
Lord Buggy

i will be releasing '1' chapter a day. if I had time i will update a bonus chapter. so be sure read it my friends thankyou well this is my first work but if there's something wrong yes tell i will take it to the heart and try to improve my skills. English is not my first language thankyou friends

OnePieceChronicler · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Buggy's Gambit: Capturing the Chief Guard"

Chapter Title: "Buggy's Gambit: Capturing the Chief Guard"

As they ventured deeper into Impel Down, they encountered an unexpected guest: Sadi, the chief guard of Impel Down. Seeing her standing there with a whip in hand, Buggy decided to add her to his harem.

Noticing the arrival of the chief guard of Impel Down sadi , Luffy and Galdino tensed up, ready to defend themselves in case of an attack. However, Buggy watched the situation unfold with a hint of amusement on his face and smiled as he said, "Is that Sadi-chan?"

Sadi retorted, "Bad boys, you should be punished for what you have done to this place, making me work even more." Buggy then directed Luffy and Galdino to go save Ace while he dealt with Sadi himself.

Confident in his newfound power, Buggy faced off against Sadi, the chief guard of Impel Down's Wild Beast Hell. As Sadi approached with her whip at the ready, Buggy smirked confidently, knowing he had the skills and abilities to handle her.

With a swift movement, Buggy activated his Observation Haki, allowing him to anticipate Sadi's attacks with precision. Dodging her strikes effortlessly, Buggy closed the distance between them and unleashed a flurry of devastating kicks infused with Tempest Kick, overwhelming Sadi with his speed and power.

Despite her formidable strength, Sadi found herself struggling to keep up with Buggy's relentless assault. With each strike, Buggy's mastery of Soru allowed him to evade Sadi's attacks effortlessly, leaving her frustrated and off-balance.

As the battle raged on, Buggy seized the opportunity to showcase his Conqueror's Haki, unleashing a wave of overwhelming pressure that left Sadi stunned and vulnerable. With a smirk, Buggy taunted her, "Looks like you're no match for the mighty Buggy the Clown!"

Unexpectedly, Sadi's expression softened, her eyes filled with admiration and awe. Despite being enemies, she couldn't help but be drawn to Buggy's charisma and strength. In that moment, a spark of attraction ignited within her, and she found herself falling for the enigmatic clown pirate.

As the battle concluded, Sadi found herself defeated but strangely captivated by Buggy's charm. With a reluctant smile, she conceded defeat and allowed Buggy and his newfound allies to continue their journey through Impel Down.

With Sadi now under his spell, Buggy added another unexpected ally to his growing crew, further solidifying his reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the treacherous world of piracy.