
Ye Chuan takes action

Dragon Tiger Abyss belonged to the tiger demon's territory, and Ye Chuan and his group's intrusion infuriated the beast.

The tiger demon's figure was as majestic as a towering mountain, standing at eighty feet tall, its broad frame exuding an intimidating presence.

Two green glowing lanterns moved in the air, growing larger—those were not lanterns, but the tiger demon's eyes.

Thump! Thump!

The tiger demon appeared as a gray shadow in the mist, each step causing the ground to tremble.

Its true form gradually emerged.


Everyone realized the severity of the situation; they all wanted to flee before seeing the tiger demon's full form.

This was no ordinary C-rank mission; it was at least a B-rank mission.

"Damn Bounty Name Sect, did they make a mistake!" Mad Dog cursed loudly.

The minion who had suggested using the tiger demon to kill Ye Chuan was now paralyzed with fear, stunned by the enormous shadow on the ground.

"Act according to the situation, retreat first!" Han Qianye commanded, instructing everyone to distance themselves from the tiger demon.

In an instant, the five members of the team shot off like arrows from a bow.

Of course, Mad Dog wasn't stupid. Faced with an enemy stronger than himself, he also chose to retreat first.

With a quick teleportation, he distanced himself from the tiger demon.


"Ah! Save me!"

The person in front of the tiger demon bled from all seven orifices and collapsed to the ground, unable to move after a direct roar from the beast.

The sound alone was enough to incapacitate a Qi Refinement cultivator.

One could imagine the tiger demon's strength, which utterly outmatched the bounty hunters.

As Captain Han Qianye pondered how to defeat the target, the tiger demon suddenly lunged forward, killing the minion who had suggested the plan to Mad Dog with a single swipe.

"Its speed... so fast!"

Before Lin Ruomei could react, the tiger demon leaped lightly and appeared behind her.

She was too terrified to turn around, knowing full well how fast the tiger demon had moved.

Lin Ruomei slowly turned her head, hoping to locate the enemy.

Just as she was about to be struck dead, Han Qianye arrived in an instant.

"Careful!" Captain Han Qianye reacted immediately, rushing over to protect his teammate.

He threw a powerful punch with his right hand at the tiger's paw and then summoned his treasure from the Bounty Bureau—the Heart of the Spirit Rhinoceros.

"As expected of the captain, he stunned the tiger demon with one move," Zhang Chen admired the captain's methods, feeling a sense of security.

"Stop commenting and help! This treasure can only immobilize the enemy for ten seconds. Hurry up," Han Qianye's hand trembled as he struggled to maintain the treasure's effect.

If he let go, the descending tiger's paw would crush Lin Ruomei and Han Qianye into pulp.

At this moment, Mad Dog made his move.

"You hold it steady; I'm going to personally kill this evil tiger!"

Mad Dog unleashed his strength, his muscles becoming unbreakable under the force.

Even if a rock fell from the sky, it wouldn't harm him.

Despite his seemingly bulky appearance, Mad Dog was swift, being from one of the four famous martial sects in the Central State.

The Martial Sect, founded on martial strength, only admitted individuals with exceptional prowess.

"You like to ambush and kill people from behind, don't you? Well, this time I'm behind you."

With the tiger demon temporarily immobilized by Han Qianye's treasure, Mad Dog seized the chance to strike.

He aimed a powerful blow at the tiger's neck, seeking to avenge his fallen teammate.


Mad Dog's full-force strike landed squarely on the tiger's neck.


A clear bone-breaking sound echoed!

"Did the tiger demon's neck break? Great! Let's keep attacking!" Some bounty hunters saw a glimmer of hope.

Ye Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "No, the sound of the breaking bone is not from the tiger demon, but from Mad Dog."


Mad Dog let out a scream, retreating hundreds of steps.

His left arm bone was broken, a dangerous situation.

Despite being at the peak of Qi Refinement, Mad Dog's strongest attack couldn't harm the tiger demon.

All the bounty hunters felt despair!

They had thought they could easily complete their first mission, but instead, they found themselves on the brink of death.

Han Qianye and Mad Dog, the captains of the two bounty teams, were powerless against the tiger demon, unable to land any effective blows.


"Our captains can't defeat it; we should just run," Zhang Chen suggested.

"Agreed," someone from Mad Dog's team concurred.

Hearing this, Mad Dog, severely injured, couldn't help but curse, "Damn it! You bunch of worthless cowards! You just joined the Bounty Name Sect and you're already thinking of deserting before completing a single mission."


In his rage, Mad Dog spat out a mouthful of blood.

"We can't escape. If it were possible, why didn't the previous scouts manage to flee?" said the masked man from the "Money Grabbers" team.

This caught Ye Chuan's attention. "You're quite perceptive."

"The skeletons we saw along the way were at least at the peak of the Qi Refinement stage. Judging by their deaths, it wasn't the tiger demon that killed them but the miasma of the Dragon Tiger Abyss," Ye Chuan noted the strange nature of the place.

"What?! My body feels fine! If you keep spouting nonsense and unsettling everyone, I'll put a bounty on you myself!" Mad Dog snapped at Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan merely chuckled. "The fact that you feel fine is the best evidence. This miasma can kill silently, without pain or discomfort. You won't even feel it when you die."

Mad Dog glanced at a nearby skeleton and realized it wasn't killed by a tiger's blow and showed no signs of physical trauma.

At that moment, Han Qianye, forming hand seals, used the Heart of the Spirit Rhinoceros to restrain the tiger demon and brought Lin Ruomei to Ye Chuan's side.

"Everyone, gather!" Han Qianye used his divine sense to communicate with all the bounty hunters.

Since escape was impossible, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

Everyone was in grave danger, with no certainty of survival. Given the miasma that Ye Chuan had mentioned, everyone had already inhaled a large amount upon entering the Dragon Tiger Abyss.

As they regrouped, the tiger demon's hind legs tensed.

In an instant, it pounced!

The tiger demon's claws slashed downward, an attack impossible to withstand directly.

Ye Chuan sprang into action!

With a wave of his hand, thousands of black feathers fell from the sky, transforming into ravens that attacked the glowing green eyes of the tiger demon.

Each raven, as if starved, ferociously assaulted the tiger demon's eyes.

Hit the snake at its seven inches, and the tiger at its eyes!

Seeing the tiger demon retreating continuously, all the bounty hunters turned to Ye Chuan.

"Why is it that only your attacks are effective?!" Zhang Chen exclaimed in disbelief, sensing there was more to Ye Chuan than met the eye.