

Do you believe in angels under the rain? The angel incarnates a woman with dark eyes, carrying an umbrella, and likes to write something in her book. Then, this is special. She brought an umbrella not to pick up someone. However, will give the umbrella as a sign of grace. Especially for those who are sincere. Whoever gets the shade from the umbrella, will get the shade of true love. Do you believe it? "Those who believe behind the rain have thousands of miracles. I will be more demanding to do good for others. Also, reconcile every couple who fights on this earth. That's how beautiful love works, isn't it?" Muttered Elsa, the woman in the navy dress with the black umbrella. Elsa no longer believes in the magic of love. Just when she was let down so many times by Alvin. She decided it was better to be kind to other people. His dream is to be like an angel under the rain. Those who are busy providing shade, even though they get reproach. Reading about the journey of love, inner struggles, the search for identity, and what is called the estuary of true love. It's not just a couple's romance. Read first, comment later. Happy reading.

Rayya_Raditya · 若者
12 Chs

Part 3 - Ears for Elsa

Elsa, please come here, now. I have a surprise for you.


A short message greeted Elsa's cellphone screen. She looked for a face in the cupboard. But strangely, the faces that she collected, suddenly changed the same. She didn't choose it either. Fear had crossed his face at that moment.


The woman had been missing for a few days. Not to look for faces. But calms all worries. Various problems are not told. There were various complaints that he could not vent. There is various unspoken sadness. Finally, he decided to meet his lover.


"Honesty Coffee" Shop


For sale: The Face of Honesty. Find your real face scent here.


A coffee shop with a strange tagline made her wonder. The man was waiting at the table most missed.


"Please. Hope you like it," said Alvin lovingly.

"I'm sorry if I often make you sad. I will learn more to make you happy. We are still lovers who believe in the magic of love from angels under the rain, right?" The smell of his male voice seemed different. There is a coolness that words can't describe. Happy eyes started to shine from his girl.


"I'm sorry too, Alvin. So far I have never told you anything about my problems. I am sad and difficult. I just feel you are quite happy with your story. I don't want to spoil it."


Alvin smiled. Trying to calm his nerves.


"Oh yeah, what does the tagline of this shop mean, Alvin? It's so unique." His face contorted. Her cheeks flushed.

"This is a special gift for your birthday. I'm sorry I don't remember it. I'm sorry that I always seem to force you to face the sun and the moon."

"I want here, you can recognize your face. Even without me later."


Alvin showed various faces there. Some men are cool joking with various dialects. Unashamed of the various people around him. There is a barista, honest driver in this shop. He always said what he felt about his blended coffee. Also, far away, there is a shop customer who plans to pawn his face. Out of doubt, he went to this tavern. She is an editor who is almost stressed by deadlines. However, I can't say bad about the author's script.


She was made to doubt herself. Maybe she couldn't take it anymore. Until when the angry voice came from his cell phone, she even shouted, "It's not entirely my fault! The writing is messy! I need more time to edit it. Not a professional problem or not! Got it?" Yep! Succeed. Se managed to find his face.


"That's what it's for, Sa. Be yourself. Your face. There's no need to wear a sun or moon face for me. I want to see you happy with your face, Sa. Your face." Alvin said half in the mirror. Her tears almost fell. But soon he held his own.

"Do you know my face now?"

"A face full of longing." She squeaked while ruffling his hair.




Time changed one by one. From the day to the month I miss the most. Alvin hasn't asked her to meet for a year. At least there is no news that he put. Leaving the sun and moon without any pretense on Elsa's face. A face that will never be pawned. Whatever it is, his face. As attractive as any face it offers. Presumably, Elsa has found a point where she believes. Her lover never wanted a made-up face to attract people. However, the face of honesty that he always hoped for.

Twilight has been stolen from today's contest. She lived in the darkest room on earth. Heart reporter. They're so chatty. Throwing various questions. She remained silent, just staring. Sometimes hugging the knees. Look into their eyes. Then ducked down, and dropped it on the edge of the cloud.


Elsa drew voices. Hoping there's still something to settle, after a pause. The flying glass fight and the fire from the eyes always greeted her.


Loud music from flying saucers. The bowl, the pot, and his brother comforted Elsa's ears. From eyes that often emit fire. Is his father. A thousand times, Father has plowed the land--what he got was just a slog. But Mother always helped him dig up the sky—even his petty endeavors seemed to skyrocket. There is always a gap of its blessing. Perhaps, this is what is called blessed sustenance.




Dad can't see Mom just at home. When disappointed, the fire in his eyes burned. There is no match for it. Mother was often afraid--looking for wet burlap sacks--to quell the fire in Father's eyes. But miss. My father's eyes were burning. Gripping anything in front of him. Including uttering inappropriate words.


"Bastard!! There you go to the fields!"

"I'm just trying to give advice," she whimpered, holding the pearl from the corner of his eye.

"Tired you know! Do you only work at home?!"

"You don't have to be so controlling!!"


Elsa heard it from her room. The incident was just one of many that never left his ears. There is one longing from her. Namely looking for a pleasant ear. In his teens--she wanted to tell everything. But circumstances--forced her to hear more the roar of fire from his eyes and springs from the sea of ​​​​eyes.




Elsa just got home from school. Activities that add--only make the burden worse. She dreamed more and more of the presence of those pleasant ears. But don't know where to find it??


"Mom, Elsa wants to talk to Mom,"

"What story? Do you want to leave school again? Huh? Don't make it more difficult for Mom!"

"No, ma'am. Nothing." She quickly walked over to his bedroom door. Lying down his tired body--listening to his preacher who was getting louder and louder. "What's so hard to hear first?" "Why is this house full of embarrassment?" "Why is it so hard to find those pleasing ears, my God?" "Elsa isn't tired?" "If you're tired, just kill yourself!" The demons started whispering to her. But she's not that stupid.