
Living is so ugly

Insecurity kills all that is beautiful She looked at herself in the mirror and the taunting words from people comes haunting her. "you are so tiny" "do you eat" "you look like skeleton" "your chest is as flat as a board" "your backside be looking like flat plate" "your legs look so much like broomstick" "how do you manage to smile with such gummy teeth" "I wonder what he sees in you" "YOU ARE NOT THE STANDARD FOR BEAUTY". If they knew what they said would go straight to her head, what would they have said instead?

Krystal_writes · 若者
4 Chs

Chapter four

"we would be going to the gym this saturday, care to join?" Bukola asked

"yeah sure" I agreed in a heartbeat. Anything to leave the house.

"Great!" My other friend Zuri exclaimed.

They continued the conversation and I couldn't help but feel left out. it was always like that, it had always been like that.

A few moments later, our literature teacher came into the class and all conversations died down.

"Good morning class" Mr lawson our literature teacher greeted

"Good morning Sir" We responded

"As you all know, today is Valentine's day and........

Valentine's what?

I wasn't really sure I was living anymore to forget February 14, but I wasn't too surprised though, considering I was not a big fan of love. I didn't love myself one bit so why expect someone else to love me.

" You have forty minutes to write a poem about how you feel this Valentine's day"

"What if I don't feel anything?" I couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Surely, you must feel something. The love for yourself, the love between your parents, the love around your classmates here in school. so I'm pretty sure you have a lot to write about" He answered really confidently.

"Even if its negative?" I dared to ask again

"Come on skyler, it can't be that........

"Teacher Lawson, I suggest you don't waste your breath on Skyler. She doesn't believe in love not that i expect her to especially when she looks like that" A girl whose name I didn't know spoke up and I sure did not understand her last words.

"Look like what?" I asked knowing fully well the answer was not something I would like to hear.

"Look like you'd break into two if someone were to bump into you. Come on, your sister already told half of the school about your insecure ass. Well if I were in your shoes, I would be insecure too. I can't just imagine my chest being as flat as the board just like yours" She laughed afterwards like she just said the most amusing thing ever.

"Burn" "emotional damage" The class yelled for effect and even laughed at my expense.

"That's enough everyone, Lilian do not say such things. Settle down everyone and start your poem" Teacher lawson brushed the whole matter under the rug and the rest of the class went back to writing the poem.

I couldn't believe what just happened, I couldn't bring myself to believe that my own sister whom I trusted with my life had tricked me into opening up just for her to go behind my back and tell the whole school. Giving others the right to openly body shame me. it wasn't like they didn't do it before but it was in between themselves and wasn't straight to my face. But my own sister had told them of how insecure I was so off course they would say it to my face. I don't know how people sleep at night after saying such horrible words to someone. They really didn't know the gravity of their venom filled words.

Humans are so wicked.