
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Loki the God Father

The girl woke up and frantically looked around, spotting Loki meditating, she sprung into action and leaped towards Loki trying to kick his head in but before she knew it, she was levitating. "How rude, I was just trying to meditate and you try to kick me in the head," Loki said disappointedly.

"Where is mother?! Where am I?!" shouted the girl.

Loki picked his ear, "What a drag," said Loki. Shikamaru in another universe sneezed, who is talking about me thought Shikamaru, shrugging and continuing his walking to Asuma's grave. Approaching the girl, Loki touched her head and she began to get filled with the knowledge of her birth.

Releasing the spell, the girl sat on the ground dumbfounded, "So, I-I am the daughter of Valerie Tulle and Stefan Salvatore, and my mother tried to save me but didn't have enough magic. Then you placed me into an artificial womb because you hate Julian."

"Yeah, that is basically what happened," answered Loki sitting on the couch.

The girl got up and kneeled to Loki, what the hell is with these people kneeling to me thought Loki sighing. "I have this feeling you are telling the truth, so because you saved me, I owe you everything," claimed the girl.

Scratching the back of his head Loki picked up the girl and sat her on the couch, "Alright, first, we have to give you a name, and you don't have to owe me anything," said Loki patting her head.

"But, you saved me, without you, I would be nothing," claimed the girl liking the head pats.

"Alright, fine, when you get older, you can buy me a cake or something," said Loki smiling.

The girl looked up at Loki and smiled, "Alright, then that is a promise," holding her pinky out to Loki.

Loki interlocked their pinkies, "So first thing first, what do you think about the name Stefanie, it is a combination of both of your parents' names," asked Loki.

The girl answered, "I love that name, Stefanie Salvatore, that sounds amazing," Stefanie then hugs Loki which made Loki a bit uncomfortable. "Also, how am I able to speak English if I was just born?"

"Oh, I made it so anybody in this dimension knows English, since you were born here, you would apply to the law as well, but I have a question, how the hell did you get so fast?" Loki questioned remembering the kick.

Stefanie jumped off the couch, "Well, I was born and one day, I was hungry so I saw some animal who looked like me but was small and had black fur. They were down in the forest below, and so I went down every time I felt hungry and began hunting the furs.

At first, I was getting schooled by them but after I came up here and touched mother, I mean the artificial womb, I felt way stronger and was able to catch them using only my speed and jumping abilities. That is how I got so fast and strong," Stefanie claimed to enact the whole thing in front of Loki.

Chuckling, "It seems you absorbed the magic in the artificial womb, additionally, I put a spell on you to make it so you stay 4 until I come back since I know your siphoning ability would grow stronger as you age and if you absorbed the magic of the artificial womb without training your ability, you would explode," Loki claimed, dropping a huge bombshell on Stefanie.

"Why would I explode if I absorbed the magic of the artificial womb?"

Loki sighed, "I have a habit of being too overly cautious so I put infinite magic in the artificial womb just in case the magic runs out since I noticed your siphoning ability was siphoning the magic at an astonishing rate but it seems I was not too overcautious this time."

Stefanie was shocked, "So I was siphoning magic even when I was in the belly?"

Loki nodded, "You probably have a lot of reserves of magic that you hadn't tapped into so I will be teaching you, alright?"

Stefanie smiled, "Alright, but, um, can you be my Godfather?"

Not expecting that, Loki was taken aback, "Um, yeah, sure, I'll be your Godfather if you want," assured Loki. Walking Stefanie to the kitchen, Loki created dishes and both of them ate a good meal.

Teleporting them to a field of grass, Loki began teaching Stefanie about magic and her ability. 17 years passed which means it was September 28, 2009, in the real world. After releasing the spell that didn't allow Stefanie to age, she began to age like normal.

Stefanie is a siphoner like Kai but her siphoning is 2x stronger than Kais which means it requires 2xs the effort to control it. After 17 years, Stefanie has got a near-perfect grasp on her siphoning ability as well as magic.

She also has a necklace that has a thumbs up hanging off the chain which of course contains infinite magic, Loki also taught her how to fight using her insane agility, dodging a dynamic entry, and ducking a spinning sidekick, he backed up creating space.

Right now, Loki is sparring with Stefanie who is now at the moment is 21 years old but she looks 18 due to the magic she has been absorbing. "You are always dodging my attacks Sensei, how come you don't block? Are my attacks that lethal?"

Sighing Loki replied, "Stop joking around and spar correctly," Stefanie rushed forward and tried a spinning back kick but Loki grabbed her foot, using the other foot, she landed a kick on Loki's chin.

Letting go of Stefanie's foot, she used that opportunity to concentrate all of her magical capability on her right fist and chanted: Cogo, compressing the magic into one point and releasing it, the punch landed.

Loki felt his chest hurt a little since this attack negates durability but nothing he ever felt before. Flying back as a huge explosion occurs due to the punch, even Stefanie was flown back since she just invented that spell last week.

Stopping himself, Loki checked his chest to find his clothes were ripped apart, clothing himself again, he walked slowly to Stefanie. Dissipating the dust, Loki saw that Stefanie was on the ground unconscious, it seems the spell has a huge drawback.

Teleporting Stefanie to her room in the mansion she forced Loki to build after seeing the Salvatore House in Loki's memories. Stefanie being 21, has all the curves in the right places, Loki waited for Stefanie to wake up.

Waking up, she saw Loki sitting on the chair he used to tell bedtime stories from to make her fall asleep. "So, did my spell work?" asked Stefanie.

Loki flicked Stefanie on the head, "You created such a dangerous spell, you could have broken your whole arm," reprimanded Loki.

"Well, you would have healed me anyways," said Stefanie earning another flick on the head. "What was that for?"

"I am not always gonna heal you, but it doesn't matter since you're a vampire and can heal by drinking blood," stated Loki.

So after Stefanie learned Valerie, as well as Stefan, were both vampires, she begged Loki to become a vampire also. Loki was reluctant at first but since he can understand her reasoning, he made her a vampire.

Technically, she is about 146 years old so she is a 146-year-old vampire meaning she is quite strong not including her magic and siphoning ability. Loki was originally about to make her as strong as an Original but she declined saying, "I want to be the same as my parents."

"Yeah but there are no humans on this planet, why is that?" asked Stefanie nursing her forehead.

"Honestly, I am just waiting for the monkeys to evolve or one of the primates to evolve, I just let things naturally evolve, no need to force things," claimed Loki. "Also, since you mastered most of your abilities including the vampire abilities, you are now capable of visiting the outside world, would you like that?"

Stefanie teared up, "Yeah, I waited too long, I want to find my mom and travel the entire world," stated Stefanie hugging Loki. Over the years, Loki got used to hugs so it isn't that awkward now, "So when are we leaving?"

"Do you want to go right now?" asked Loki. Nodding, Loki snapped his fingers and they both teleported outside of Mystic Falls. "You sure you don't want to meet your dad?"

"Yeah, I waited this long, I can wait until it is the right time," said Stefanie hugging Loki. "Honestly, thank you for everything, I will miss you so much."

Loki patted Stefanie's back, they are currently at a bus stop that takes you out of Mystic Falls, seeing the bus, Loki created a wallet that contained 200 million dollars, and handed it to Stefanie. Kissing Loki on the cheek, Stefanie waved goodbye as she boarded the bus.

"I will see you later," said Loki to himself as he walks back to Mystic Falls...