
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Loki the Witch part 2

Driving to the Salvatore Estate, Elena gets a call from some stranger, "Hello?"

A deep gruff voice answers back, "Remember me?"

"Who?" asked Elena confused but she looks to the corner and sees the man who she hit with her car. Realizing who she is talking to, she hangs up and sped up driving away. After getting a good distance from the weirdo, Elena arrived at the Salvatore Estate.

Hearing a knock on the door, Stefan opens it to find Elena, she looked unusual, and without wasting time, Stefan brings her to the couch. Grabbing some hot coffee, Stefan looked worriedly at Elena, "What happened Elena? Why do you look so distraught?"

Taking a sip of coffee, Elena answers, "A stranger just called me, and, I think he is the person who I hit with my car, somehow after getting hit with my car, he got up and approached me, so I think he might be a vampire."

"Alright, if you believe he is a vampire, take this watch, it can inform you when he is close, and when he is close, call me immediately," stated Stefan handing Elena the watch.

Thanking Stefan, Elena takes the watch with her home wondering if Damon knew the vampire's identity. Reaching her home, the one question that was constantly on her mind was, why didn't Aunt Jenna tell her that she was adopted?

Stopping in front of the door that leads to the inside of the house, she sighs and knocks. Hearing some rustling, the door opens to show Aunt Jenna was the one who opened it, without saying a word, Elena walks into the house and sits on the couch.

Sighing, Aunt Jenna closed the door and locked it before sitting on the couch beside Elena, facing Elena's face, she began to say, "I'm sorry, but, I, um, promised your parents, I am truly sorry."

"I can forgive you...but can you just tell me the truth, please?" Elena pleaded.

Thinking about it, Aunt Jenna decides to tell Elena the truth, "Your parents for a long time didn't have any babies. They tried, but, it seemed it wouldn't happen, but when they helped a teenager with her birth, she randomly disappeared and without having a baby of their own, they decided to keep you as their own. They did all the paperwork legally adopting you, that is all I know."

Looking into Aunt Jenna's eyes for deceit, but luckily Elena found none, "So what do you know about my birth mother? What was her name?" asked Elena hopefully.

"All I know was her name, Isobel," claimed Aunt Jenna.

Smiling, Elena hugs Aunt Jenna, "Thank you for telling the truth, Aunt Jenna," thanked Elena sincerely. They hugged for 20 seconds, letting go of Aunt Jenna, Elena happily walked up the stairs and began to change for the dance.

Watching a new love blossom is a beautiful thing, such is a thing Loki is watching right now in the Mystic Grill. Anna a vampire or the new vampire in town just tried asking out Jeremy but was rejected, love works in mysterious ways thought Loki.

Anna getting upset notices Loki staring at her and walks over to the God of the universe but of course, she doesn't know that. Stopping in front of the table Loki was sitting at, she remarks, "What are you staring at? You need to keep your eyes to yourself even if you are handsome."

Loki at this moment was wearing a blue shirt with flannel on top, blue jeans, and sandals with no socks. "So, you want to free your mother as well?" asked Loki. When the sentence left his mouth, Anna couldn't believe it, how does this pitiful human know about...

Grabbing Loki and dragging him to the back of the Mystic Grill, she had Loki pinned against a wall. "How do you know about that?!" commanded Anna trying to compel Loki.

Seeing that Loki's eyes went blank, she smirked, "I, I-I know because I a-am b-built different," stated Loki kicking Anna in the face. Not expecting the strength, Anna didn't even try to block so she was sent into a dumpster denting it.

Dusting off his shoulders, Loki sighed, why do vampires just attack without asking thought Loki thinking about Damon. Getting up, Anna didn't waste time and grabbed a wooden stick, and spear throwing it toward Loki.

Seeing the wooden stick in slow motion, Loki waved his hand and the stick stopped in mid-air, "You're a witch?" asked Anna perplexed.

"Well, I did say I am built...different," stated Loki again. Waving his hands again, the stick flies towards Anna as fast as a speeding bullet train and impales her left shoulder pinning her to the wall.

"AH!!" yelled Anna trying to take out the wooden stick. Taking her eyes off the opponent, tsk tsk thought Loki shaking his head. Waving his hands once again, a wooden pole appears out of the ground and impales Anna's right shoulder. "ARGH!!"

"Stop struggling, it doesn't hurt that much...right?" wondered Loki taking out a wooden stick and impaling his shoulder. "Hm, I guess it does hurt a little." Taking out the wooden stick, he flicks it towards Anna's heart but stops 2 inches from killing her.

