
Loki: Mischief No Longer

The Fan-Fiction takes place after Loki Season 1. The story of the adventure of Loki and Sylvie to find the person who responsible for the trouble in the Multiverse. I hope you will like the Story. Thanks to Sakura for the book cover. [Instagram @s__sakura__]

lJim_yl · 映画
5 Chs

Desperate Escape

Sylvie pulls the soldier holding the mother toward her and spins, creating a momentum to decapitate the soldier. The body walks for two more steps after the head hits the ground, then drops on its knees behind Sylvie. It was executed so quickly, the patrol took a few seconds to process what happened.

"Open fire!" shouts the captain. He's the only one with the red jacket also I assume he is.

I appear behind the patrol and drive my daggers into two soldiers' side of their necks and push my arms forward, splitting their throats. The patrol then focuses on me and that's their mistake. Sylvie blasts one side of the patrol, knocking them on their backs. I kick the body on my right quick enough before it hits the ground, sending it toward the other side and knocking them down like dominoes. How does it come to this? We are supposed to find our man, not hanging around and killing soldiers.

Sylvie telekinetically pulls all the rifles away from her side. Each of them stand up and start to pull out their knives as if they would hurt her. They would but I don't think they would be able to land any attack on her. After all, she can fight better than I can. One of them thrusts forward and gets parried by Sylvie. She spins along the direction of her parry and drives her sword into his ribs, then pulls out. When the body hits the ground, his blood flows like a river on the ground and down the cracks. The next one tries to slash diagonally on her left while the other executes the spinning side kick on her right. She blocks them with both of her wrists, then pulls her left while wraps her right, reaching the back of his knee and forcing it on the ground. No hesitation, Sylvie swings her sword, cutting the neck of the right soldier, then stabs the soldier on her left in his back. One of them is still choking on his blood after the cut but soon he will join the other.

I am unfortunately not as brutal as Sylvie. Ironically, she is me and we're supposed to be similar. I toss my daggers upward and immediately send them right into the two soldiers' hearts after they land on my hand. There are two of them left, a captain and one of his men. What should I do with you? From behind me Sylvie hurls her sword and pierces into the last soldier's heart.

"Hey, I've got that." She's stepped on my moment.

"I know, can you get him for me?" Sylvie ponts at the running captain.

I disappear and reappear next to the captain and slam him into the wall. I wouldn't call that a teleportation. It's a spell I worked on to stay sneaky– the back stabbing thing. It's like I try to shorten the way for me so I wouldn't have to walk– nevermind it's teleportation, who am I kidding. Anyway, what should I do with you?

"Why attack them?" Sylvie comes and asks.

"I was just following orders. I didn't want to do this."

"That isn't the answer we are looking for," I say. "You want to get cut open by my friend here or you'll tell us what were you doing with that family you hurt." Sylvie conjures her sword back into her hand and presses it against his neck.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you everything." He let out a shriek.

"Good boy," says Sylvie.

The civil war is between the government and the citizens who he calls the rebels. It turns out they kidnap the women until they have enough to force the rebels to surrender. It's quite an extreme move but I'll admit, it's an effective plan. They killed the father of the family because he is the gunsmith who produced bullets and guns for the rebels. Taking him out will lower the production of the weapons of the rebels. But doing all of this before their children is what I am against this strategy even if you want to win a war. Ambition makes them blind just like how badly I want to prove to my family that I can be a rightful heir, their family… their son. And those drove me into death by Thanos' hand. If I can brother, I will apologise by the name of your brother, Loki.

"I told you everything, please let me go." His voice is still shaking.

"I don't know about tha–" right before I could finish my sentence. The little boy put a hole in his head with the rifle.

The boy is half as tall as me, but that was a pretty clean shot, surprisingly steady with those skinny arms. He's the son of the gunsmith, and must be taught by his father. His eyes, I can feel the hatred in them. The feeling of willing to rip these soldiers in half and it's understandable.

"Kane! What are you doing?" yells the mother, then pulls the rifle off his hands.

"Are–" They take a step back immediately.

They are scared of us. Oh, Sylvie did kill those soldiers pretty brutally. And I judged these soldiers for doing brutal things in front of childrent, that was pretty hypocritical of me.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you. Right, Sylvie?" I peek at her.

"Oh, yes, of course," she replies. "There is nothing to worry about. I'm here to help you." Sylvie looks at me. "You make me seem like a bad person here," she talks to me telepathically.

"You scared them, not me. You decapitate a man in front of this family."

"I did it for them."

"Who are you?" asks the mother.

"I'm Sylvie and this is Loki, I wish we can introduce ourselves more but there will be a whole army on us because of the trigger your son pulled."

"We have a base. We can go hide there," she says.

"Right, let's go," Sylvie says.

The mother tries to carry her husband and run. I almost forgot about him being on the ground. I offered my help so we can move faster. We Asgardians are stronger, tougher and faster than Midgardians and I assume they are the same as Midgardians. He's pretty light as I carry him and run at the same time. We can feel the vibration from the tank's rolling or the footsteps of the army every time we are close to them. They will alert us to be more careful and go the other way.

When we got to a small bridge, the situation got a little worse. There is a patrol behind our tails and an army on the other side of the bridge. We might be able to hide under the bridge but we will be forced to get into the freezing water. Sylvie and I can handle the cold very well since we are Frost Giants but were raised in Asgard. That explains how different we look now compared to other Giants. I put the husband on her back and Sylvie casts a spell that keeps the family hidden for fifteen minutes and we order them to get cover next to the bridge while we hide under the water. It's a risky move for them, if anything happened we won't be leaving without a fight. They only need to stay quiet for a few minutes and let the spell work its magic to keep them hidden.

The vibration is like drumming on the bridge we hide under when they travel past. The patrol meets the army and asks.

"Have you seen any rebels nearby?" asks the captain of the patrol.

"No, is there any problem?" ask one of the soldiers.

"They took out a whole patrol in Marok. They don't seem to use firearms. Well, only Captain Killan was killed by one. The rest were possibly killed by knives."

"Knives? Against guns?"

"They must be highly trained in close quarter combat. Don't let your guard down," says the captain.

"Roger," replies a soldier then continues moving.

Their guards are up. The family is in more danger because of us. Well, if Sylvie didn't help them, they would be more miserable. We stop the invisible spell and continue to escort them to their base. The rest of the walking gets slightly easier. The patrols" appearance decreases as we get to the base. They picked a perfect spot to lay low. The base is surrounded by mountains and trees. Deep inside the forest there is a metal gate big enough to fit a Frost Giant. The mother gave them a special knock that proves they are allies. After a few short minutes, a woman speaks up.


Password? How secure is this place?

The mother presses her lips into the tube located next to the speaker on the right door. She says the password but we could barely hear it. Sylvie and I both exchange a glance. We know how impressive this is. Under a minute, the gate opens with the rebels pointing their guns at us.

"They are allies. Don't shoot! They saved us." says the mother.

I wouldn't say that we saved you. Your husband is sleeping eternally on my back. Your family and people are in more danger because of our actions. We drew attention from the government and they won't stop looking.