
Chapter One

Harper's POV:

A little over 3 years ago I was still in the foster care system because my parents didn't want me. They left me at the doorstep of an orphanage. The orphanage was called Oaktree orphanage

One day I was walking down midtown Manhatten when I saw people getting hurt and since I somehow can heal people I run towards them.

I run around healing the hurt people and I hear a gun being shoot I look around and I see a man with a bow and arrow on the ground with a bullet wound so I run towards him and I start healing him it takes 5 minutes and while I was healing him the Black Widow was covering us.

After he was healed I kept going around healing people. Then I see Ironman flying towards the portal with a missile of some kind after he goes in the missile explodes and black widow closes the portal. but as it close I can see Ironman falling from the sky so I run towards where he will land but before he can hit the ground the hulk snatches him out of the air and toss him on the ground I kneel to heal him but he's perfectly fine "he'll be fine" I say as I back up to give them space

"Who are you," captain America asks as I start to walk away and after hulk scared stark awake.

"I am a healer." I then start walking toward the nearest hospital might as well people know of my powers. know I should at least help others.

"That's not an answer kid" black widow decides to bump in.

"well, I'm going to the hospital to heal people. Don't come looking for me." I say as I teleport to the nearest hospital.

I run around healing all the people who were hurt badly at the hospital then I left the rest for the doctors because my power is running low. I walk outside and the avengers are standing there. "What the hell do you people want?"

"We want you to join the Avengers," Tony replies

"Kind of your still a kid so you cant join fully until your 18." Captain America then bumps in to say "that means no missions till your 18"

"What if I don't want to join," I ask they all then look at me like I'm crazy

"You don't have a chose." the pirate man says.

"and why don't I have a chose," I ask

[Time Skip From The Last Part Brought to you by (◣_◢)]

I'm in the Avengers tower they have Loki ready to be transported to Asgard to be tried and punished for his crimes. While the team went off to see thor leave I go to my room and lock my door I see all my boxes spread crossed my room I then go to my bathroom and pull out a razor

( ◥◣_◢◤ )Warning Self-harm Ahead( ◥◣_◢◤ )

I Think of all that has happened and the people I didn't get to enough time to save as I run the razor across my arms I start crying and remember all the things the caretakers at the orphanage said to me




"...Unwanted by your parents. The people who made you and suppose to love you unconditionally..."

"...No one Wants or Wanted YOU..."

I think all these things as I continue to slide the razor across my arms. I then look down and see about ten cuts.

( ◥◣_◢◤ ) End of warning ( ◥◣_◢◤ )

I stand up and take my clothes off and jump into the shower. I wash my body and hair, then my cuts. I get a bandage and put it on. by the time it's done the Avengers called me down to dinner.


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If I don't update after 5 days you can annoy me.

_Acorn_creators' thoughts