

Her voice wields magic, music is her life, she cant do without music, everything she does is accompanied by music, when she eats she is humming, when she's under the shower she sings even in her sleep music finds a way to locate her, music is her obsession yes that Paige a girl without a last name not because she doesn't have one but because she doesnt want one and doesn't know who she really is. She is 22 and a beauty to behold her slender body, tiny waist, big hips and ass, her blond hair with a touch of sleek black (that's how she was born), her sea blue eyes, her pointed nose, her small pink lips, her cute dimples and a smile that can melt even the Lucifer's heart three flaws though in this beauty goddess she's sassy, arrogant and a playgirl you read right she's a playgirl. The leader of a famous band THE KEYS her best friend Preshley Whites a total opposite of Paige she's simple, naive at times, humble any nice thing you have in mind would suit her personality. Their rivals are THE ROYALS, THE VOICES, AND THE TRIPLE VOICES. A new band just arrive threatening the spotlight of THE KEYS WHO ARE THEY? They are THE GOLDEN BOYS. Two hot and breathtaking devils girls bowed at the sight of them, they worship them like gods which they truly are cause the aren't humans. lets take a peek at their personality for a bit. McDonald Charlie 23 with only two word to describe him a loner and am introvert hated by his father who sees him as nothing but a mishap that had to happen. His father is the leader of a feared group known as the JACKERS and they are after the KEYS to unlock the door of----- sorry u will have to find out yourself dear readers. His best friend Charles Luke is nothing like Charlie he's a playboy and comes to earth to have his fill of girls who wont stop throwing themselves at him. Charlie embarks on a quest to find the KEYS his father so desires and prove he is not useless as he thinks. He finds himself in LACM where his path crosses with Paige. Why is McDonald after the KEYS? Who holds the KEYS? And who the hell is PAIGE? When in an attempt to have a fling with Charlie gets her trapped in the word called LOVE how will she escape? Will Charlie give up his love and happiness just to prove to his resentful dad that he is not useless afterall? Or will he fight and protect Paige from his father and face the consequences of the JACKERS? You will have to search out all these answers yourself while you fo that grab a comfortable chair and your popcorn with whatever you want to add as i take you on this bumpy ride filled with secrets, lies, deception, betrayal, love rectangles, love, hates, supernatural, family ties, friendship, jealousy, comedy, tragedy and lots more... A piece of advice though u you might need a chair with a seatbelt so you dont bolt out of your seat when the ride gets too bumpy just warning

Divine_Favour_7721 · ファンタジー
21 Chs


Charlie eyes trailed her as she walked a way that aura doesn't seem human he thought, here you go Charles said wrapping his arms around Charlie's neck, Charlie groaned ''how the hell did I end up with you'' he asked and Charles chuckled "You will have to ask the heavens that when you meet up with them" Charles replied as they got to the instrumental class I don't think they have any classes today which suites me Charlie muttered while Charles shrugged his shoulder settling himself on a seat. Charlie sat down his favourite piano as he played a song, Charles watched with no interest st all, after a while Charlie ended his notes "How was it dude" Charlie asked "Don't know maybe one of the worst tune I have heard in my entire life" Charles replied earning a 'I can kill you kind of look' from Charlie "I hate you motherfucker" Charlie yelled at Charles who smirked "Its mutual bro" Charles replied and they both ended up laughing.

"You didn't style your hair" Charles asked noticing he left it in a roll

"Mom was the only one who styled my hair, I cant style it and I wont let anyone touch my hair so f**k up" Charlie said and Charles did a dramatic bow "I know" Charles replied

"Do you have any idea what the girl we are looking for might be" Charlie asked after a while

"Don't she would be very beautiful, maybe with long hair, she should also love music and mom once told me the holder of the keys cant resist from singing music and no matter what she does music will always find its way to her" Charles replied while Charlie nodded in thought,

"We should go now Charles suggested as they teleported back to their dimension

_______________A Multiuniverse___________

"How the hell do I break away from this universe" a young girl of about 26 asked no one in particular as she kept breaking into different universe only to be trapped back in her original state she tried opening the portals but they kept bringing her back to her original spot as non lead anywhere, she sat down dejectedly "I hope you are okay kid sis, I failed my promise to mom to always keep you save, I just hope the JACKERS haven't found you yet" she cried softly before getting up to redo the whole process she has bern trying for the nineteen years.


Dior pulled off her leather jacket as she sat down on her seat devouring the hamburgers in front of her, Angelo walked over plopping himself right next to her, but Dior kept a placid look on her face but deep down her heart she was happy he was this close to her just thinking about she let a smile unknowing to her "Did you miss me that much? " Angelo question brought her back down to earth as she watched him take a big chunk from her burgers "Hey that cos me a fortune and no I don't miss playboys" Dior said Angelo let out a smile its still a wonder how he quit that life all because of her his heart wont just stop beating insanely when he is close to her "Well my life literally ended during the break cause I knew you went back to Las Vegas the thought of not seeing you ended my life" Angelo said sincerely only God knew how he survived for those three weeks he smiled when he saw her cheeks all red "Are you blushing right now" Angelo asked with a smirk playing on his face "Never Angelo and why should I when you do use that line on all the girls you flirt with" Dior said trying to calm her racing heart this guy sitting next to her was doing things to her without knowing "Are you perhaps jealous" Angelo asked with a knowing smile as her stared at her reaction "I would never get jealous of your flirting habit so cit down your ego okay" Dior snapped "I was wondering the same thing why would you get jealous not like you are my girlfriend" Angelo said casually earning a sharp look from Dior she was hurt but she masked it up with a smile which didn't reach her heart, just as she was about to give her reply her twin brothers came over shutting up her words she moved away from Angelo.

