
little did I know

Layla smith Is an outstanding young lady with so much ambition her beauty captured the hearts of so many guys but she was never interested because she had the highest expectations of what she expected of her prince charming and she planned exactly how she wanted to meet the love of her life and how he'd propose to her later then her parents make a decision that completely obliterates her dream what happens when she first locks eyes with the man she hates with everything in her who turnes out to be the biggest part of her parents drastic decision .

Kuyemba_Besa · 都市
5 Chs

started to find out

so before I could say a word to stop Gabriel from going he left furiously then I really shocked because I didn't expect that to happen but I knew for sure that there was something really wrong that I had to figure out...

Layla: the look on your face right now is way beyond funny don't mind that boy

Gabriel: no maybe you're just throwing shade...Jake is there something I'm supposed to know?

Jake: no there isn't

Layla: okay if that's the case then we'll talk when you feel like telling me the truth

Immediately after saying this I left and I was angry I now just wanted to know why they hated each other estate Gabriel

so I went of to look for Gabriel and I found him in class sitting in a sit at the corner with some headsets on when I got close I noticed he was drawing something so attentively but when I reached close to take a look at it he closed the book

Gabriel: what are you doing here?

Layla: now that's rude

Gabriel: that's not how I meant to say that. it's just that I didn't expect you to come to me

Layla: why wouldn't i I've never seen you like that so I got a little worried

Jake: no you could have just stayed with him because at times like this I prefer to be alone

Layla: but what happened to going to your friends

Gabriel:(laughs ) I'm already with them they are in my head

Layla: bet they are clowns like you

Layla: no because I'm not a clown you on the other hand though are a big clown yourself...

so me and Gabriel continued to talk and as we joked around he's mood changed I was glad I was able to cheer him up I was really eager to find out about what happened between him and Jake but I thought that it wasn't the best time because I didn't want to ruin his mood again...

after recess we got back to our books we had a couple of lessons and we got dismissed from class I was really tired I couldn't wait to go home and rest. Gabriel walked me out of the school premises and my sisters were waiting for me I said bye to him and he smiled at me in my head (you really seem like you're a good person Gaby)

so I went to my sisters and Penelope was were already acting like as if she's are crazy..

Penelope: oh my goodness Layla you're now becoming fond of Gabriel? now I'm confused

Layla: you're not the only one who's confused I feel the same way too

Penelope: how though?

Layla: it feels like Jake is two faced but at the same time I feel like he's a good person I don't know then Gabriel on the other hand seems like he's also a good person but he's against Jake for a reason that seems to be genuine

so throughout our way home Penelope didn't say a word and it was so unusual because she's talkative and really active

I knew she was still upset over the previous argument we had I know she's a little difficult sometimes but I just had to find a way to cheer her up . so as soon as I reached home I quickly freshened up and went to find the nearest gift store so I found a pretty necklace and bought her chocolate because she loves it I got a few more items for Penelope and quickly went back home and as soon as I reached I went to Scarlett's room

Layla: hey Scarlett can I come in?

Scarlett: you're already in so I don't understand why you're asking

Layla: yeah...

so I went to her bed and gave her what I bought for her

Layla: you know I don't whenever you're upset with me you're my little sister and I love you with all my heart and I would never see your opinions as useless because your opinion equally is very important

Scarlett: I know and I'm so sorry for making such a big deal out of it she hugged me and I'm glad we got that off our chests so we went and called Penelope and I gave her the stuff I got for her and then we went to watch a movie we watched about 2 movies and then our parents reached home and as soon as we welcomed them we went to bed because it was a rule that we had to follow so I got in my pajamas and I got in bed and then I realized that I had an unusual number of texts as soon as I opened to read them they literally had me speechless it was Jake he sent me a dozen texts and they were all long paragraphs