
Lost In Paradise /JujutsuKaisen X MHA/

Balthazar5150 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

chapter 2

1 month later.....

Today in the morning Itadori was up and ready to go for the day while Sukuna was still laying in bed.

Itadori : come on! You have to get up!"

Sukuna : I Don't have to do shit! Leave me alone!"

Itadori : it's Saturday and That green hair guy Deku invited us to go hang out with him and his friends! They are going into the city so we might be able to get more clues and stuff. Maybe they will have even Werid modern stuff you like?"

Sukuna : I Don't like anything!"

Itadori : ....dude seriously? In my room there is a box of a bunch of modern day stuff you made me buy or else you would be a manchild about it"

Sukuna then sat up and yelled throwing a pillow at Itadori that actually knock him down.

Sukuna : I AM NOT A MAN CHILD!!!"

Itadori : well maybe not then but you are now. .....ever thought about what to do if we can't go home?"

Sukuna : I'll just take over and destroy this world?"

Itadori : I feel like that would be a challenge now all these people got crazy powers I am pretty sure there's at least one person here that could beat you probably"

Sukuna : I'll find a way"

Itadori : .... remember anything yet?"

Sukuna : ....no but one thing I figured out was this was most likely no accident someone purposely did this to us"

Itadori : but why? "

Sukuna : most likely to kill us and if so sooner or later they will realize we are alive and come to finish the job. Also your enjoying this to much"

Itadori : I ...know that....it's just nice not having to worry about anything for once and..."

Sukuna : and not dying? Your afraid to die never wanted to knew from the beginning"

Itadori : ... there's still you. You still want to destroy everything only reason you haven't already is because you Don't have your power and have to get it all back"

Sukuna : yes but you'll have a bit of fun until then what pisses me off more is I seem to be back at square one. I Don't exactly know how to use my power anymore the sudden drain and this completely destroyed my knowledge of it. But I know even to kill that angry dog"

Itadori : ....this school might help then? It's all about learning about what they call quirks and also being pro heroes maybe this work could help you?"

Sukuna : maybe until then I have to suffer while you enjoy yourself"

Itadori : sucks to be you. Anyway let's go not leaving you alone!"

Sukuna : .... I'll lock you outside the balcony again...."

Later they were at the mall with Deku and a few of his friends and right now they were in a hair product store as Kirishima was getting some red hair dye.. during this Sukuna just starred at the boxes confused and interested.

Sukuna : what is hair dye?"

Kirishima : it's just something that can change your hair color?"

Sukuna : ....I do not understand..."

Itadori : it's ok not to know everything b-

Sukuna : SHUT UP!"

Denki : sero who has yelled more this week?"

Sero : their both in the lead it's a tie for now"


Todoroki : I think bakugou is winning"

Bakugou : SHUT UP ICYHOT!"

Deku : curious have you guys thought about your hero names or costumes?"

Itadori : I have no clue and if Sukuna does he's probably sticking to his name and wear some dres-!?


Itadori : .....you get so offensive by that"

Sukuna : and I do not care about being a hero I have more important things to think about."

Itadori : all you do is sleep? And try figuring out how to use a phone?"

Sukuna : ....I will murder you right here and now...."

Uraraka : anyway how has Mr Aizawa been with you guys?"

Itadori : he seems great! He's like one of the only people I know that can make Sukuna behave! It's like he scared of him. He's also scared of Midnight"

Sukuna : I am not scared! And that woman is Werid!"

Itadori : be more respectful"

Sukuna : I am more respectful than that grape thing"

Uraraka : yeah I'll give you that Sukuna."

Later Sukuna was sitting at the table at the dorms by himself eating until Bakugou showed up.

Sukuna : what do you wa-!?

Bakugou : what the hell are you both hiding! I know damn well your lying about who you guys are! You might have everyone else fooled but not me!"

Sukuna then stop eating and said looking around seeing nobody else was around.

Sukuna : way to corner me when nobody is around Katsuki Bakugou"

Bakugou : so tell me. Who are you guys!"

Sukuna : your such a pain. So stubborn and annoying if I wanted to which I do. I could kill you kill everyone here. But again thank my dear loving brother. Yuji is as harmless stupid and reckless as they come. You have nothing to worry about him.

But me on the other? You should be scared like I said only reason nobody is dead Especially you is because of him. "

Bakugou : why the hell are you here?...."

Sukuna : we Don't know and that's an honestly answer. But let's call it a happy little accident"

Bakugou : .....are you the UA traitor?"

Sukuna : .....no but I was offered that by some guy at the mall on the way to the restroom"

Bakugou : WHAT!?"

Sukuna : I pretend to agree but I am not doing that. I have other more important things to do and it would ruin things for Yuji he likes it here and he's better happy and naive then anything else"


Sukuna : so? I've been in worse crap then being threatened by some wannabe villain group who Don't know shit"

Bakugou : you talk all big and high and mighty and do something like this!"

Sukuna : guess maybe I should of thought about it. This can risk screwing things up for Yuji....eh I'll figure it out when it happens"

Sukuna then went back to eating and Bakugou wasn't sure what to think about Sukuna but still didn't trust him in the slightest.

Meanwhile Sukuna couldn't understand why he even cared in the slightest what happened to Itadori. But they had to keep their cover.