
Phoenix Feather Rebirth Technique

After signing the life-and-death contract, the money-grabbing squad returned to their tent to rest.

All team members began their healing process, sitting together in a meditative position and receiving treatment from Lin Ruomei.

Lin Ruomei's fingers formed an orchid mudra, emitting streams of green light that swirled around the hunters before penetrating their internal organs to mend their injuries.

This healing technique was Lin Ruomei's specialty. From a young age, she had been trained to become a medical expert.

Although her martial prowess did not match Zhang Chen, Mad Dog, and the others, her medical skills were unparalleled, except for Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan himself practiced a unique technique called "Phoenix Feather Regeneration," one of the oldest secret arts from the village chief's family in Flame Mountain.

This technique was designed specifically for avian creatures, so Ye Chuan did not need Lin Ruomei's assistance and could handle his own healing.

Legend had it that a phoenix's feathers could heal any injury, potentially even regenerating severed limbs without leaving a trace.

After training, Ye Chuan found that this technique was perfectly suited for him, though not applicable to the rest of the team.

Ye Chuan's true form was a crow. He transformed and flew to a remote, deserted location.

Here, beneath a starry sky, the vast grasslands looked particularly beautiful in the moonlight.

Ye Chuan sat cross-legged on the grass. Nearby rabbits and other animals observed the glowing figure curiously.

"Ninth Heaven Phoenix Feather, rebirth through fire, eternal life, burn away all ailments."

Ye Chuan recited the incantation, his black feathers transforming into a phoenix that circled around him, gradually healing the scars on his arm.

The injuries on his arm were remnants from a battle with a tiger demon, and he needed to completely heal them to prepare for the death duel the next day.

Meanwhile, the news of Ye Chuan's impending death duel spread throughout the bounty sect.

"Have you heard? Ye Chuan is going to fight in a death duel because he stood up for a slave and cut off a VIP's arm."

"I was there. I know what happened. That VIP was Long Ge. Ye Chuan has stirred up some serious trouble."

"Standing up for a slave? Trying to be a hero? Now he's signed a life-and-death contract."

"Right, the opponent is a Qi Opening Realm practitioner. I heard the man whose arm was cut off is the great-grandson of the Wu Sect Patriarch."

"Ye Chuan is doomed."

Hunters discussed the matter at the information kiosk.

Most of them had little hope for Ye Chuan.

"You guys have no faith in Ye Chuan. I actually think he stands a chance."

"He analyzed the fight between the Wu Sect disciple and the hunter Green Hawk in just a few minutes, and we bet on his analysis and won."

"I feel Ye Chuan is extraordinary. This time, I plan to bet on him again!"

Someone wanted to place a small bet on Ye Chuan, hoping for a big payout.

In their eyes, Ye Chuan, merely a Qi Refining Realm practitioner, fighting against a Qi Opening Realm practitioner, was like an egg striking a stone.

Indeed, this was a severely mismatched duel.

At this moment, in the desolate area, Ye Chuan's healing reached its final stage.

He meditated with closed eyes, chanting incantations, while ancient texts swirled around him, until the healing was complete.

Exhaling a breath of cold air, he finally finished healing all his injuries.

He was back at his peak condition.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps reached Ye Chuan's ears.

"Who's there?" Ye Chuan asked warily, his heightened senses telling him it was a woman.

"It's you? How did you find me here?" Ye Chuan was surprised. He couldn't understand how Sophie had located him in such a remote place.

This area was quite secluded, and he hadn't expected Sophie to find him.

"Master Ye, am I disturbing you?" Sophie asked, looking remorseful and afraid of being a bother.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the Death Arena?" Ye Chuan questioned her.

"Though I am a slave, the Death Arena does grant me some free time. Every night, I come here," Sophie said, gazing at the stars above.

"Only in this place can I truly think of my lost family. I miss them dearly." Sophie sat on a grassy slope, stroking a rabbit.

It seemed that during her time as a slave, only the animals understood her longing. That's why the butterflies, fireflies, and rabbits always appeared to accompany her.

"So, you've been here all along?" Ye Chuan hadn't expected this.

"Yes, I've always been here," Sophie replied, holding a rabbit.

"Then it's me who's disturbing you."

"No, not at all," Sophie denied quickly. Ye Chuan's presence was like a light in her life; how could he be a disturbance?

"Master Ye, the wind is picking up. It's going to get cold. Shouldn't you return to rest?" Sophie was concerned for Ye Chuan, worried that a lack of rest might affect his performance in the life-or-death duel tomorrow morning.

"No worries! A little cold wind is nothing."

With that, Sophie quietly moved beside Ye Chuan and hugged him tightly from behind.

As they embraced, a warm current flowed from their hearts, spreading throughout their bodies.

Ye Chuan didn't refuse. He took Sophie's delicate hand and transferred his energy to heal the injuries on her face from the beating by Long Ge.

"Despite being a slave for so many years, your hands are still so tender. It seems this work has been very hard on you."

"Yes... if it weren't for you..." Sophie acknowledged.

"If what? Do you want me to buy your freedom?" Ye Chuan joked and then naturally rested his head on Sophie's soft lap.

Sophie didn't respond. She knew she wasn't worthy, feeling that as a slave, she was unclean. So, she lowered her head in shame.

"Freedom isn't given by others; it's something you fight for yourself."

"If you want freedom, then strive for it."

Ye Chuan believed in avoiding entanglements with others' karmas, a principle he learned from ancient texts.

He thought that becoming too involved in others' destinies would eventually bring their karma upon him, which was detrimental to his own path of cultivation.

"Master Ye, you are right. It would be my greatest fortune to serve someone like you," Sophie said as she drifted into sleep.

The next day, the sun rose slowly.

The Death Arena was as crowded as usual, filled to capacity.

The captain of the guard, already in the death cage awaiting his opponent, sat in quiet meditation.

Long Ge was absent from the VIP seats, presumably healing his wounds.

The waiting was filled with restless anticipation.


Ye Chuan's continued absence sparked discussions among the spectators at the Death Arena. The noisy chatter filled the venue, with everyone eager to voice their opinions, fearing they might be drowned out in the clamor.

"Do you think he's chickened out?"

"Obviously. Do you think a three-year-old can beat an adult?"

"Exactly. If it were me, I'd run too!"