
Living life in Naruto relaxed. (I am Egotistical though.)

First off this is no where near like its cannon. Apparently the fact that is fan fiction people ignore really. You will not see your characters with there same personality. It would not make any sense with all the different exposure people have happen. The mc had a part of himself around way before the start of the series. He was an adult when Kushina left the village of whirlpool. There are added characters that change the world and how you may have read. Some things still happen, because why wouldnt they. Events can still take place how they would before. It may be worst or better. The concept of the ripple effect or butterfly effect are just concepts. Think Final destination. death finds away or in this case the deities will find a way. The story picks when Naruto is two years old. The timeline does not fit at all because I have included parts of the movies and the like. Also there is the ability dimension travel. As well as there are deity at work. This will not fit with society norms. Big shocker there. The fact you would think it was is ridiculous since Naruto is about children going to war. Something that a lot of people ignore. The fact that they are kids killing people tends to get glossed over.. a lot. If you want to see your characters as they always are, just read the original. There is no point in you reading a fan-fic. "So first wish... Kryptonian Body. Second wish...Genius intellect to figure out techniques. Third Wish.. the ability to summon random people and things." "Eh, don't really care for anything else. Feel free to grant what you feel. I'm kinda just gonna do nothing unless trouble comes knocking." The God.. just stared. "Funny thing about that, I am a God of fertility.. so you have to breed and make kids. Like a lot. A lot a lot. You are hyper fertile. Like by x3 one for each wish." The God smirked. "I will also bestow on you the ability to move through dimensions and control of your body's cells and to that extent a little bit of others." The God said with a smile before sending Kai-La away. DeviantArt Broken Shield by hoangphamvfx enjoy his picture work.

FrozenTide · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs


Making it home finally

Kai thought he was out of the woods. However, a pull so strong he took a knee from the pain.

"Krrk," the floorboards cracked from how hard he hit.

"Master are you ok?" Gemini asked. As she was the closest she went to help him up.

"Stay back." Kai struggled to stand and stepped into the back yard. Looking in a direction he strained his eyesight to the max. The longer he stared the further he saw.

In the distance, Mastica was fighting Sand Ninja. No one else was in the area beside herself. A quick look around showed Tsume heading away from her. She was carrying several Leaf ninja on her back.

"What the hell?!" Kai stood up straight. "Gemini defend the compound in case anything happens. "Kari you are in charge. Code Red!" Launching from the ground Kai didnt even try to disguise it as leaping and running. He flew at max speed once he cleared the area of the village. A sonic boom so loud travelled above the city, awakening several from slumber.

Kari heard him say code red and already signaled the lockdown. All able-bodied ninja would wake up and get armed in the compound. Seals went up all over protecting the various families who were non-combatants.

As Kai flew towards the location time slowed a little. Off to his right, Carn-La appeared in his suit. He ran on the air using something Kai couldn't determine.

"We just saw each other a few hours ago. Whats the deal?" Kai said with a pang in his head. Grabbing his head to try to drown out the pain. It didn't work.

"Just here to offer some advice. Does your head hurt?" Seeing his nod of yes he continued. "It is because of them you know this right? You can't become what we are without issues. Stop acting like a child."

"Tch. Are you saying helping my friends are an issue? Fat chance. I am not doing that." Kai couldn't understand the meaning at what he was getting at. Nor did he try too hard. The pain in his head messed with his thoughts. "I cant... ughh."

Shaking his head in dismay, Carn-La spoke more directly to the blockhead in front of him. "No, that is not what I meant. Your powers are coming on stronger than they should be. You should have not been nice to those two as well."

"If it is so much of a problem, then I will distance myself. However, I will not part ways. Cant use people and just discard them like that!" Swinging his body in the air, Kai faced toward him as he flew back. "You told me it was better for me to fit in. Now, this." His hands waved in the air. "Make up your mind!"

"Haa. You are still a pain. Your old life is creeping back in. You have to take them in. The same as the other two you recently mistakenly took in." Rubbing the side of his mask he fixed his words. "You can't have those felling for them and just keep them with those unions. There are other sub-domains to fertility that you must answer to."

"I did it for a reason. Dammit. It's not like we are married or anything I am returning their feelings. As best I can." Kai shook his head furiously. Trying to figure out what to do next. "You cant expect me to spend months with people and not grow attached. I have done my best to spur advances and kept my eyes to the women I have. What more do you want?!" Kai finally stopped midflight.

"It is the time dilation issues. Somehow you have stopped it. I don't know if it is because of your time spent daydreaming. It has accelerated your thoughts and feelings for them. You believe it has only been a few months, but it has been years." Seeing that Kai only shake his head against what he said, Carn-La thought of a more direct path. "They have not been affected as you have. You forget your actions. You act too much like someone from our timeline. From our world. You are not acting like the people here all the time. Our people are a lot more.. relaxed. It has an effect on them. You are affecting them as well. The more carefree a deity acts the more his domains affect people. The more frustrated they become the same. Do you really think Poseiden wanted to sink so many cities?"

Carn-La grabbed his shoulder. Trying to slow his flight more than the time dilation did already.

"You need to let go of the past. The people, the connection, all of it. That is what I want from you." Carn-La said flatly. His voice was devoid of emotion. "You are not the man you use to be. You are beyond that. If you stay the way you are, you will kill yourself. You need to embrace the way things are done here." Waving his hand he showed images of Kai with his wives and others.

Pakura, Anko, Hisa, Kari, Ouroboros, Chrysa, At the bottom was Shuba, Hozumi, Mastica, Tsume, and Gemini/Shura.

"What's it matter if I do. It's not like it was your fault in any way. What do you gain from me living?" Kai felt his hackles rise. Something inside of him tried to get out.

