
Loki reborn

Fair warning for the first three chapter this fanfic would be fast paced. I have no intention to explain the entire plot of ghost of tushima or the entire story of naruto. There would also be a time skip as I dont intend to explain the entire childhood of a child Loki. CHeck out my other fanfic Phantom effect. Loki decides to leave Asgard after getting too tired of being its punching bag. Gazing into the Mimir's well and finds his salvation and so he sacrifices his magic. Please support me on Patreon. (patreon . com/ phantom pain 826)

phantompain · 映画
63 Chs

vol 2 ch 34

"Get them out of here Tobi and wait for my signal. The real fun will begin them." Vichad looked up th the cieling. As if he was waiting for something. Arms crossed on his chest. He was staring up into the sky with a strict look inside his eyes.

A few clones of Loki had stepped out of the kamui dimension as they had started to help people move towards safety. Moving them to outside of the city.

"It is possible for this war to be over. For too long have I waited. Victory will be mine today. So show yourself to me little piggy."

So this has become a trap for the king and the prince as well. The moment they execute Victor, they will be in for a world of hurt. 'If only my clone dispersed so I can find out what the hall is happening.' Loki had thought to himself.


Loki had been hard at work evacuating everyone, the gratitude and worship as they had looked at Victor had been real and as they left. Soon the building was empty.

"So, what's your mastermind plan." Loki had asked him.

"Patience my friend, I will have to wait for them to kill me. This would be their final chance. If they cannot stay their hands. Then as far as I am concerned, there will be no hope for them. And I shall act without mercy." Victor had crossed his arm as a Video was projected in front of him.

It showed the scene of his supposed execution. His doom bots were on standby around him.

The Loki clone that was with Victor dispersed himself.



Valeria had looked down at the entire spectacle happening. This was not what she had wanted. She wanted to change this country for the better and yet as she looked down. Things may even be worse then ever before. What did she sacrifice everything before for. But atleast, she had gotten one thing out of this. She had thought as she had begun to think about her own daughter.

Her eyes went to Victor, the only person she had ever loved. He was going to die soon and there was nothing she could do. If only she .... no, it was too late for regrets. It was a pity that her daughter would never get to know her father. And Victor would never learn the truth.

She sighed as she closed her eyes.



Loki finally got the information from his clones. This was going to be interesting. And so he bided his time. And listened to the prince's words. A speech before executing

"This nation has defended itself and extracted itself from danger countless times. We are the protectors of our people, we have led them and now this fucking interloper divides us in an attempt to conquer us."

The entire scene was being broadcasted to the entire world. Loki thought that that was the reason he was bothering with this speech at all.

"And yet, you fatten yourself up as the people starve. How many if us must die to the common flu." Robot Victor had interjected as he got to his feet and began to speak.

Unbeknownst to Loki, the broadcast scene had changed as various proofs of the misdeeds of the royalty were being displayed. Documents and video proof of the King and the Prince selling off thir country to countless corrupt politicians and countries. And at this moment, the president of the USA was sweating bullets when the truth of their testing facilities were revealed along with videos of him signing the deal and joking with the king. He was done for, he would not be amazed if he is arrested at the moment.

He could already envision the riots happening, no one from his administration would have a career left if he was not denounced.

Maybe, all was not lost. He could pretend that it was all fake and then denounce his competitors for it.

It seems that the prince had been made aware for he had pointed a gun at Victor's head and shot.

There had been a moment of silence as the camera had picked up the prince's action. Victor had leaned back and then there was a spark of electricity as he looked down once more, a hole in its head with metal and wires. One red eye was revealed.

There was an earth quake as the ground began to shake and soon Victor Von Doom, the true one floated out. He was wearing his signature armor as he threw away the green robe that were covering them.

"Today, I have come to deliver my people. Now, suffer my wrath." Victor had said. His voice amplifies by his suit as Doom Bots began to claw their way out from under ground.

The doom bots moved through the arena in an attempt to protect the populace which had been herded in to watch the execution.

Loki took the chance to free himself from his shackle by breaking them. A doom bot had landed near him and told him. "Dr Doom requires the mercenaries dealt with."

Loki had surveyed his surroundings and seen Deathstroke giving orders. A portal opened up and sucked him in.

"Make preparations to counter attack. We take down Victor and this matter -----" Deatstroke did not get a chance to say anything else. It was only his years of experience that warned him of an upcoming attack. He had quickly thrown himself away as the place where he was just standing, was slashed by a katana.

Soon the rest of Loki's body was revealed.

Deathstroke was not one to shy away from battle and he had drawn his own Katana. He charged at Loki and so they had both met in the middle and began to fight. Their regular clashes as they both began to increase their speed drew sparks.

They both could have done much more then they currently were. But they had decided to use their own swords. At heart, both of them were warriors and found it beneath themselves. Deathstroke had long since desired a heir, someone to pass his own mantle to and had long wanted to evaluate Tobi. He was young enough but now that he clashed his sword with him. He found himself being sunk under the determination of that sword. The sword used by Tobi was heavy with conviction and burden. Maybe, even more then his own was. Ra's Al Ghul would need to be informed.

A chance, he had seen as he saw Tobi over extend himself. He had thrust out and yet Tobi with inhumane grace had bended his body out of the way. Deathstroke had thought the boy was a fool as he now had a even greater opening, as he saw Tobi bending down backwards. (Matrix style).

That was until he was kicked in the face as Tobi back pedalled out of the way.

His mask fallen off, Deathstroke had wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as he had looked at Tobi.