
Sport Shoes

(Genesis POV)

I tailed Arthur through the streets, trying to stay undetected. When he suddenly stopped walking, my breath caught.

"I've been aware of you following me for quite some time now," Arthur announced, his voice carrying easily to my hiding spot. "Your attempt at stealth needs work."

Of course he spotted me! What else should I expect from someone who took me down with a single strike?

Caught out, I had no choice but to reveal myself.

Arthur turned to face me as I emerged, my heart hammering against my ribs. "So you knew all along? As expected of someone skilled enough to knock me unconscious with one blow."

"You're about as stealthy as a drunk dragon," Arthur replied flatly. "Espionage clearly isn't your forte."

Heat rushed to my face. "Haha..." What else could I say to that?

"Why are you following me?" His tone made it clear he had better things to do than chat.

"I wanted to..." I steeled myself. "Would you consider becoming my martial arts instructor? I want to learn from you."

Surprise flickered across his features. "You want me to teach you?"

I nodded eagerly. "You must be incredibly skilled! My family will pay generously for your time!"

Arthur crossed his arms. "No."

"But we're prepared to offer thousands of dollars for just a few hours!" I protested.

"The answer's still no." He shook his head dismissively. "I'm not a martial arts instructor, and thousands mean nothing when you earn millions." His snort carried years of wealth behind it.

He turned and walked away. I chased after him, offering everything from my family's secret martial arts techniques to rare magic spells. Arthur didn't even slow down. Nothing I said seemed to matter to him at all.


(Arthur POV)

The Whitlock family really doesn't understand. A few thousand dollars? Secret techniques? None of that is worth my time when I have entire industries to revolutionize.

My focus remained on expanding business ventures in Wales. The Evros Football Association acquisition was still in negotiation, and I had my sights set on the Welsh Premier Football Association's tournament organization.

Back in my hotel room, I spent hours strategizing plays for my team's upcoming tournament matches. The players showed promise, but they needed intensive training.

The next day at the stadium, something caught my attention during practice. My players moved awkwardly, their movements restricted. The answer literally lay at their feet - their footwear was completely wrong for the sport.

After training, they all nursed sore feet. Their boots were heavy, the leather stiff and unyielding. I'd barely noticed similar issues with my own shoes thanks to my enhanced physical control, but for regular players, this was a serious problem.

"How do your shoes feel when you play?" I asked the team.

Rhys didn't hesitate. "They're loose and slippery during sprints."

"Can't bend my ankle properly in these," another player added, demonstrating the stiff leather.

More complaints followed, each highlighting different problems with their current footwear.

This isn't just a problem - it's an opportunity.

The solution crystallized in my mind: specialized shoes designed specifically for football. I accessed the system shop, purchasing comprehensive footwear designs from my previous life.

Later that evening, I sat at my hotel desk, sketching out modifications. The shoes would need cleats for grip, flexible leather for movement, proper ankle support... This could change how the game was played entirely.


(3rd Person POV)

Within days, Arthur acquired Morty's Cobbler Shop, a struggling local establishment. Its owner, Morty, was a master craftsman whose traditional skills hadn't translated into business success. Arthur saw potential in both the shop and its owner, keeping Morty on as manager while redirecting his expertise toward a new vision.

Together, they produced eight pairs of prototype football boots in just two days - enough to outfit Arthur's starting lineup.

When Arthur presented the boots to his players, their initial skepticism was clear. The unusual design drew confused looks until they actually tried them on.

The difference was immediate. Players found themselves moving with new agility, their movements more precise and controlled than ever before. The boots seemed to enhance every aspect of their game.

"These are incredible!" Aidan exclaimed, executing a perfect sprint and turn that would have sent him sliding in his old boots. "Boss Arthur, these are amazing!"

Rhodori tested his pair with quick footwork. "They look strange, but the performance... I've never worn anything like them."

"Where did you even find these?" Finn asked, examining the unique cleats.

Arthur allowed himself a small smile at their enthusiasm. "Actually, I designed them myself."

"You designed these?" Rhys's jaw dropped, the team gathering around in amazement.

The players exchanged impressed looks. Their boss seemed to master everything he touched - martial arts, football, filmmaking, and now innovative footwear design. His reputation grew with each passing day.

"These will give us an edge against Arsenal Wales tomorrow!" Ioan declared confidently.

"No doubt about it," Cian agreed, still testing his new boots.

Arthur fell silent, contemplating tomorrow's match. Arsenal Wales FC represented their first real test - a chance to prove whether his innovations could truly transform the game.

The Welsh Premier League tournament was in full swing, complicating Arthur's negotiations with the Welsh Premier Football Association. The WPFA's hesitation to sell during an active tournament was understandable, even if it tested Arthur's patience.

"Wonder how my boys will handle Arsenal Wales," Arthur mused, allowing himself a quiet chuckle.

His team had developed remarkably. By his previous life's standards, they'd be considered decent players - but in this world, where football remained primitive, they were practically revolutionary. Wales Dragon FC had fallen far from their glory days of a few years ago, becoming one of the league's weaker clubs. But Arthur knew that was about to change dramatically.


During training sessions, Arthur couldn't ignore Genesis's persistent presence anymore. The boy's daily surveillance had grown tiresome.

When Genesis saw Arthur approaching, his eyes lit up with hope - surely now the demon would agree to become his martial arts instructor. Instead, Arthur grabbed his arm and dragged him onto the field.

"Kid, since you won't stop following me around, you might as well make yourself useful. Go train with the others!"

"What?" Genesis stood frozen, his martial arts ambitions suddenly derailed.

The football players looked equally baffled at their new training partner. None of them had expected their practice to include the notorious young noble who'd challenged their boss.

"Go on!" Arthur gave Genesis a firm push toward the waiting players.

Genesis stumbled into practice, completely out of his element. He moved like a lost duckling among the coordinated players, barely understanding the basic rules, let alone the strategic plays Arthur had been teaching.

After struggling through the first half, Genesis finally burst out in frustration. "What's the point of this stupid game? It's needlessly difficult and makes no sense!"

The team's collective glare could have melted steel.

Arthur delivered a quick smack to the back of Genesis's head. "Don't call the game stupid. The only stupid one here is you."

Genesis staggered from the light blow, but his eyes shone with admiration rather than anger. "Please, just teach me martial arts instead! I'm begging you!"

Arthur studied the persistent youth with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Tell you what - show me you can play decent football, and I might consider it."

"Really?" Genesis's face lit up with hope.

Arthur nodded, internally wondering about the Whitlock family's true motives. Were they simply seeking connections with him, or was there something more?

"I'll give it everything I've got!" Genesis declared, suddenly energized.

Arthur suppressed a smile. His real plan was simple - get the boy so absorbed in football that he'd forget about martial arts entirely. Who knew? Genesis might even discover a genuine passion for the sport along the way.