
Loki's betrayal/Thors Gain

When loki is awaking his army he wakes up something else a queen of vampires who just wants to rule like him

GhostWriter1996 · 映画
7 Chs

The start of something new

Dr. Selvig was worried about the tesseract. He called Fury to check it out and told everyone to leave. Fury soon lands and starts to walk. "How is floor three," asks—Hill was checking. "Still asleep and stable for now," she said. He nods. "Clear it out and wake her up," he said. "Wake her up, but she will kill everyone," she said. "Do it," Fury said as he spoke with the doctor and Clint. As they were about to wake her, the tesseracts energy woke her, and she killed all the scientists in the room and got dressed, and followed the energy. Nerezza walks up to see Fury. She turns to a bat and watches. She sees Loki almost kill everyone, and she changes back and walks over to him. "You strong enough to get me out of this place," she says. Loki looks at her and tries to take her heart. She giggles. "Sweetie, I am dead. I haven't had a heart in six centuries," she said. Fury loaded up the Tesseract. "I am Loki, and you are," he said. She smiles and bows. "I am Nerezza, Queen of vampires. It's lovely to meet you, Loki," she said. "I see you're on a bit of a power war. Can I come," she asks. "Won't you kill me if you get hungry," he asks. She grins. "No, if we make a deal, I have to honor it and won't harm you," she said. Clint walks over. "Fury wants us to get buried under the rock," he said. She smiled and waved her hands, and a dark pink and black orb surrounded her and everyone and landed them in a car "Shit, not strong enough to teleport long distances yet," she said. Clint got into the car and drove away. She was shielding Loki as they shot at him. She would vanish and kill who she could and come back licking blood from her hand. "Haven't tasted human blood in so long," she said. They soon got away. She watched Loki find old ruins to hide in a while. In Loki's mind, he was in a meeting with the Chitauri. He wasn't moving. She stood there looking at him. She sat on his lap and smiled and leaned in, and took a deep breath. Her eyes flashed. "What are you," she said. He woke up and pushed her off. "Not your meal," he said. She growls softly, "I am a queen, you prick," she hissed at him. "A Queen of what? You are the only vampire on Earth. If you sit on me again without my permission, I will kill you myself," he said. She swallows and looks at him. "If you want a master and servant relationship, I need a drop of your blood, and you need mine," she said. "And you will obey me even if I tell you to kill yourself," he said. She nods. "Yes," she said. "Blood pacts are essential to our kind, and we hold them with honor," she said. Loki grinned and gave her some of his blood, and a mark appeared on her chest. She gave him some of hers, and a matching mark appeared on his wrist.