
Love And Kimchi

In the heart of Seoul, Ji-eun, a talented and ambitious chef, is determined to make her mark in the culinary world. Her dream of opening her own restaurant becomes a reality with "Love & Kimchi," a place where she can showcase her unique fusion of traditional Korean flavors and modern culinary techniques. The story begins with Ji-eun's journey at Haneul, where she encounters Min-ho, a renowned food critic known for his harsh reviews. After a less-than-stellar review from Min-ho, Ji-eun is determined to prove herself. Their initial professional rivalry evolves into a supportive relationship as Min-ho recognizes Ji-eun's exceptional talent and offers his help in making her dream come true. As Ji-eun navigates the challenges of opening and running a new restaurant, she faces high stakes when top food critics arrive for a tasting. With determination and passion, she creates dishes that impress even the harshest critics, solidifying her place in Seoul's culinary scene. "Love & Kimchi" is a heartwarming tale of ambition, resilience, and romance. Ji-eun’s journey is not just about achieving professional success but also about finding love and support in unexpected places. With Min-ho by her side, Ji-eun discovers that the perfect recipe for success includes a dash of love, a pinch of innovation, and a whole lot of passion.

hiruy_fikre · 都市
12 Chs

A Recipe for Disaster

Ji-eun awoke with a spring in her step. Her date with Min-ho had left her floating on air, and she was eager to get back to "Love & Kimchi" to continue their culinary adventures. As she arrived at the restaurant, she was greeted by Soo-jin, who had an unusually frantic look on her face.

"Ji-eun, we've got a problem," Soo-jin said, practically dragging her into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Ji-eun asked, her heart racing with concern.

Soo-jin led her to the walk-in refrigerator and opened the door. Inside, there was a chaotic mess of ingredients scattered everywhere, and the distinct smell of spoiled food hung in the air.

"The refrigerator broke down last night," Soo-jin explained, "and we didn't notice until this morning. Most of our fresh ingredients are ruined."

Ji-eun's mind raced. They had a fully booked evening ahead, including a large party celebrating a major business deal. Cancelling wasn't an option.

"Okay, let's not panic," Ji-eun said, trying to stay calm. "We need to salvage what we can and make a list of what needs to be replaced immediately. Soo-jin, you handle the inventory. I'll make some calls to our suppliers."

Just as they began sorting through the mess, Min-ho walked in, looking puzzled at the flurry of activity. "What happened here?"

Ji-eun quickly explained the situation. Min-ho's expression turned serious. "I'll help you make the calls. We can't afford to lose any more time."

The next few hours were a blur of phone calls, hastily arranged deliveries, and a kitchen bustling with activity. Ji-eun and her team worked tirelessly to prepare for the evening service. The atmosphere was tense, but the camaraderie among the staff kept spirits high.

As the first guests started to arrive, Ji-eun took a moment to catch her breath. Min-ho approached her, a reassuring smile on his face. "You've got this, Ji-eun. Everything will be fine."

"Thanks, Min-ho. I really appreciate your help today," Ji-eun said, feeling a wave of gratitude.

The evening service began smoothly, much to Ji-eun's relief. The dishes were coming out perfectly, and the customers seemed to be enjoying their meals. Ji-eun kept a close eye on the large party, ensuring everything was flawless.

However, just as things seemed to be under control, Jin-woo, the clumsy yet well-meaning waiter, approached Ji-eun with a look of sheer panic.

"Chef Ji-eun, we have a situation," he stammered. "One of the guests in the large party has a severe peanut allergy, and they just found peanuts in their dish."

Ji-eun's heart dropped. "What? How did this happen? We always double-check allergies!"

"I don't know, Chef. I thought I followed the instructions exactly," Jin-woo said, looking close to tears.

Ji-eun took a deep breath. "Alright, first, let's make sure the guest is okay. Apologize profusely and offer them a meal on the house. I'll personally oversee the replacement dish."

Ji-eun rushed to the table, her heart pounding. She approached the guest, who thankfully seemed more annoyed than in serious distress.

"I'm so sorry for the mistake," Ji-eun said sincerely. "We take allergies very seriously, and this should never have happened. Please allow us to prepare a new dish for you right away."

The guest, a middle-aged man, nodded curtly. "Mistakes happen. Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

Ji-eun returned to the kitchen and quickly prepared a new dish, triple-checking every ingredient. She handed it to Jin-woo with a stern yet encouraging look. "Take this to the guest, and make sure everything is perfect this time."

Despite the near-disaster, the rest of the evening went off without further incident. As the last guests left, Ji-eun gathered her team for a quick meeting.

"I want to thank all of you for your hard work today," Ji-eun began. "We faced some serious challenges, but we pulled through together. Let's make sure we learn from what happened and do even better tomorrow."

The staff nodded in agreement, their spirits lifted by Ji-eun's words.

Later that night, as Ji-eun and Min-ho were closing up, they reflected on the day's events.

"You handled everything like a pro," Min-ho said, admiration in his eyes.

"I couldn't have done it without everyone's help, especially yours," Ji-eun replied, feeling a deep sense of gratitude.

Min-ho smiled. "You know, Ji-eun, it's days like these that show what you're really made of. And I have to say, you're pretty incredible."

Ji-eun blushed, feeling a warm glow inside. "Thanks, Min-ho. That means a lot."

They stood there for a moment, the bustling city of Seoul outside the windows, knowing that together, they could face whatever challenges came their way.