Her heart dropped wondering if she was gonna die right there, "Alright!! I am sorry for attacking you! Just let me go, please," pleaded Anna crying.

Sweatdropping, Loki said, "Alright, alright, stop your crying, you are a f*cking vampire, act with more dignity, come on." Waving his hands again, the wooden sticks vanish from Anna's shoulders, dropping onto the ground or so she thought.

Catching Anna mid-drop, Loki held her bridal style, opening her eyes to see Loki holding her made her blush a little, "Drop me you pervert!" demanded Anna. Loki shrugging drops Anna onto the ground. Slowly getting up, Anna looked over at Loki, "Thank you for not killing me, and I'm sorry for trying to attack you."

Smiling, Loki chants: Reparare, Anna watched in astonishment as her injuries were getting repaired, even her blood was being replaced. "Now, let us talk in peace, shall we?" asked Loki walking back into the Mystic Grill.

Nodding, Anna looked around at the destruction to find nothing, it was as if the fight didn't happen but her bloody clothes say otherwise. She was wearing a black jacket with a red shirt, black leggings, and red sneakers.

Sitting down opposite Loki, she asks, "How do you know I am trying to free my mother?"

Waving a waiter over who surprisingly is Matt, Loki orders, "Can we get two burgers, some fries, and a couple of drinks, preferably some Coke."

"Um, sorry dude but we are out of Coke, we do have Pepsi though," stated Matt.

"Okay, well get two Pepsis then," sighed Loki. Matt nodded and went off to the kitchen, "So, how do I know you are trying to free your mother? Well, it's because I am smart."

Anna was confused, "What do you mean you're smart?" inquired Anna staring into Loki's blue eyes. Blushing she looks away and just stares at the table.

Bringing the food and drinks, Matt says, "Enjoy the food," and walks back to the bar.

Looking at the food, Loki grabs some fries and eats them, "Eh, had better fries before," stated Loki dipping the fries in ketchup.

"Can you just answer the question?" huffed Anna.

"Fine, so basically, I learned that Damon wants to free Katherine from the tomb, right, and I heard there are others in there meaning a vampire as you came to Mystic Falls is either.

A, you want to kill and feed on people. Or B, you want the same thing as Damon and I was correct. I honestly just guessed your mother was in there," Loki stated eating some more fries.

"That is honestly, um, some amazing deducting skills, but, yeah, you are correct, I am here to free my mother, she is in that tomb, that is the main reason I came to Mystic Falls, but why are you here?" inquired Anna eating a fry.

Grabbing some of Anna's fries, Loki confirmed, "I am here because I love this town, it is so eventful, I get to see vampires fight each other, and I even get to see a beautiful girl try to save her mother, that is the overall reason I love it here."

Blushing, Anna swats Loki's hands away from her fries, "Thank you for the compliment, but, please, keep your hands to your fries," said Anna glaring at Loki.

Chuckling, Loki finished his burger, "Well, it is almost time for the dance, are you coming?" asked Loki wiping his fingers with some napkins.

Anna smiled, "Sure, but I have to do something first before I can accept your invite."

"Woah, you thought I was inviting you to dance? Nah, I meant are you coming to the dance?" clarified Loki.

"T-Then why didn't y-you clarify," spluttered Anna embarrassed. "I wouldn't dance with you anyways."

Loki flicked Anna on the forehead, "I am just kidding your highness, no need to be so defensive, why wouldn't I invite someone as beautiful as a goddess to a dance, I must be the dumbest witch to ever exist," chuckled Loki getting up.

Getting up, Anna's face was bright red, "Um, if you say so, then I accept, your, um, invite, and, um, if you want, here is my number," said Anna writing on a piece of paper then handing it to Loki, after giving Loki her number, she walks away with a huge smile on her face.

Opening the paper, Loki added Anna's number to his phone, then he left for the dance. Matt was just watching all of this with jealousy, how come Loki can get all the girls, what makes him so special thought Matt remembering seeing him one day with both Bonnie and Elena.

Shaking his head, he clocks out to go to the dance. Teleporting into the Salvatore Estate, Loki went into his room and looked at himself in the mirror, changing his clothes into an Alexander Amosu suit which costs around 100,000 thousand dollars.

He had on a suit, with a white buttoned-up shirt underneath while having a red tie, he also had on some suit pants that if estimated would cost 50,000 thousand dollars. He also had on some black Loafers. Overall he looked like the kind of man, I would honestly want even if I am straight.

Teleporting to the school dance, Loki walked inside and every eye was on him, his suit, his pants, his shoes, and overall his face made him look like a model straight out of Vogue. Noticing Anna in the corner of the room visibly upset, Loki walked over to her...