
You'd better kill me within three strikes!

In the Death Arena, the waiting had already worn out the audience's patience, making the already stifling arena even more frustrating.

The spectators watched the large clock in the Death Arena as the second hand ticked away, second by second.

Tick tock, tick tock!

In just two minutes, the death match would automatically declare the absent participant as the loser. At that time, without anyone needing to lift a hand, Ye Chuan would be killed by this agreement.

Because on the death contract, there was Ye Chuan's true blood, dropped by his own hand. No matter where Ye Chuan fled, the contract would punish him until he was dead.

"This guy probably doesn't dare to show up, right?"

In a corner, a few men wearing Phantom Assassin Squad uniforms were whispering among themselves.

"It doesn't matter, just wait," someone said indifferently.

It seemed that whether Ye Chuan showed up on time or not didn't matter to him at all.

Some ordinary spectators had already begun to leave, while those hunters who wanted to witness Ye Chuan's death were still choosing to wait.

Just when all the spectators thought there wouldn't be any good show in the Death Cage, black feathers drifted in from outside the Death Arena, trailing comet-like fiery tails, looking very beautiful.

And sitting on the black feathers was Ye Chuan.

The black feathers flew over the Death Cage, dozens of them scattering and drifting into the cage below.

At this moment, one member of the Phantom Assassin Squad, who had remained silent from the start, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the Death Cage.

"He's already dead."

"Let's go!"

At his command, the Phantom Assassin Squad disappeared.

Meanwhile, the spectators next to them were still drinking, completely unaware of the group's departure.

"Hey, where did those masked hunters go? They were just here," said one of the drinking spectators, looking around but seeing no trace of the Phantom Assassins.

Outside the arena, one of the Phantom Assassins asked, puzzled, "Captain, who did you say is dead?"

"The moment Ye Chuan stepped into the Death Cage, his opponent was already dead."

After the enigmatic captain finished speaking, the whole team disappeared.

Similarly, the guards at the gate were also puzzled, scratching their heads, thinking, 'Weren't those people just here?'

Inside the arena, the Money-Grabbing Squad had prepared their drinks, having bet all their money. After completing the Dragon Tiger Abyss mission earlier, they had earned 100,000 gold, plus 50,000 won by Ye Chuan, totaling 150,000 gold.

Seeing this team's actions, someone couldn't help but curse, saying they were out of their minds.

After all, Ye Chuan was only at the Qi Refining stage, while the guard captain was at the fifth stage of the Aperture Opening realm and could kill Ye Chuan with a single move.

However, Ye Chuan's strength was far from being as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Betting closed!"

The one-minute countdown ended.

Judging by the betting odds, Ye Chuan only had 20% of the bets, while the guard captain had as much as 80%.

This was a death match that only a few people could truly understand.

"Will he win?" At this moment, Sophie, who was hosting the Money-Grabbing Squad, was constantly watching every move in the Death Cage, her tightly clenched fists already sweating.

Beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead because this duel was happening because of her.

"Sit down, all we can do now is believe," Lin Ruomei pulled Sophie to sit down.

"Death Duel, start!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Take him down!"

The audience's frenzied shouts shook the entire Death Arena.

Even the guards outside had to put on protective ear gear.

The spectators who had left earlier were called back by the shouts from inside.

The guard captain at the Aperture Opening realm slowly opened his eyes, the scars on his body making him look terrifying.

His body was filled with a dreadful killing aura. Anyone who got close to him would be killed with a single strike.

Even from a distance, one could feel the captain's oppressive presence.

It seemed that anyone who approached him would be overwhelmed by his explosive aura and forced to their knees.

However, facing such a powerful enemy, Ye Chuan showed no trace of fear, his expression as cold as ever.

"Make your move, and it's best to kill me within three strikes, or you'll have no chance at all."

Ye Chuan beckoned to the guard captain, indicating for him to strike first.


As soon as the words fell, the power of the Aperture Opening realm filled the Death Cage. In just a breath, the guard captain had already flashed behind Ye Chuan.

What speed?!

So fast!

Even Mad Dog couldn't see the guard captain's movement process; how he got behind Ye Chuan was a mystery.

One punch!

The guard captain's punch toward Ye Chuan's back had not even been thrown yet, but it was as if a mountain was descending from the sky, pressing down on Ye Chuan.


The sound of this punch broke the sound barrier, and its force exceeded the weight of a mountain.

Even the protective barrier of the Death Arena showed cracks, and the residual wind from the punch swept through the entire venue.

The terrifying punch from the guard captain formed a dreadful whirlwind, shredding everything within the Death Cage.

"Is he dead?" A spectator rubbed his eyes with both hands, looking carefully at the Death Cage.

They couldn't see Ye Chuan's figure because, at this moment, only the guard captain was inside.

"Great, he's dead, he's dead!" Some spectators had already jumped up in excitement.

"No, the victory screen hasn't shown a winner yet." Some spectators retracted their excitement and all looked in one direction.

"First strike, you have two more chances." In the Death Cage, a voice rang out, and then feathers gathered in the air, transforming into Ye Chuan.

"Damn! Tricks!" The guard captain knew that his first strike had not hurt Ye Chuan, realizing the opponent had used an illusion.

This time, he wouldn't be fooled.

He used his powerful perception to locate Ye Chuan's true position.

He formed hand seals, and countless swords appeared on the ground, constantly slashing upwards.

Ye Chuan had no place to hide and had to face the attack head-on.


Similarly, Ye Chuan shot out hundreds of black feathers, transforming into countless daggers aimed at the opponent.

The guard captain seized the moment Ye Chuan struck, flashing again to get close to Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan had no choice but to strike back with a fierce palm.

The guard captain, even stronger, pushed forward with both fists.

The two exchanged blows, wounding each other.

Ye Chuan spat out a mouthful of blood, then wiped the corner of his mouth with his elbow and laughed, "You're out of chances."

"Young Master!"

Seeing Ye Chuan injured in the Death Cage, Sophie's heart felt as if it had been pierced by an arrow, and she silently murmured a prayer.

She even wished to sacrifice thirty years of her life to pray for Ye Chuan's victory.

"If you have any more tricks, use them now; otherwise, you won't have another chance." The guard captain's eyes burned like the sun.

At this moment, terrifying red flames appeared on his body, flames that only arose from burning his blood essence.

Ye Chuan knew this was the opponent's final move.

"You will die by my so-called tricks."

Ye Chuan said calmly, as if the outcome was already decided.

All the power the guard captain had unleashed began to dissipate.

He knelt down, "You cunning bastard!"


He spat out mouthfuls of black blood.

Moreover, his old wounds emitted puffs of green smoke.

He started convulsing and struggling, trying his best to stay calm and expel the poison.

"I must stay calm! I can't die here."

However, the more he tried to expel the poison, the more violently it erupted within him.

No one knew when Ye Chuan had poisoned him!

"I told you, you'd better kill me within three strikes, or you won't have any chance of winning."

Ye Chuan turned his back on the guard captain, exuding absolute confidence in his words.

Only a few strong individuals knew how Ye Chuan had poisoned him.

These few, who had bet on Ye Chuan's victory, knew from the start that Ye Chuan would win, so they kept silent.

To most people, this was a death match with no suspense.

Now, for those few who could see the outcome, it was indeed a match with no suspense—Ye Chuan would surely win.

"From the moment Ye Chuan flew into the Death Cage on black feathers and ten feathers fell to the ground, that was when he administered the poison."

"At that time, the match hadn't started, and the guard captain was in his most relaxed state."

"The guard captain is doomed to die."

Some hidden strong individuals saw through it all.