
Living Singularity | Remake | Male x MHA Harem

(Possible Remake of Living Singularity) Neo Sekai the Gravity User in the world of MHA, will he be able to change 「Fate」itself , will he found out who or what he is, and will he find out why the world is different from what he knew? 「A Singularity Has Appeared」

DarkTheLibrarian · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Season 0 - Chapter 10 - Meetings

God, my body is in pain. I don't work out, nor have I ever as I don't care for physical strength (and I was born with a burst lung, everytime I get over exhausted my entire body goes on fire from it) and I woke a j9b requiring lifting.

It's an easy job, I just stand and lift shit before going back into stasis on a concrete floor not moving, then I get to sit in a room for 2 1/2 hours before going home and sleeping on a couch.

My body sore :(

Also I can't recall if my dumbass told you guys or nor, but I got new kitty, they're orange and their name is slinky, they go mach 15, their states are here, their, and gone. The laws of physics are their yarn ball, and your hands will nomed on. They're very cuddly, even if you don't ask for it.

(Pic (for webnovel users when I get a chance if you'd like to meet him))

Lastly, I'm thinking of changing my schedule around and entering what I suppose I can call a training state? I want to start up a 3rd book, you might immediately be like oh no as I've got World Traveler and To Be A Hero on the back burner, but those both require a lot of focus,  specifically because I don't know comics and need to choose worlds and how it all works.

Because of this im thinking of starting another book, it'll have as much focus as any other but it might be 'simpler' in style if you will. Not less intense, but more quick and to the point, maybe.

How does this affect you all? (I'll be putting this on all my next chapter, WebNovel LS readers got to wait a couple days as it keeps uploading chapters early)

Simple, I'm thinking of making Mon/Wen/Fri my writing days, but not specifically uploading days. I might switch to 1500 word chapters to make it easier, but that'll vary on mood.

These days will be spend writing and preparing chapters for all 3 books, and I think it might become a full week of uploads.

3 Living Singularity Chapters

1 Curses Guide Chapter

1 New Book Chapter

Now this isn't guaranteed, it was also like an impulsive decision so I'll have to get back to you all on it. We'll see.


"Mr and Mrs. Toga, I'd like you to meet Neo Sekai. As I've mentioned, he is both protégé and assistant." Standing up, Neo properly gives them both a "hello" and greeting.

"I see. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, young man," Mrs. Toga gives him a polite smile. Her husband nodding also adorning the same smile.

"You both wanted to 'check in' on what we were doing her, from what I've been told at least."

The mother is first to speak up, "Correct. You've taken quite a few draws of our daughters blood, yet we don't know what it's being used for. We simply worry, is all."

Neo watches the woman intently, he couldn't quite tell lies very well. But he could tell a look of disdain or malcontent when he saw it. This look in her eyes only appearing when talking about their daughter, did they dislike her?

"Yes, it's only natural. We just wanted to wait until we had a proper prototype to show you all. Sadly, we currently don't, but it's quite close to being finished."

"Prototype, are you building something," she took in a heavy breath, a gasp. "It's not a weapon, is it!"

"Nonono, not at all. It's the exact opposite of a weapon. It's meant to save lives we-"

Neo cuts in, "we're using your daughter's to create self sustaining artifical organs that can be put into almost any person's body."

The room goes quiet for a moment, Goda's eyes going into an almost resting position as he sighs. The boy was brazen, but he needed to learn how to lay it on slowly.

Turning, Goda's eyes land on the two, mouths almost agape, and their eyes fixed before almost going dreamy. Mr. Toga, this time, is the one to speak up.

"You're able to create artificial organs with our daughters quirk! Do you hear thay sweaty? You've got an amazing quirk!" He crouches down, his arm wrapping around to her shoulder and shaking her. She seemed ajar, not used to this affection.

Honestly, if the two didn't know any better, they thought the parents would try and sell her right then and there. Which they wouldn't do, right? The two were still estatic, and the child who'd been quiet was smiling now, happy at her praise.

Her parents hadn't done this in a long time. After she'd gotten her quirk, they'd stopped being as affectionate, calling her quirk, "one of the evil ones." She didn't understand it, but whenever she was caughy drinking any sort of blood, whether it was the small chirpy in the backyard or the cut on her classmate, they were always angry. They always hounded her for it, yet it tastes too good to stop, kind of like a gusher in her eyes.

"Yes, her quirk is truly a one of a kind gift. It may not be prepared, but why don't I show you the prototype, I keep it in my own personal lab. Here, let me show you the way." Goda opens the door, leading only the parents out. Today was supposed to be a day they got more blood, so he handed a syringe off to Neo before leaving.

Turning, Neo stared at the still glowing child. She was happy. She was being praised for her quirk instead of being bashed for it.

"I guess I'm supposed to take some blood." It was posed as a question, but he moved around as if it was a statement. Pulling out a chair for Toga.

"Mhm~" She replies in a sing-song tone, taking a seat as Neo grabs a couple more objects out.

Standing beside her, he grabs her arm. Placing the needle onto her skin, she pulls back a bit. "Is something wrong?"

She looks at him a bit confused, "That's not where Mr. Goda normally places it." She moves her left arm, pointing a spot near her inner part of the elbow. "Here."

"That's the Cephalic Vein. I'm using the Basalisc Vein. They're connected and have the same result... but if that's what makes you more comfortable," he moves his hand, needles still in hand.

