
Loki: Mischief No Longer

The Fan-Fiction takes place after Loki Season 1. The story of the adventure of Loki and Sylvie to find the person who responsible for the trouble in the Multiverse. I hope you will like the Story. Thanks to Sakura for the book cover. [Instagram @s__sakura__]

lJim_yl · 映画
5 Chs

Chaos Begins

Mako… why are you doing this? I hope there's an explanation for your action right now. The Mako I know wouldn't risk her children's lives. She has her pistol, pointing at us and her other hand on the keyboard with some of the guards injured on the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"The spy– she threatened my children. She will kill them If I don't sabotage the camouflage," She said in tears.

"We are here now, let me help you." Sylvie reaches out her hand.

"I don't think she is the only spy here. I can't risk helping you and get my children killed."

"Sylvie, find the children," I said telepathically.

Sylvie takes a step back and disappears in thin air after a green glow runs across her body.

"Where is she going? Please don't get them killed." Mako panics.

Mako can't think straight now. If she brings the camouflage down, her children die either way. But the camouflage is already offline, a whole army will be rushing our way. We need to abandon the gate. Mako you are coming with me. I appear next to her, grab her gun holding hand and enchant her to sleep, then put her on my shoulder. The 'me' in front of her was the astral projection of myself to distract her. Old trick from the book.

"How did you do that?" asks a guard.

"It's not important, grab your men. We are moving." I command them.

"Loki, I found them . The spy is taking Kane and Kaje to the evacuation tunnel," Sylvie informs me telepathically.

"Check if there are any other spies. I will be there."

"You got Mako?"

"She's taking a nap."

Mako was still unconscious on my shoulder when I arrived at the crowd. I let the guards take care of her while I go find Sylvie. We have to secure Mako's children before we plan to interrogate any of the spies. I spot Sylvie following the spy. I squeeze myself into the crowd and join her. We already understand our assignment. I shapeshift into a middle aged man then sneak up behind the spy. I tap her temple and put her into sleep.

"Mister look out!" shouted Kane.

Before I can turn my back, a knife is already thrust into my back. The crowd, after seeing me being attacked, started to spread out of the scene. Woah, it hurts. I know how you feel now, brother. I turn back and before I can knock him out, Sylvie already enchants him and his body drops on the ground.

"Can you get him any later?" I said.

"I thought you got him," she replies and pulls the knife out of my back.

So that was what back stabbing feels like. So there are two spies, are there more? Wait…is this the guard? Damn it! Mako!

"Sylvie, keep them safe. I'll be back."

I sprint toward where I was leaving Mako. The crowd creates the path so I can get there fast. "Have you seen Mako?" I asked the people.

"I saw a guard bring her to the break room. Over there." He pointed in the break room direction.

I rush toward the door and slam it open. Thankfully Mako is still alive, lying on a bench with two other guards in the room.

"Is there any problem?" asks a guard.

"You realised you lost someone with you right?" I ask them.

"Dave went to check on the crowd." The injured one stands up and tells me. "Is he alright?"

"For now."

"What do you–" Before he could finish his sentence, his throat had already been split by the other guard.

Blood spills like a fountain on the floor until he hits the ground.

"Odin's beard… I'm guessing you are the remaining spy."

"You guessed right." he said.

"You know, unlucky you, we only need two prisoners," I said.

I conjure the daggers and hurl one of them toward the spy. He extends his arm and blows a wind in my direction, sending my dagger back toward me. I grab it after dodging it but lose balance and fall on my knee. What was that? Did he just generate wind? I look closely and see a small device mounted in his palm. I see he brought a new toy. His face starts to get brighter and a one horn devil mask comes out of it after the tiny cubes spread out like waves. Face Shifting device, interesting.

"You are not the only Magic Wielder on this planet. Governor will be thrilled to see you," said the spy.

Sorry to break into you but this isn't magic. But where did you get the word 'magic' from? He sure creates wind with that device, but real magic won't lose to that for sure. I teleported behind him to give him a push kick on his back. With an incredible reflex, he turns back and catches leg, then throws me on the ground and palm strikes my nose. Odin's beard, he's good. I conjure a dagger and stab his chest but his armour plate is impenetrable. For the return gift, he throws me against the wall, cracking it. I underestimate him. He has full body armour and no physical contact to enchant. I guess I need to improvise.

"Lucky you, he doesn't want your death. But I'm bringing you to him," said the spy.

"I would like to see you try." I multiply myself into at least ten in this room and give him a little wrestling.

While other 'me' are holding him and swing my dagger across his throat after they pull a gap on his neck, then let him choke on his blood while my projections blend with the air.

"There you go. You failed."

Mako woke up when I got to her. I can see she's starting to realise that there are corpses around her. Her mind is filled with horror and stress like when she first saw me. I slowly approach her to show that there's nothing to be afraid of.

"What have you done? What have you done, Loki?" she asks, stuttering.

"Mako, I took care of the spies. Kaje and Kane are safe with Sylvie. Nothing to worry about now."

"Whose corpse are these?" She stands up and back off.

"One of them is the guard. Other is the spy. I struggled a little but you are safe now." I got close enough to grab her hand. "Are you ready to see your children?"

She nods.

"Then let's go. Stick close to me." I pull her with me to the exit of that room.

The people are almost cleared out, only the guards are left with Sylvie and her children.

"Mom!" calls Kaje and runs to her.

"Are you kids alright?" Mako holds her children in her arms and gives them a little kiss.

"Is there any spy left?" I ask Sylvie.

"I'm not sure. That's why I didn't give them to anyone here." replies.

I insist they evacuate like the others since an army will soon be here. If they all have the equipment like the last guy, Sylvie and I will have trouble taking them out. Before entering the tunnel, there are only four guards left. One of them shoots the other three then points at Mako. Damn it, No!

"A deal is a deal," he says, then takes a shot, while Mako is guarding her children.

I try to teleport to Mako and pull the family out of the flying bullet. Seconds feel minutes, I can see my chance of pulling them out is low. So I try to get in front of them and beg that I am the one who takes that bullet. When I appear is also when Sylvie appears to take him out. I checked myself If I took any bullet but realised that I was too late. When I look around and Mako hits the ground. I've failed to protect this family.