

Do you believe in angels under the rain? The angel incarnates a woman with dark eyes, carrying an umbrella, and likes to write something in her book. Then, this is special. She brought an umbrella not to pick up someone. However, will give the umbrella as a sign of grace. Especially for those who are sincere. Whoever gets the shade from the umbrella, will get the shade of true love. Do you believe it? "Those who believe behind the rain have thousands of miracles. I will be more demanding to do good for others. Also, reconcile every couple who fights on this earth. That's how beautiful love works, isn't it?" Muttered Elsa, the woman in the navy dress with the black umbrella. Elsa no longer believes in the magic of love. Just when she was let down so many times by Alvin. She decided it was better to be kind to other people. His dream is to be like an angel under the rain. Those who are busy providing shade, even though they get reproach. Reading about the journey of love, inner struggles, the search for identity, and what is called the estuary of true love. It's not just a couple's romance. Read first, comment later. Happy reading.

Rayya_Raditya · 若者
12 Chs

Part 2 - Love After Rain

The little boy in purple sandals and Nana's mother quickly left. Leaving the women in navy clothes who come and go in the rain. Also, leaving someone to pick up the woman. A man with a blue motorcycle.


"Sorry for making you wait so long."

"It's okay. You're okay right?" The woman was still worried about him. He seems to have more to worry about. When the woman was about to put on the helmet, another scent wafted out.

"Oh yeah, what jacket were you wearing? How come you didn't get wet in the rain?"

"Oh, I was wearing a brown jacket from home. But it was raining, and I was passing by a friend, and I was given this loan."

"Not bad. You rarely wear a pink jacket. That's weird."

"Hehe yes. Are you okay?"

The woman just smiled.

"Oh yeah, what did you bring?" Alvin did not wear a helmet on him. "Is that what it's like for me?"


The woman nodded. Alvin was getting closer to her. Get ready to receive the cute envelope. A cute envelope containing something—made from ink issued by a pen with sparks of fireworks in it. Their eyes met. However, something else happened.

The woman saw another flower blooming from his eyes. During this time, only one flower she always saw. However, that night another flower grew as well. Reflexively, the woman in the navy dress dropped the envelope.



"It's okay, I just remembered that there is a need for another child at the orphanage. I think I'll be staying there tonight. You just go home. Sorry." The woman looked down. Forcing herself to lie, not to show his anger. Jogging followed a mother and child in purple sandals. "Mrs Nana, I'm sorry, can I stay at the orphanage for the night?" Who is it?

"Very well, Elsa. Come on." They passed. Leaving Alvin who grew two flowers in the woman's eyes.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Vain. The man picked up a cute envelope. An envelope filled with paper with fireworks ink in it. It was as if it burned for a few seconds when she met him.

He opened the envelope containing something.


Happy Birthday, My Rain.

May you continue to care for the one flower in your eyes.

Clear beads just flowed from it.


However, in another way, the woman continues to spread love. She still reads books. Write something. Take the fireworks out of the pen. Pouring out anger on the pages of a book full of eyes and ears. Spread smiles and laughter in children. 

Also, offer shady poetry to them. She just kept going. As if forgetting, the rain no longer comes and goes with him. Rain no longer falls from the sky. But from his eyes that continues to spread coolness. Without being hindered by anyone who disappoints her.

She believes whatever happens to her, she wants to be like an angel under the rain. Just sow love, no matter what you get. "From today, let me be like an angel under the rain. Comes and goes with grace. Whatever I get. I'm sorry, Alvin. I'm just disappointed." she whispered.

"A miracle. Do I need to believe it now?" "Alvin, why believe and forget to be so close together? I was just trusting your ears, but today?" Elsa whispered.

The sky's face began to look down. Soon, she was so sad. shed sad tears. Ah, how do you know she's sad?

A young man tries to read his girlfriend's face. Why did she suddenly burst into tears? How deep are the tears in his eyes?



Elsa's face was getting covered with cloud. There was a desire to steal the sun to make it look radiant. Now and then it comes to mind, wanting to rob the full moon--to make it the object of the most enduring poetry--the poets out there. She also has a crazy idea. Pawn her face.

At the nine o'clock supper, she skipped steps. Looking for faces. Yes, which face would she choose from the display case there? His chest was pounding as usual. Various faces look attractive to the eye. She was confused and tired. Tired and confused. Caught in a lie.

"I want to pawn my face with the sun." She said doubtfully.


"Because the people I admire only seem to like the sun." She was half nervous. Nervous and assertive.

The owner of the face pawnshop immediately took it. As ordered. "This can only be used tomorrow. If the face is full, it can only be used tonight."

"It's okay. I need it for tomorrow." She was getting more and more confident pawning his face.

"I took the face of the sun." Elsa convinced herself.

"Right, don't want a full face?" the owner of the facial pawnshop seemed to read his facial movements.

"No. I took the face of the sun. Thank you." Elsa immediately left with her new face.


The next day, Elsa seemed more confident. Proudly, wearing the face of the sun. Get ready to meet your heart's desire. Even if it's just hidden in his heart. Not far from his face mask rack: stored a million mysteries. The sea of ​​patience that is trying to continue to be dug. Only one she never kept: eyes of fire. Shs just had a cold-eyed face.


"Are you all right, honey?" Alvin greeted her.

"Very well."

"Sit down..." Alvin asked.

"I want to tell you one thing, honey. But I hope you don't get mad, okay?"

"Just tell me. I will always be a good listener to you." The sun's rays seemed to be shining from his face.

"I feel stupid when I'm around you, Sa. Really."

"Why so?"

"I never fully understood you. Which face did you wear today? Or did you buy it today?" "Just for you?" "Don't you think about yourself?" "We've been friends for a long time. But I never fully understood you." Alvin looked down. The man shouted the sunlight.


It was dimmed with such a cloud. Their friendship has been going on for three years. Alvin often pours various stories into his girlfriend's face—Elsa. But the more she told the story, the more he didn't understand. Why do women find it so difficult to understand?


"I didn't mean to make you cry, Sa. I just wanted you to be yourself." Alvin tried to reassure him.

"Can you see my face?" "Hasn't all you wanted been the sun and the moon from my face?"


Elsa walked away. She put the sun's face in his sweater pocket. The rain accompanied his cheeks for a moment.




"What other face would you buy, Elsa?"

The question kept spinning in his head. He always wanted to make her happy. Don't want to look weak with all the tears. Typical of a woman in general.

"What should I do?" his heart growled.


The intention of the heart to pawn with the face of the moon was undone. Elsa stays at the face pawn shop. But not as usual. His face was downcast. As if observing what was sad behind his face. Is it really sad?


"I want to return this face of the sun," "Thanks for lending it." Elsa braced herself.