
New Laws

(Arthur POV)

Lucy's eyes scan the studio before landing back on me. "We need to talk about this privately."

"Alright," I nod, curiosity piqued. "Let's go to my office."

As we walk down the corridor, Lucy takes in her surroundings. "Looks like you've really hit it rich with your first movie, 'The Demonfather,' huh."

I can't help but smile. "I'm just very lucky."

"That's true," Lucy agrees, surprising me.

Once in my office, I decide to be frank. "I've got to say, you're the last person I expected to visit me."

Lucy settles into a chair, eyebrow raised. "Oh? Who did you think would visit?"

"Apollonia," I answer honestly.

"She hasn't visited you?" Lucy seems genuinely surprised.

I shake my head, then decide to cut to the chase. "Anyway, Your Highness, what's the purpose of your visit?"

Lucy's expression hardens. "Stop fooling around."

"What's wrong? Aren't I not a royal anymore?" I can't keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "So? Is there any real purpose for this visit?"

Lucy's eyes narrow, and I can tell she's choosing her next words carefully. Whatever brought her here, it's clearly important. And knowing Lucy, it's probably complicated.

"Well, it's simple, honestly. I've seen the box office numbers for 'The Demonfather'. 280 million dollars is no small sum." She pauses, her tone shifting to something more official. "As the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, I believe it's only right that the kingdom should benefit from such a successful film."

I frown, not liking where this is going. "What do you mean?"

Lucy leans forward, her voice taking on a lecturing tone. "The kingdom has implemented a new tax structure for films, particularly those that perform exceptionally well, like yours. We're introducing a tiered system based on box office revenue."

As she explains the details, I can't help but draw parallels to the entertainment industry taxes from my previous life. It's clear Lucy's trying to establish something similar here.

"So, let me get this straight," I interrupt, my mind racing. "You want to take a chunk of the profits from successful films, ostensibly to 'benefit the kingdom'?"

Lucy nods, seemingly pleased I've caught on. "Exactly. It's a reasonable measure to ensure the kingdom's growth aligns with the burgeoning film industry."

I lean back in my chair, trying to mask my frustration. "And I suppose this new tax conveniently applies retroactively to 'The Demonfather'?"

Lucy's smile is all the answer I need.

This is ridiculous. The government sees me thriving and immediately decides to take a cut. Though I despise this new law, I can't exactly go toe-to-toe with the royal family or the government right now.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Alright. I'll pay the tax. But," I lean forward, fixing Lucy with a hard stare, "how can I be sure I'm not being singled out here? That this isn't some personal vendetta dressed up as policy?"

Lucy's expression doesn't waver. "Arthur, you have nothing to worry about. This law applies to all filmmakers, not just you. We're not in the business of playing favorites or holding grudges."

I nod, not entirely convinced but knowing better than to push further.

After hammering out a few more details, Lucy bids her farewell. As soon as she's gone, I slump in my chair, a wave of frustration washing over me. "It's so damn stupid," I mutter, shaking my head.

But I can't dwell on this. There's work to be done. I force myself up and head back to the team. We need to finish editing so I can focus more on the computer project.

This tax nonsense won't stop me. If anything, it's just fueling my determination. I've already started hiring fresh graduates who know their way around binary, mechanics, and other complex fields. We're making progress, slowly but surely.

As I rejoin my team, I push thoughts of taxes and royal interference to the back of my mind. We've got a movie to finish and a technological revolution to start. No time for self-pity.

"Alright," I call out, clapping my hands to get everyone's attention. "Let's see where we're at with this edit. We've got a world to wow."


(Anus Hades POV)

Life in Apple City's changed since "The Demonfather" hit it big. Suddenly, the Leviathan family and other demon mobs are getting respect from gangs and races we used to have to strong-arm. Can't say I hate it.

Sure, the film didn't exactly blow me away, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't grateful. It's done wonders for demon-kind. And that Prince Arthur? My respect for him's gone through the roof.

Only thing that grates on me is how the boys have started calling Don Leviathan "Don Corleone." In my book, Leviathan's got Corleone beat, hands down.

I'm heading down the street when I catch a snippet of conversation:

"Did you hear? Arthur's cooking up a new film. They're saying it'll make 'The Demonfather' look small-time."

My ears prick up at that. Another film? What's this prince got up his sleeve now? Another mob story?


(Arthur POV)

January 7, 1272. We've finally wrapped up editing, and I've got to hand it to our new computer - it's made a world of difference. Sure, programming the thing was a headache and a half, but it significantly reduced our editing time.

The process wasn't without its challenges, but seeing the final product come together faster than ever before makes all those late nights worth it. It's not just about speed, though. The precision and consistency the computer brings to the table have elevated the quality of our work.

Today's the big day. I've invited the Lava Brothers for a private viewing of "Lord of the Rings." My stomach's in knots as Fart Lava, the CEO, and Ray Lava walk in.

Fart extends his hand, all smiles. "It's great to see you, Arthur."

I shake his hand, trying to keep my cool. "Likewise. Thanks for coming."

As I lead them to the studio theater, my mind's racing. This is it. Months of work, millions of dollars, and more than a few gray hairs have led to this moment.

"So," Ray pipes up as we settle into our seats, "heard you had some interesting casting choices for this one."

I can't help but chuckle. "You could say that. Let's just say we've got a few surprises in store."

Ray leans in, a mix of curiosity and concern in his voice. "Word on the street is you've sunk millions into this project. That true?"

Fart nods, adding, "We've heard some pretty wild numbers being thrown around."

I take a deep breath, meeting their gaze. "It's a significant investment, yes. But when this film hits theaters, the world will see what a big production really means. It'll redefine what's possible in cinema."

They nod politely, but I can read the doubt in their eyes. It's clear as day what they're thinking: 'Yeah, right. More like money wasted.'

I bite back a sigh. Can't really blame them for their skepticism. In their shoes, I'd probably be thinking the same thing. But they haven't seen what I've seen. They don't know what we've created.

"Look," I say, leaning forward, "I know it sounds crazy. But trust me, this isn't just another film. It's something entirely new."

Although there wasn't supposed to be a bonus chapter after reaching the top 25, and with the novel already set to update twice a day once we hit the top 18, I saw the rankings and you all exceeded expectations. So, here's an extra bonus chapter as a thank you!

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