
Living life in Naruto relaxed. (I am Egotistical though.)

First off this is no where near like its cannon. Apparently the fact that is fan fiction people ignore really. You will not see your characters with there same personality. It would not make any sense with all the different exposure people have happen. The mc had a part of himself around way before the start of the series. He was an adult when Kushina left the village of whirlpool. There are added characters that change the world and how you may have read. Some things still happen, because why wouldnt they. Events can still take place how they would before. It may be worst or better. The concept of the ripple effect or butterfly effect are just concepts. Think Final destination. death finds away or in this case the deities will find a way. The story picks when Naruto is two years old. The timeline does not fit at all because I have included parts of the movies and the like. Also there is the ability dimension travel. As well as there are deity at work. This will not fit with society norms. Big shocker there. The fact you would think it was is ridiculous since Naruto is about children going to war. Something that a lot of people ignore. The fact that they are kids killing people tends to get glossed over.. a lot. If you want to see your characters as they always are, just read the original. There is no point in you reading a fan-fic. "So first wish... Kryptonian Body. Second wish...Genius intellect to figure out techniques. Third Wish.. the ability to summon random people and things." "Eh, don't really care for anything else. Feel free to grant what you feel. I'm kinda just gonna do nothing unless trouble comes knocking." The God.. just stared. "Funny thing about that, I am a God of fertility.. so you have to breed and make kids. Like a lot. A lot a lot. You are hyper fertile. Like by x3 one for each wish." The God smirked. "I will also bestow on you the ability to move through dimensions and control of your body's cells and to that extent a little bit of others." The God said with a smile before sending Kai-La away. DeviantArt Broken Shield by hoangphamvfx enjoy his picture work.

FrozenTide · アニメ&漫画
97 Chs

Mastica and Tsume

As soon as he was close, Kai grabbed a Sand ninja through his spine. Swinging him at the others killing them both instantly. The first body traveled hitting one then two then three bodies till it stopped.

"What the hell have you done to yourself?!" Kai asked enraged. His voice came out way harsher then he would have wanted but he was still angry from the hold up with the Fertility God.

All across her body were the control rods the Mist village used on them. A scent of poison traveled in the air a little. "Did you use this on yourself? What the hell is wrong with you?" Grabbing ahold of her, Kai started to expunge the poison.

As he was helping her any enemy ninja that came by was burned with a turn of his head. The heat beams that came out, burned the body to ash instantly. Normally excess use would drain his energy reserves but right now it was way beyond his capacity to calm down.

Tsume smelled Kai's scent earlier but never saw him. It was distracting with how much blood in the air she could still smell him. Resisting it was a little easier on her then Mastica. Two chunin struck out against her side. Sidestepping, she pounced at both of there throats with an armored gauntlet. The slash ripped right through both ninjas. Pushing the bodies away she watched as their drop bodies fell in the sand.

"Huff, how many more? Why does the sand have so many mercenaries here?" Panting after the days of fighting started to catch up with her. "I need to get to Mastica, the drug will kill her. Should I take it now as well?" Staring at her vest pocket it would be to easy to help her rip through the enemy with it. Her mind was so addled she didn't even notice she was speaking out loud.

Then Kai scent passed in the area again. She couldn't believe it. Whipping her head forward she saw him. Red flowing hair and a bloody scent falling off him. 'How the hell is he here?!'

Tsume killed her way in. With Kai providing the support it was easy. Soon as she arrived seeing the state of her friend almost caused her to lose it.

"Get down close to me. Not in the way of my head-turning. Now Tsume!" Kai said with the utmost authority. With a slight growl of disagreement, she did so. "Tell me what happened." As he healed Mastica with the chakra reserves he had, his eyes kept killing sand ninja.

"We fell into an ambush. We took care of it easy enough. Extracting the woman and the child was easy. Till the baby woke up. It started to rampage turning into a little sand creature. The extraction of my team was difficult after that. We managed with Mastica providing cover. No one used any Leaf techniques and without our ninja partners... it turned more difficult then we would have imagined. We overestimated ourselves." Tsume said chastising herself. "The critically wounded have made it to the women village. With the rest of the people already there as well as Hisa hopefully, they can be treated."

"That is good news. I have stopped the worst of it." Setting Mastica down he looked around him. a small plan forming in his head. "Stay here with her. I have a solution to clear this place up. Can't have any tracks leading back to the village." Taking a step forward he looked at her eyes. Those dark black pupil's no longer reacting to his current state. Staring back even challenging in a way. But she wouldn't. No, to smart for that. To controlled.

