

Do you believe in angels under the rain? The angel incarnates a woman with dark eyes, carrying an umbrella, and likes to write something in her book. Then, this is special. She brought an umbrella not to pick up someone. However, will give the umbrella as a sign of grace. Especially for those who are sincere. Whoever gets the shade from the umbrella, will get the shade of true love. Do you believe it? "Those who believe behind the rain have thousands of miracles. I will be more demanding to do good for others. Also, reconcile every couple who fights on this earth. That's how beautiful love works, isn't it?" Muttered Elsa, the woman in the navy dress with the black umbrella. Elsa no longer believes in the magic of love. Just when she was let down so many times by Alvin. She decided it was better to be kind to other people. His dream is to be like an angel under the rain. Those who are busy providing shade, even though they get reproach. Reading about the journey of love, inner struggles, the search for identity, and what is called the estuary of true love. It's not just a couple's romance. Read first, comment later. Happy reading.

Rayya_Raditya · 若者
12 Chs

Part 5 - The Memories

"What do you want to be?" "Your parents worked hard to send you to school. Why did you skip school?" A series of questions rushed to Alvin instantly from his father's mouth. "Why are you silent, huh?"

"Alvin went to meet the kids, okay?"


As soon as he got the notification from the school, his father was angry. Because of that, Alvin is not very close to Dad. But not with his mother. His mother never scolded him. His mother is also more understanding. Even smiled with this incident.


Alvin embraced the incident itself. Before tomorrow, he put it in her eyes; Elsa.




I want to share a piece of memory, Elsa. About those times. The time when day becomes night. The night is getting darker. It was quiet. Even though I seem to be throwing a roar. But silence is unavoidable. I'm happy to order those memories back, Sa. Who knows. A little bit, so you understand. Because you have eyes that I always miss.


In it, like many stories, but a mystery. Because you chose to enter the stronghold of 'a women's heart is deeper than ocean for a secret.' I don't know how to interpret it. What I remember is you. You are speechless. But a loyal listener. That's why, listen to me this time, Elsa. Wait a minute, I'll take a look at the menu, okay? I pointed to the menu of memories. Five minutes later, a menu of memories was presented on the memory table. Clouds began to re-spice the menu of my memory.


"I'm tired of school."


The look on the boy sitting next to Elsa's face changed. A sad streak began to run down his facial muscles. The long-haired woman, who was listening to that only answered with an expression—as if her body language was in dialogue, "Why is that?"


But no sound came out of his mouth. This was enough Aksa had to chew every time she told him. He had to be patient, not expecting him to be quick to comment. However, it is precisely this nature that makes him feel at home talking to him at length.


Alvin continued his own story. Strange indeed. Absurd indeed. That's it, even men are that annoying sometimes. But anyway, Aksa; is his best friend. Yes, they were just friends.


"I'm tired of school, Sa. Yes... I just feel bored. It's as if everyone is competing to get a diploma. During class, my head feels like it's going to explode. I can't take all those lessons. In sociology class we learn the meaning of socializing, but have we ever cared how the condition of street buskers can eat every day?"


"I feel... this school is weird, Sa. Have you ever felt that way?"



The wind answered his voice. Elsa—a woman with long hair and shady eyes—whom Alvin misses with those eyes, hasn't answered a word yet. Instead, he looked up at the sky. A few minutes seemed to wipe the tears that almost dripped from the eyes that Alvin missed. Not. Alvin wouldn't let her cry just yet. Elsa said, 'tears are the second most valuable thing after springs.' What she said is remembered so reflexively. Elsa then lowered his head and smiled at Alvin.


Yes, he knows. The cue was a code for Alvin to ignore it and continue the story to the end. He didn't even realize it. Friends with this mysterious creature that he misses his eyes, Alvin seems to be carried away. More sensitivity than yesterday. Alvin slightly smiled to herself remembering it. Turns out, being sensitive is fun too.


Alvin continued his unfinished story. He picked silence from the heart of the clouds on the sky pier. Although he is a bit stingy. However, Alvin also forced him to provide shade. So that the silence, the more not boring. Alvin ordered again, the memory of yesterday when he read a book, he replied to the waiter behind the cloud.


"Alvin, I know this is just my anxiety. But I don't have anything else I can do to help them. We've been at school all day here, but the more I study, the more empty I feel it."


"I just wanted to do more. You know that right?" He complained.


"Yesterday, I was absent for two days to know more about the children on the street. Then... when my parents found out, they were scolded. You know, I got dizzy."


"Now, I ask you. What should I do now?" Alvin fell silent.


"You want to be a good person, Al? Which is not only good but can make a lot of people happy, right?"


Alvin just nodded his head. A code—Alvin's body language had missed the words that came out of his mouth.


"Perhaps, your awareness this time, is one of the doors of His grace, isn't it? God wants to soften your heart through the restlessness of your soul. Not comfortable with the suffering of others. Want to do something, but don't know. Yes, right?"


"The best way to fight memories, let them be memories. One day you too will order it again on those cloudy clouds, right? Which maybe you can recount to those who have been the same as you today. You're good too. Beautiful isn't it?"


"Don't repeat skipping school again. Poor parents. Isn't filial piety also part of doing good, right?"


Alvin smiled at his soft voice.



"Don't be a bad boy," Elsa teased.


"What?" "Yes, it's cool to want to help other people, but it makes it difficult for parents. It's the same as lying." "Yes, yes, those who are diligent in helping their parents."


"Yeah, that's not the case either."





Memories started to arrive. Now and then Elsa visits. His mind seemed to say "You can visit, but not to be hugged." But when she doesn't want it, it's just a reflex. At first, they were just visiting, so they were hugged. I don't know, tomorrow will come from which memory? Elsa cared for the pieces in her heart.