"You forget the power of Pandemonium, it drew them to you. You would not have taken the first five without it. Then Chrysa because you wanted to help in some way. That one is a more natural one. Even though you two are not compatible in that way. Shuba, Hozumi, Mastica, and Tsume are attracted to what you are. The medicine and the idea you are bringing are what draws to them. Mastica and Tsume are in heat that is definitely driving them towards you. Power attracts power. Dont get me wrong, the idea of trying to talk them up to some of the Mist ninjas would have worked. But no cigar with them already likeing you. In a way it is good you didn't succeed in that endeavor. They would not have survived them."

"Tch. I can see your point. But why is Gemini there? I have never touched that child."

"True but.. your vow to her is still going. You won't break your vow. You can't. A very foolish notion still." With a dismiss of his hands, the images disappeared. "Such a vow how deadly. You have killed all of the members of the Aburame clan who have come for her bloodline. Smart move letting them die from that poison they already have."

"So now you mock me?!" Kai turned his head and watched Mastica fight in slow motion. "I will not let them fight and die for me. I was not raised that way."

"I was not raised that way either my friend. Do you think everything will always be honky dorey like this? Soon the plot of this world will come to you. It will not be kind. Your wives and children will die as they are now. You are not taking this as serious as it should be. Do you think you could crush Pein as you are now?" Carn-La shook his head a little. "Well, you could kill him and his Deva paths. But you will die right after. The backup plan will kill the rest of your people."

"What backup plan?" Seeing that Carn was not say anything he looked back at Mastica. A strike from an enemy ninja just cut across her shoulder. "I am running out of time! Just spit it all out already! What do you get from this?"

"I gain help. As well as, as.. as well as my family back. As you become stronger, so do my powers. I am a God of fertility. I have 10 wives locked away. Stuck in Tartarus. I am old. Not enough gods to keep everyone alive. If you attain godhood I can revive them. My life will gro more as well."

"So that was the plan all along?" Kai-La turned facing him. "You should have told me. I would have done something else about it."

"Not even remotely close. My wife killing you was real. Everything that has happened, is real. I have found new information the same as you have. I am not omnipotent. Not by a long shot."

"I get what you are saying. I feel a little for you. But I will not abandon my friends. Nor will I abandon my wives and children."

"What about the surrogate wives? What about the children they will have?" Carn-La said as he walked slowly in the air towards him. Right as he reached him his eyes turned into slits behind the mask, "they are not the same as the others. A means to an end! If they die you wouldn't care about them at all would you? They mean nothing to you! They are not your wives! Not people you care about!"

"Enough already." Kai sid turning. His body trembling with rage.

"You need to get use to not going home. Your life there is over. Your friends are gone. Your son dead. Your daughter dead. Your wife moved on. Hell, it didnt take her long to do it either. She had someone lined up before she was planning.."

In less than a second Kai-La's hair turned crimson red. White-colored chakra manifested around him. "Boom!" A punch so devastating it carried an aftershock as Kai's fist cracked the Fertility gods face. A small blast of force rocked towards the ground.

"Good hit. I deserved that. But you know I am right. Your beliefs dont count them as family. They were not conceived normally. So you feel detached. Lacking a connection with them and the mothers." Massaging his jaw he watched as Kai's energy continued to grow. He could hear his bones and body changing. "You are getting closer to becoming complete. Just a serious emotional push to staying a full Kryptonian. If you listen to me, you won't have to worry about it. She was a bad fit for you. You know it is true. There is nothing wrong with discarding your humanity. It will offer you the power here and now without any issues."

"Shut. The hell. Up!" Kai's eyes glowed white-hot. "I don't know why you are like this or why you are acting this way. Next time I see you. You better have an explanation. God or not! As for those surrogates you are right. But I gave them something they wanted. I gave them the means to protect themselves. I gave them finances. Much more than what they had already. If they hate or despise me I won't lose any sleep over it. I cant care about everyone! An thats the bottom line!" Turning, Kai broke loose from the slowed time sphere and rushed towards Mastica and Tsume.

The Fertility god stood there in the air waiting and watching. Under his mask, he smiled a self-deprecating smile. "Haa," exhaling he turned over his shoulders as a guest arrived. "Oh, it is you. The wife of the creator of this realm. How are you?"

A woman floating in a kimono came out of thin air. "Better than you. Why are you testing your brother like this?"

"I have to push him. I dont like it. But I have to. I won't let him just take responsibilities for those five. He needs to marry them if he cant leave the archaic views of his religion. I wish he could be a baptist like me."

"Hah, you are not much a baptist anymore. Your a heathen and so is your little brother. Do you think it wise to push him into his divinity like this?" The woman spoke from behind a fan.

"No, I don't. But he is breaking slowly but surely. The more the vestiges of his beliefs are tested he will become more like this place." Staring at the woman he placed his hand on her shoulder and channeled some fertility power. "His divinity is coming out. I dont like it. Not at all. If it awakens with his mentality now it will be disastrous."

"Oh, and what will it be Carnage?" Touching her shoulder she felt the energy he sent through. "Thank you for the gift." A beautiful smile came across her face hidden behind the fan. 'I need to head home.'

"Hehe, he is my brother. Only divinity he has coming out is ... Cruelty. Not enough good things happened back then. A lot here has helped. Even with the destruction of Uzu, he would have been fine. If he gave up on the past, he would have become vengeance. That would have been a lot better than Cruelty."

Went through the comments while updating. What I could see people feel he should have more of his powers as well as not to be influenced by divinity. Cant really write that. Really I cannot. Not with the way I set everything up. I am not done editing but felt the need to write a chapter like this.

Updated as of 09/17/2019

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