Stepping away Kai used his super-speed to run the outer perimeter. Creating a trench along the way made about 3 foot thick. After the second passed he used his summoning abilities. Bringing out Potassium permanganate, and Glycerin all throughout the trench. With that done he performed the earth wall technique using the uplifted dirt from earlier. Making a dome out of everything to the very top. Speeding back to grab Mastica and Tsume he flew both to the top opening.

"Water style, water dragon technique!" As the water dragon passed into the dome the chemical fire ignited. The trio stepped back into a dimensional pocket leaving the area immediately.

Standard science experiment just on a larger scale. Add a few drops of glycerin to a few crystals of potassium permanganate and if you want to accelerate the reaction by adding a couple of drops of water.

While in the pocket dimension Tsume stared back at Kai slightly disgusted. "The bodies... all of them you burned them."

"Yes, I did. Screw 'em." Kai's voice came out rough with little to know respect on how she felt about the situation. 'Killing them feels good. Hmm is it because they got in my way or because they tried to hurt what is mine?' His attention was on Mastica removing the self implanted rods that were deeper in her body. "Be mad. I don't care. But don't interrupt me while I "fix" this mistake! Her body has more breaks and tears then Pakura did when I first met her."

"Tch fine. But let me help. She is my second and my best friend." Tsume said once she realized how bad the situation was. Walking over she removed the rod's slowly with a trained practice. She removed all the ones near the non-major locations first and foremost. The two worked silently for an hour. Neither saying a word first. Tsume tried to say something every now and then but didn't know what to say. Kai was too distracted, with what he had to do to fix Mastica besides the words of the Fertility God plaguing his thoughts.

Finally finishing up he watched as her breathing stabilized. But the poison already did its damage. Reacting with what else was in her system had proven near-fatal. Throughout his scan's he found several other wounds that healed up over time incorrectly. Looking up to Tsume he scanned her as well. "Gasp," he couldn't believe the wear and tear she placed on her body recently. Cracked bone fragments mixed in the muscle tissue, small damages to the lungs. He didn't even want to get started on the damage along the spine area.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" Tsume demanded. "If she is ok, get us out of this place already!"

"Your just as injured. When was the last time you took time to recover? When was the last time Mastica did as well?" Kai asked calming down finally. His hair returned black but with a majority of it staying red this time.

"When I spend time to recover, it's my own business! No one else's. As long as I am fit for duty that is all that matter's." Tsume's voice came out in a snarl. "Just keep paying us and everything will be fine. We won't say anything about the Kage's wife or your plan's for her."

"Huh, Plan's for her. Pftt you have it wrong." Kai said laughing a little.

"In what way am I wrong. You already have that Pakura woman. Makes sense you would want more sand woman."

"Misunderstandings create Pandemonium. My art teacher was right again." Kai nodded. "I really lack tact and awareness sometimes."

"What are you talking about?" Tsume asked finally calm herself. She didn't notice Mastica breathing had changed.

"You are under the assumption that is why I want her. That is not the case. Pakura wants her childhood friend saved. I am going after her son Gaara. The kid hs a shitty life ahead of him. Same as Naruto's was mostly. I tend to fix that."

"Just because your wife wants you to? I find that to be stupid." Tsume grunted. "No man would put that much into a marriage. Not even you."

"Ah, forgot about your bad marriage and recent divorce. Would make sense you would feel a little more hostile about it."

"You better tread lightly Lord Senju!"

"Oh, and what will you do if I don't? Even with you fully recovered I can pin you to the wall without much effort." Kai said slightly teasing. Taking a dangerous tone he grabbed her throat in a second. "I can snap your throat right now if I wanted to."

Tsume looked back with no fear at all. "Then do it!"

"That would be stupid. I don't dislike your attitude at all. It is needed. It will keep me from.. how do you say... putting my foot up my own ass." Removing his hand back releasing some extra chakra to heal her. He then placed it against Mastica forehead. "You can stop pretending to be out cold. I heard your heartbeat when I threaten Tsume."

"Glad you didn't mean it," Mastica said slightly tired as she opened her eyes looking at the two. "So what all happened?"

"Keep quiet for a little bit. Your body has been through the wringer." Channeling small amounts of chakra to her he stared at Tsume. "So go ahead and ask whatever questions you want to be answered. It is the perfect time to do so."

"Any questions?" Mastica asked.

