
Save me, I don’t want to die

Ye Chuan's attacks were continuously effective, causing substantial damage to the tiger demon's green glowing eyes.

Hundreds of crows attacking a single target not only crave blood but also flesh!

The tiger demon found it difficult to defend.

"Dammit! If you had this trick, why didn't you use it earlier?!" Mad Dog cursed loudly from the side upon seeing Ye Chuan's attack working.

Ye Chuan glanced at him coldly from a distance and said, "If you don't want to die, shut your filthy mouth."

"What?! If I weren't injured right now, I would have killed you ten times over for that remark!" Mad Dog was indignant, feeling deeply insulted by Ye Chuan.

At this moment, the tiger demon shut its eyes tightly. The crows couldn't break its defense, and it let out an angry roar, destroying all the crows.

"This guy not only has brute strength but also adaptability. Ye Chuan, be careful," Han Qianye warned as he saw the tiger demon charging towards Ye Chuan.

"You all focus on containment; Ye Chuan and I will lead the main attack." Han Qianye instructed all the bounty hunters to seize the right moment for containment. He then glanced at Mad Dog, who was in pain while healing, pondered for a moment, and awkwardly said, "As for you, Mad Dog... just go heal yourself on the side."

Mad Dog, feeling immensely humiliated, glared with eyes wider than a bull's.

After all, he was at the peak of the Qi Refinement stage, yet he was being looked down upon. This was more painful than losing to Ye Chuan in the selection tournament in front of everyone.

"I'm furious!"


The injured Mad Dog's face turned pale, veins bulging as he spat out a mouthful of blood in anger, seeing his team members all obeying Han Qianye's commands.

All the team members who used to flatter him, the captain, now ignored him and turned to follow another leader. This made his anger boil even more.


Led by Zhang Chen and the masked man, seven bounty hunters quickly moved around the tiger demon.

Ye Chuan and Han Qianye led the frontal attack. Despite the size difference between them and their enemy, they showed no fear.


The tiger demon's green glowing eyes shot out laser-like beams, but Ye Chuan did not evade. He punched out, extinguishing the laser.

Han Qianye, too, leaped into the air with a dagger, aiming directly for the tiger demon's eyes.


The tiger demon roared in pain as green liquid, its blood, flowed from one of its eyes.

This was Han Qianye's true strength.

With battle-hardened experience, at just 25 years old, his combat skills could indeed be called genius.

At this moment, the bounty hunters behind the tiger demon quickly locked chains around its limbs.

The chains were anchored to the surrounding cliffs, immobilizing the tiger demon despite its brute strength.

Seizing the opportunity, Ye Chuan drew the sword from his back and leaped to the tiger demon's heart.

Ye Chuan's eyes moved rapidly, searching for the exact location of the heart.

He used his sense of vibrations to pinpoint the heart's location.


His hand plunged into the heart area like a stone into water.

However, the heart was too deep. Even though Ye Chuan's hand broke through the tiger demon's defenses, it couldn't reach the heart.

The injured tiger demon erupted with a red bloody aura.

As it moved, the chains tied to the cliffs caused the ground to shake.

One chain couldn't hold and snapped, freeing one of the tiger demon's paws, which then crushed two of Mad Dog's team members.

At this moment, life seemed so insignificant, like grass easily trampled.

Out of the ten who came, three were dead, and one was severely injured.

Roar! As one chain snapped, the other three were also torn apart by the tiger demon's brute strength.

It seemed to notice an injured man sitting on the ground, treating his wounds, and charged straight towards him.

That was in Mad Dog's direction.

However, instead of crushing Mad Dog, the tiger demon opened its mouth wide and began frantically absorbing all the life essence around it.

"What is this?!"

Mad Dog, sitting cross-legged on the ground, turned from angry to terrified and pale.

His body was being pulled toward the tiger demon, his power continuously draining away.

"Everyone, maintain your focus and keep your spiritual energy intact. Don't let it be absorbed!"

Han Qianye erupted with a powerful aura, blocking the tiger demon's absorption.

However, the three corpses on the ground weren't so lucky. The tiger demon continuously absorbed their essence, and the corpses, which still had some blood, turned into white bones instantly.

Mad Dog's situation was even more dire. His once strong and robust body was now emaciated.

"Save me!"

"Brothers, save me! I don't want to die!"

Mad Dog, who didn't want to die, finally bowed his head.

Seeing this, Ye Chuan stopped attacking the heart and decided to save Mad Dog first. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Mad Dog.

"Get out!"

Ye Chuan spun around and kicked the emaciated Mad Dog far away.

If he had been a second later, Mad Dog would have died, reduced to an unrecognizable pile of bones.

Having absorbed a large amount of essence, the tiger demon's eyes recovered, changing from green to red, becoming stronger than before.

Hot air spewed from its nostrils, scorching anyone who came near.

Ye Chuan had rescued Mad Dog from the tiger demon's mouth, akin to snatching food from a tiger.

Anger, anger, anger!

The tiger demon's fury made the surrounding air blistering hot.

The tiger demon tensed its limbs, like a drawn bow ready to shoot.


With a thunderous roar, the battle between humans and the tiger demon fully erupted in the canyon.


The battlefield's phantom appeared on the cliffs, marked with tiger paw prints, along with thousands of sword and dagger marks.

In just a few minutes, several hundred-meter-long pits had appeared on the ground.

The battle raged from the water source to the cliffs, and one towering cliff had already collapsed, spilling a torrent of water. No one could stop this destruction.

Ordinary bounty hunters couldn't get close to such a battle.

Lin Ruomei, Zhang Chen, and the others could only watch, knowing these were the battle marks left by Han Qianye, Ye Chuan, and the tiger demon.




A still-beating green heart, along with streams of fresh blood, was flung into the sky.

Ye Chuan had pierced and extracted the tiger demon's heart with his sword.

Emerging from the smoke and dust, Ye Chuan slowly walked out, carrying the severely injured and unconscious Han Qianye on his back.

One hand held the tiger demon's heart, the other supported Han Qianye.

But his arm was also injured, blood slowly flowing from it.

This scene left everyone in shock.

"Where...where is the tiger demon?" Zhang Chen stammered.

"Not dead yet. It jumped into the sea," Ye Chuan's voice was heavy, as he was injured.

Clearly, even without its heart, the tiger demon would not die.

"The blood from this tiger heart can help us cure the miasma poisoning. Take it," Ye Chuan tossed the heart to Zhang Chen.

"We've finally completed the bounty mission!"

Just as Zhang Chen thought everything was settled, three swordsmen flew in from the void.

"Yes, you've worked hard."

"We thought you would die here like the others, but you actually succeeded. Hand over the tiger heart, and you can leave safely. Otherwise...don't blame us for acting like the mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind."

One of the swordsmen threatened Zhang Chen, eyeing the tiger heart.

"You're from the Divine Sword Sect?" Zhang Chen recognized their origin.

"Why are you taking the tiger heart we risked our lives to get?" Zhang Chen demanded, unwilling to give up the heart easily.

At this moment, Ye Chuan stepped forward again, pointing at the three cultivators from the Divine Sword Sect.

"If you don't want to die, get lost."