy was going to drink his blood and not give him any of his own which would give max no chance of survival.

As every drop of maxs blood went down Jeremy's throat, Max felt he was slipping away into a deep sleep. 3 days later max woke up in hospital. Jeremy had left max for dead that night he drunk all his blood. but what Jeremy didn't know is max has a special blood type that allowed his body to replace certain amount of blood once it had gone. The hospital gave him loads of blood tranfersions and with that max began to heal immediately. Max remembered excatly what happened to him and went looking for Jeremy as soon as he could leave the hospital. When he finally managed to track Jeremy down he made him tell him everything he wanted to know and after that he made Jeremy beg for his life. After killing Jeremy and beheading him he set out to track to find his parents killers like his older brothers.

Few year's pass on and max struggles to find any leads about his parents killers where abouts. Max now knows it was vampires that had killed his parents but which vampires was still a mystery.

Trydon returns to the city to reunite with his youngest brother. But this time there is something different about him.

Trydon brings max to a bar he regularly hangs out with his mates. As the night goes on the brothers have a heart to heart and max becomes aware that his brother body and eyes are different. Trydon notices max has catched on to him and starts to explain himself. Max finding out his older brother is now a vampire becomes overwhelmed and decides to leave the bar. Trydon runs after him and but it is to late max has vanished and Trydon becomes frustrated. 3 days later Trydon tracks max down in another city and goes after him. The night he finds max he realises its to late to save him from being a vampire. He finds max barely alive in his a hotel bathroom with his neck gushing out with blood. It appears max slit his own throat and couldn't cope anymore. Trydon being angry with this. bites into his own wrist and makes max drink his blood with that max became a vampire.

Few months later max and Trydon both set out on missions to find other vampires. They were very successful and manage to find a whole group of vampires, who then introduces the brothers to the court of conjur.