"AH! God-ssss," Neo let's out a his, waving his hand, a small amount of blood leaking from the side of his hand.

"Umm, are you alright," Toga's hand twitches, currently outwards in an 'are you okay' motion. For a moment, it almost looks like her eyes sharpen, having seen blood.

"I'm fine, just a small amount of blood," Neo clicked a case open, he grabbed before it he started. Pulling out a small cloth, he goes to wipe it.

"Uh- um..."

Stopping, he turns to Toga. The 'younger' girl almost entracred by the crimson viscous like dessert. Subconciously, she licked her lips.

"Do you want it?"

She nods slowly, never removing her eyes. He was curious as to how a younger her would react. His was deemed unique after all. For science.

Outstretching his hand, Toga takes it. Licking the side of his hand lightly. Neo's hand almost pulling back. He'd expected her to at least scoop it up.

It wasn't even a second later her eyes sharpened, almost gaining a purple hue. Although his eyes weren't completely purple, they'd started turning an amethyst shade after the incident.

She sat stunned, simply staring into space for a moment. To her, his blood, it was something else, it was akin to Ichor, dangerously tasteful. It was akin to eating dirt and then eating a top-tier professionally made culinary dish to her.

"C-can I have more," she reminded him of a dog. Almost waiting to be given permission. She truly saw no issue with asking.

"No. I'm supposed to draw blood, not give it." He walks towards his desk, taking a small note at about a new email, before grabbing a piece of paper. "Since you're a bit disoriented, you can write down two you felt drinking it both before and after I draw blood."

"Can I have some more then?" Like a child asking for her favorite candy, she persisted.

"...if you will BOTH out properly, I'll let you have one more." She was likely he was curious to see her reactions. "But no transforming into me."

She nods, taking the paper and scribbling on it, slow enough to do it right, fast enough to get it over with. He liked that, as a scientist, he was patient but still wanted to get his job done. The faster the result, the faster he could test further.

Finishing, she sits up right, presenting her arm once again. Although she moaned in pain a bit, she managed to tough through it. It was more painful to see her drink- him walk away.

(I'm not switching moan, and don't be a creep about an English word that possesses a muddled meaning)

Pulling out a chair, he sits in front of her. She waited patiently for a moment before tiling her head. "Why are you just sitting there~" She whined, accentuating the 'there'.

"I'm waiting for your body to capm down, giving your mind to get used to low blood. It takes a second to calm and become drowsy after losing blood." He pulls out a band-aid, applying it to her arm.

Nodding, she accidentally pulls down too far, almost falling out of her seat. Her body seemed to be reacting normally, at least. She quickly caught herself before looking at the new blank sheet and refilling it out, the answer a bit different.

"As promised." Whipping off the needle properly, he pokes his finger again. "Don't lick my hand this time either."

She takes the blood with her own index finger before drinking it. Letting out a satisfied noise. A knock following after.

Stepping back through, Goda and her parents re-enter. The two seemed happier than before. Calling their daughter over, they look towards Goda.

"We appreciate the tour. We will be in contact to talk again." The two give a small bow before turning around and leaving, Toga still looking at Neo.

Thankfully, she was a child, so she was prone to listening. He also appeased her want so she was more willing to leave, her mother's last comment making it sound like they'd meet again. And they would.

"Why are you bleeding." Goda tone switched, dropping his smile. He was calmer now but seemed annoyed at the door.

"I poked myself, lost some blood. It seems her quirk makes her interested in drinking it." Grabbing the two filled our papers, he handed them to Goda, who raised an eyebrow at them.

The first one discussed how the blood was 'like the sweetest snack' and some other rambling. The second one was a bit less rambly, only saying how she hadn't tasted a better blood before it, how she felt 'lighter, stronger, and her heart felt like how stars appeared to be.'

"So she felt 'stellar'." Letting out a mix between a scoff and a chuckle, he places them both back down.

"She reacted oddly, that for sure. If I may? What's with your annoyed look." The two lock eyes, staring at each other for a moment.

"Shitty parents. They made a report of 'an evil quirk', that's how I found them in the first place. They don't really care about their kid. They're just greedy. I overheard them questioning if they could sell her to us."

Neo glances towards the door, his face blank. "So you can care for children." His voice came out a bit dull.

"I care for children, I love their little lights and curious gazes. Don't forget, you're not a child. You're a-"

"A tool, I know."

Goda grabs the blood vial, taking it with him as he leaves. It was his after all. He just let the boy use his resources.

Neo, being left with his thoughts and devices, quickly turns to his PC. He didn't want to think about this right now. He ends up pulling up the email he was sent.

It was from the director. He wouldn't end up being sent out due to the dectice work switching locations for investigation. With some changes to information they had, as well as a development in the case, they've opted not to send either out. Because of this, Nagant would be switching positions for a minute.

Nagant, he hadn't seen her in a minute. After their last conversation, she stopped visiting him. Maybe he'd offended her? He'd hoped he didn't.

Well, he had time to experiment some more. With this new blood sample and a bunch of Trigger left, he could hopefully do a lot. He also had combat training he had to go through.

He was curious, what would happen next in his life?


Question of the Chapter: Best color combo?  I could think or a couple. Blue and Red, Holy/Silvery white and black, and Magenta and Cyan. My personal favorite? Black and Purple.

2018 Words (again, wattpad is being gay and saying its less than it is. Both Google docs and WebNovel say a different word count)