
Living is so ugly

Insecurity kills all that is beautiful She looked at herself in the mirror and the taunting words from people comes haunting her. "you are so tiny" "do you eat" "you look like skeleton" "your chest is as flat as a board" "your backside be looking like flat plate" "your legs look so much like broomstick" "how do you manage to smile with such gummy teeth" "I wonder what he sees in you" "YOU ARE NOT THE STANDARD FOR BEAUTY". If they knew what they said would go straight to her head, what would they have said instead?

Krystal_writes · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter three

I looked at myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time looking for one thing that would make me feel beautiful but I still couldn't find any. The Same black, thin, ugly and insecure bitch stared right back at me. I felt completely disgusted by the way my body looked in the dress that I wore. I was straight as a stick and I swear my eyes hurt from looking at myself.

My aunt's daughter was getting married and the wedding was the reason why I was dressed in a body hug gown. Because on a normal day, nothing would make me dress in a tight fitted gown if not only to embarrass myself and get body shamed.

I picked up my hand bag and summoned up the courage to go downstairs where I was sure my mother and siblings were waiting. Unfortunately they were already downstairs when I got there. My mother was carrying my baby brother in her arms while my sister was busy on her phone.

Talking about my sister, She looked so good I wanted to hide in a hole and never to be seen again. Tiana was dressed in the same dress as me and it accentuated her hips making me look the complete opposite of her.

It was like the universe was making mockery of me by giving me a sister that was perfect.

"you sure took time, come on let's go before we are late" My mother said as she turned around and left the house.

" I honestly still do not understand why mum bought you the same body hug dress as mine. No offence but you look horrible in that dress" She turned on her heels and left me to ponder on her words.

I already knew I looked horrible but hearing it from her made it worse. Even my own sister felt disgusted by me.

I took in a deep breath and went to join them outside. I didn't say a word throughout the whole journey not like anything I said would matter anyway.

The Church wedding went by and soon it was the reception. I just sat at the family table and observed everyone socialize. My Sister was dancing with some of my cousins whose names I did not remember. Even the person getting married, I did not know her name. I was so distanced from my family members that an outsider would think we were strangers.

" Mummy Tiana you made it" An overcheerful voice screeched and I almost covered my ears.

Keyword ; almost

I turned to look at the person and realized it was my aunt whose daughter was getting married.

" Off course I would never miss it for anything, you are looking good though." My mother smiled at her and I was very sure my aunt was on high horse because of a small compliment.

" As I should. Where is Tiana? I haven't seen her around" she shifted her gaze to me as she said that.

What am I now? my sister's keeper?

" She's over there dancing " I simply answered

"And you are here doing nothing, you should learn to socialize like your sister. But wait...are you not feeling fine? " My aunt asked while checking me out from head to toe.

Do I look sick?

" No" I replied

She held up my wrists and I began to prepare myself for what was coming next.

" Are you sure you are eating? look how thin you have become, like skeleton "

She did not just say that

" She doesn't eat oh, I have to force her at times before she eats." My mother complained

" Very bad...

I tuned out the rest of their conversation and I kept on replaying those same words in my mind. No one ever told me that before and it hurt really bad coming from someone I call family. Why was my life like this? why did I have to be reminded of how I looked every moment of my miserable life.

How can I run away from myself?