
Love And Kimchi

In the heart of Seoul, Ji-eun, a talented and ambitious chef, is determined to make her mark in the culinary world. Her dream of opening her own restaurant becomes a reality with "Love & Kimchi," a place where she can showcase her unique fusion of traditional Korean flavors and modern culinary techniques. The story begins with Ji-eun's journey at Haneul, where she encounters Min-ho, a renowned food critic known for his harsh reviews. After a less-than-stellar review from Min-ho, Ji-eun is determined to prove herself. Their initial professional rivalry evolves into a supportive relationship as Min-ho recognizes Ji-eun's exceptional talent and offers his help in making her dream come true. As Ji-eun navigates the challenges of opening and running a new restaurant, she faces high stakes when top food critics arrive for a tasting. With determination and passion, she creates dishes that impress even the harshest critics, solidifying her place in Seoul's culinary scene. "Love & Kimchi" is a heartwarming tale of ambition, resilience, and romance. Ji-eun’s journey is not just about achieving professional success but also about finding love and support in unexpected places. With Min-ho by her side, Ji-eun discovers that the perfect recipe for success includes a dash of love, a pinch of innovation, and a whole lot of passion.

hiruy_fikre · Urban
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12 Chs

A Taste of Jealousy

The next few days at "Love & Kimchi" were thankfully uneventful. Ji-eun and her team settled back into their rhythm, with the new dishes gaining popularity and the restaurant buzzing with satisfied customers. Ji-eun was starting to feel like they had weathered the worst of the storm.

However, a new kind of storm was brewing—one that Ji-eun hadn't anticipated. One afternoon, as Ji-eun was experimenting with a new dessert recipe in the kitchen, Soo-jin rushed in, looking both excited and nervous.

"Ji-eun, you've got to see this," Soo-jin said, waving her phone.

Ji-eun wiped her hands on her apron and took the phone. The screen displayed a social media post from a rival restaurant, "Gourmet Galaxy," boasting about their latest creation: a bulgogi pasta dish strikingly similar to Ji-eun's. The post was already getting a lot of attention, with comments praising the innovative fusion.

"What the...?" Ji-eun muttered, feeling a surge of anger and frustration. "They copied our dish!"

"It gets worse," Soo-jin said, pointing to another comment thread. "People are saying that 'Love & Kimchi' is just trying to ride on Gourmet Galaxy's coattails."

Ji-eun's hands clenched into fists. "This is unbelievable. We worked so hard to create something unique, and now they're taking credit for it."

Just then, Min-ho walked in, sensing the tension in the room. "What's going on?"

Ji-eun handed him the phone, her voice tight with anger. "Gourmet Galaxy has stolen our bulgogi pasta idea and they're claiming it as their own."

Min-ho's expression darkened as he read the post. "This isn't right. We need to do something about it."


That evening, after the restaurant closed, Ji-eun called an emergency meeting with her team. They gathered in the dining area, the mood somber and tense.

"We've got a problem," Ji-eun began, showing them the social media post. "Our hard work is being stolen, and it's damaging our reputation. We need to figure out how to handle this."

Jin-woo, looking unusually serious, spoke up. "Why don't we hold a special event? Something that showcases our originality and creativity. We can invite food critics, influencers, and loyal customers to experience our dishes firsthand."

Soo-jin nodded enthusiastically. "That's a great idea! We can call it the 'Innovation Showcase' and feature all our unique fusion dishes."

Ji-eun considered it, her mind racing. "It's risky, but it might be the best way to remind everyone what we're capable of. Let's do it."


Over the next week, "Love & Kimchi" buzzed with preparations for the Innovation Showcase. Ji-eun and her team worked tirelessly to perfect their dishes and plan the event. They created a menu that highlighted their creativity, including the now-controversial bulgogi pasta, alongside new experimental dishes.

On the day of the event, the restaurant was transformed into an elegant dining space. Fairy lights twinkled from the ceiling, and beautifully arranged flowers adorned each table. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

As guests began to arrive, Ji-eun felt a mix of nerves and determination. Among the attendees were well-known food critics, influencers with large followings, and loyal customers who had supported "Love & Kimchi" from the beginning.

Min-ho, ever the supportive partner, stayed close to Ji-eun, offering words of encouragement. "You've got this, Ji-eun. Tonight is your chance to shine."


The event kicked off with Ji-eun welcoming the guests and explaining the inspiration behind each dish. The atmosphere was electric as the first course was served—a delicate fusion of traditional Korean flavors with modern culinary techniques. Each dish was met with appreciative murmurs and enthusiastic nods.

When the bulgogi pasta was served, Ji-eun held her breath, watching the reactions closely. To her relief, the dish received rave reviews, with many guests praising its innovative blend of flavors.

As the evening progressed, the positive feedback flowed in, both in person and on social media. Ji-eun's phone buzzed with notifications as guests posted photos and glowing reviews of the event.

Towards the end of the night, one of the most influential food critics in Seoul, Mr. Park, approached Ji-eun. "Chef Ji-eun, tonight's showcase was truly impressive. Your creativity and passion shine through in every dish. 'Love & Kimchi' is setting a new standard for fusion cuisine in Seoul."

Ji-eun felt a wave of relief and pride. "Thank you, Mr. Park. That means a lot to us."


After the last guest had left and the staff began cleaning up, Ji-eun gathered her team for a quick meeting. "We did it," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "Tonight was a huge success, and it's all thanks to each and every one of you. I'm so proud of what we've accomplished together."

The team cheered, their faces glowing with pride and satisfaction.

As Ji-eun and Min-ho stood outside the restaurant, looking at the bright city lights, Min-ho took her hand. "You were amazing tonight, Ji-eun. I'm so proud of you."

Ji-eun smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "We did it together, Min-ho. I couldn't have done it without you."

They stood there in silence for a moment, enjoying the peaceful night, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.