"Hey twin bros" Dior said awkwardly Axel just glared at Angelo before faking the seat opposite him, " How's my brother inlaws doing" Angelo asked and Dior choked on her burgers almost immediately "Darling take it easy" Angelo turned to her flashing her that seductive smile of his Dior eyes widened in shock "okay was this the Angelo she knew, was he changed when they left for breaks" she thought as she stared at him Alex laughed loudly "Did you get high on drugs tonight Angelo" Alex asked and Angelo nodded with a smile " Am actually high but not on drugs" Angelo said looking at Dior who already buried her head back to her burgers not looking up for a bit obviously she was embarrassed "Are you trying to flirt with my sister right now Angelo" Axel who had been quiet all along asked for the fact that Lila was all over Angelo was annoying and enough reason for him to hate this guy right here "Nope if i wanted to flirt the clubhouse isn't far away right" Angelo asked " By the way can i borrow your sister for tonight I promise I wont try anything stupid with her" Angelo added that was the height of it Dior stood up she knew Angelo to be straightforward but not this forward.

"Are you alright Dior do you need to use the restroom" Angelo asked obviously enjoying the shock on her face as he pulled her back to her seat Alex was quick to come to her rescue knowing Dior was having a hard time digesting all this in even he was still surprise at the new Angelo

"We have rehearsals tonight Angelo so its a no cause she cant leave" Alex said sipping from Dior can of soda "Oh okay then some other time then see you around sweetheart" Angelo said pecking her cheeks before leaving "Can someone tell me what happened to Angelo in the space of three weeks" Alex asked Dior who was still staring at the back view of Angelo "How am I supposed to know I'm surprise just as___ but her word weren't completed as she watched Alex devoured the last of her burgers "my burgers" she whined "I love you sis" Alex said before taking off to his heels as Dior chased him Axel sat laughing at the duo playing like kids.

______Somewhere around the Fanhouse______

"Angelo you broke up with me all because of her, its unfair to me" Lila said blocking her Angelo's path,

"Get lost Lila and get it into your head that I was never in a relationship with you all we had was s*x okay nothing more so stop implying rubbish" Angelo said with disgust as he walked passed her leaving her fuming in rage "Dior i'll kill you its a promise" she yelled crazily.

_________________Practice Hall______________

Emerald groaned tiredly as he lifted his head from his guitar, he had been trying to play this tune for over a month now and he still hasn't gotten it, " Just a little more practice and i'll be good" he muttered with a smile just as Preshley came into the practice hall,

"Oh Presh its you" Emerald muttered when he saw her fully masking up his disappointment with a smile

"I know you thought I was Paige" Preshley said and Emerald looked away

"I guess you know me too much" Emerald said playing with the strings on his guitar and Emerald laughed "you guys were adorable on stage earlier" Emerald said and Preshley nodded "I bet so" Preshley said with a grin "About Paige---- " I will plead with you Emerald to kill those feelings because Paige doesn't give a damn about your feeling you'll only get hurt instead and I don't want that for you Emerald" Preshley said cutting him off obviously she knew what he was gonna ask "Its hard Presh I just cant get rid of it no matter how hard I try, I don't know why my heart choose to fall in love with her" Emerald said sadly.

"I don't want to hurt your feelings feelings that's why I don't want you close to me" Paige said coming in, Emerald looked at her with a hurt expression but Paige cared less "And one more thing I hate clingy guys and you fit into that group so avoid me" Paige said before tuning to Preshley "We are shopping tomorrow don't forget that and I wont be hone tonight so don't wait up for me am going clubbing" Paige said and we that she left them

Preshley sighed before turning to Emerald " Can you drop me off at my house please"Preshley asked making puppy faces making Emerald to chuckle " stop acting cute with me Presh" Emerald said as he picked up his guitar he would have to spend the night with Dexter cause Raymond and Angelo where lost cases as he left LACM with Preshley

__________________Club Bara________________

Paige parked her car in the parking lot as she got out going in she was gonna give Sam a good time and end things with him tonight she thought as she made her way to the bar with the loud hip hop blaring from the speakers, thanks to the dim light they wouldn't notice her, she called for the bartender "A glass of vodka with a twist would do the trick right" she asked "you planned on getting drunk tonight ma'am" the bartender asked and a gasp escaped her lips "What ma'am am not old okay am just 22 so don't make me feel aged" Paige said earning a chuckle from him "Here you go sènorïta" the bartender said in Spanish dropping her vodka before leaving to attend to others Paige smiled before sipping her drink, "look who we have here" Sammy said hugging her from the back she almost scoffed but controlled herself she shouldn't ruin the night for him yet its only for tonight and she would be free from him she thought to herself before turning to him " I was thinking you wouldn't come"Paige said with a pout and he kissed her pouted lips " I missed you though" Sammy said earning an inaudible scoff from Paige.

" I heard your band hit was totally amazing bet you social media will be busy for weeks" Sammy said and Paige only smiled one reason she grew cold was this act trying to fit himself into her life

" You wanna have fun" he asked bringing her back "That would be a great idea any place in mind" Paige asked gulping down the remnant of her drink as she drop a dollar bill on the table he nodded just follow me he said as he led her out of the club

Layla blocked their path "Stay the fuck away from my man will you b**ch" Layla said pulling Sam away from her

"Thanks Lay you just saved me from a tired some journey get this Sam it's over between us I don't love you so lets end this here, thanks for the good time enjoy your girlfriend bye" Paige said and winked at Layla before leaving "it was easier than I thought thanks Layla you made my night" Paige muttered as she reversed and drove out of the club house.

Sam faced held no expression "Did Paige really dumped him" was the question Sam asked himself as he watched her drive away "Suits you right Sam and one more thing too its over between us scum bag" Layla spat walking away "Now what the hell is going on" Sam yelled