"You be quiet," Kai said to her. This caused a little pout to form on her face. "Tsume do the talking. That way she does not waste energy. If you want to know everything it will cost you more than you would be willing to pay." A smile of cruelty played on his lips before it went away. "Whats it gonna be?"

"For my clan, I am willing to do anything. As long as it doesn't endanger them or the village." Tsume said defiantly after a few minutes. Mastica just shook her head agreeing.

"Very well then." Kai waved his hand at the two. Summoning two crystal neckbands that floated down towards them. "Yes, they are collar's and yes you wear them on your neck's. If you remember looking around people close to me have something like this. My wives have them in the form of rings. The other's have them as this. A few other have them as bracelets."

"So you saying you own us?"

"You can look at it that way. You would be somewhat correct. The rings contain a piece of something that will strengthen you over time. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually if you believe in that sort of thing. It is also a safeguard against me and a few other things in the world."

"Like what?"

"Can't say unless you wear them."

Mastica looked at it closely. The black band intrigued her. clasping it around her neck she felt the influx of energy. Slowly her body revitalized a little. The headache she had from the drug slowly disappeared as well. The band then disappeared from sight. Seeing the look of relief, Tsume placed the other around her neck as well. She felt the same change as well.

"If you haven't noticed that I tend to want to snap necks when angry. Bad upbringing and whatnot. This will neutralize a good bit of my strength. More than enough for you to try and stop me from doing something stupid."

"Why would you need to make these?"

"Because there are techniques that can control people. In my case radiation as well that can do it. Well, change my mentality anyway. This will protect you all from that. Making you immune to outside forces mind control and hallucinogenic poisons. one of the things I fear in this world is losing control of myself. Losing control of the world around me. These will help with those who are close to me knocking some sense into me." Mastica recovered enough strength trying to sit up she was stopped by Kai's hand. "Stay down."

"Grr, fine."

Tsume thought of something, "that little ninja near you always has hers showing on her neck. It has been that way since she was on your team. Was she the first?"


"She would be a keeper of secrets if you will. Amongst everyone in my compound, she is the strongest after me. Then Pakura followed by Ouroboros. However, Kari is the strongest overall. More life experiences."

"That child is the strongest?" Tsume asked stupefied.

"She is. However the most dangerous is Kari. If you want to know more about that, you will have to ask them specifically." Kai said shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine. Tell us why else you are getting the boy Garra?"

"Because there is a tailed beast inside of him. I plan on extracting him from the boy. As well as the remnants of the boy's mother spirit or soul. Such a weird thing, a mother's love." Looking to the side Kai realized they were almost at there destination. "We are almost here."

"Almost where? We have been moving?" Mastica asked.

"Yes, also, circle your chakra and you can communicate with me due to the bands. If you learn to recognize the chakra signatures of the others' it will allow you to do the same." Opening the portal he picked Mastica up and asked Tsume to follow. They were at the Village of women. Kai hadn't been here since he did the procedure of insemination. All around women of various state's of pregnancy could be seen. Mastica somewhat growled at them. Tsume had a face of indifference. In a few steps, two jonin appeared in front of them dressed in white attire.

Before they made it, Kai looked at Tsume. "It is fine to go check on your people. We can talk later."

"With Hisa here, I know they are fine. Besides, I want to ask you something personal. Well I know Mastica definitely does." Tsume said quite low. Seeing the two come close she decided it would be better to talk later.

"Greeting's Lord Senju! Greetings to his companions. You are just in time."

"Ehh.. time for what?"

"Pakura is giving birth."

"Pakura is in the Leaf village. What are you talking about?" Kai asked shock.

The two looked at each other and smiled wrly at him. "She has been here for a day now. Maybe since eight in the morning yesterday or so. "

"That day's.. that would be during the time I went to that meeting with the Hyuga's. Where is Hisa?"

"She is helping with the treatment of the coma lady. Would you like us to take you there?"

"No. Take me to Pakura. Get me two of the best healers to treat Mastica and Tsume here. They are not in the best of conditions." Seeing the two nod in understanding one grabbed Mastica the other lead Kai to Pakura.

"Shouldn't the best healers go with you?" Mastica asked. She fidgeted when the white robe girl touched her.

"No, the better healer would best for you two. The Neonatalogist and Pediatricians are what we need here. That is the reason they are stationed at this location. Well in there anyway. That and good old fashion medical ninja and nurses everything should be fine."

Updated as of 09/17/19

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