
little did I know

Layla smith Is an outstanding young lady with so much ambition her beauty captured the hearts of so many guys but she was never interested because she had the highest expectations of what she expected of her prince charming and she planned exactly how she wanted to meet the love of her life and how he'd propose to her later then her parents make a decision that completely obliterates her dream what happens when she first locks eyes with the man she hates with everything in her who turnes out to be the biggest part of her parents drastic decision .

Kuyemba_Besa · Urban
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the beach date

so me and Jake reached at the beach and we got ourselves a perfect place to sit and enjoy the beautiful view

Jake: you really do look amazing I just can't stop looking at you

Layla: you don't have to over do it you know (rolling her eyes)

Jake: way to spoil the moment

Layla: what my moment?

Jake: nevermind, eish you so cold I didn't expect you to be that rude

Layla: I'm not being rude I just want to make it clear that they ain't no romantic feelings at all

Jake :then why did you bother agree to come here with me in the first place?

Layla: okay... okay I don't want our night to get spoiled over something really petty...I think I'm still a little upset with my youngest sister Scarlett and I'm letting it out on you

Jake: what happened?

Layla: it's really complicated, for some reason I feel like Scarlett is two faced I can't trust her like the way I trust Penelope maybe it's because she's young and a little childish but I just don't like this feeling and it gets stronger the older we grow

Jake:so you never tell her anything at all? not even secrets?

Layla: yes imagine and it hurts because I do want to but she hasn't given me reasons to trust her I'll probably will as soon as she starts to get mature

Jake: oh I see well I guess that's just how these things are and I completely stand by you I think you shouldn't tell her anything not until you feel the time is right because she might disappoint you..

Layla: yes you're probably right

as we talked I even forgot that I was upset we had a couple of snacks then went to play in the water and it was really fun it started to get late and cold and then I received a call from Penelope

I quickly answered

Penelope: it's late mom and dad are about to get home you don't them to know that you're not home you know the reasons why

Layla: thanks for the lookout I'm on my way

then I cut the call.

Jake: what's up?

Layla: Penelope just called I need to head back home it's getting really late

Jake: alright then

so we started to head home and I was freezing it got really cold and I wore a short at this point I wished I wore that Jean and the hoodie Scarlett's suggestion but I think Jake noticed that I was cold so he took off his hoodie and gave it to me

Jake:here have this I think you need it more

Layla: uhm... thanks I'm actually shivering so this will help me feel alot better

Jake: you see I could make a good boyfriend I've got brains ( while laughing)

Layla: you play too much, I've to admit though this has shown that you're a thoughtful person

Jake:of course I am...

Layla: Jake I've been meaning to ask, how do you know Gabriel?

Jake: oh Gabriel is just some guy me and him don't really get along

Layla: why?

Jake: sometimes it's not everybody that you can get along with

Layla: I guess I understand

Jake okay let's just keep it that way then.

so we reached my place and I got out of the car.

Jake: we should definitely do this again some time I really enjoyed myself

Layla: yes we definitely should anyways you take care see you tomorrow at school

Jake: for sure, bye-bye little munchkin

so Jake went and I got inside the house the second I stepped inside the house my sisters were screaming and with so much excitement

Penelope: so how was the beach??

Scarlett: did Jake do anything weird?? is that Jake's hoodie??

Layla: calm down girls it was just alright me and Jake had a great time and he seems like a good person oh and I got cold because of the water and the weather so Jake gave me he's hoodie to keep me warm

Penelope: oh now I know for sure what's going to happen next

Scarlett: yeah I know right! there's going to be a new couple in town

Layla: pshh there's no way that's happening Jake is just becoming a good friend you guys need to relax and stop making up stories in your head

Penelope and Scarlett: okay then we'll see

Layla: yeah we'll see

some time later our parents came home and we rushed to welcome them back and helped them carry the groceries they both got settled and me my sisters went off to sleep because we needed to get enough sleep for school. I went to my room and right about the time

I was supposed to get ready for bed Penelope walked in my room

Layla: what's up little girlie

Penelope: just came here to have a late night chat wanna catch up?

Layla: I don't see why not come on come join me

Penelope came and joined me and she brought some snacks so we talked and we laughed we really had a great time and then as we were talking she brought up Jake

Penelope: so what do you really think about Jake?

Layla: I think he's a good person but you never know I guess my thoughts are still all over the place...how about you though from what you've seen what do you think about him?

Penelope: we'll he's friendly that's for sure but as at now I think you shouldn't trust him at all maybe listening to Gabriel's take on Jake isn't such a bad idea so for now we just keep a close eye on Jake

Layla: you're right I will because I feel like something doesn't somehow add up ..

so me and Penelope talked until we both fell asleep next morning we woke up at 05 we started to prepare ourselves, ate and then started off as soon as we were in the school premises I rushed to class I saw Jake and he looked at me like as if he saw something that amazed him so I looked back at him but in a confused way because I couldn't understand why he looked at me that way then he greet me as I went to my sit he said out loud " you're amazing" I looked at him and I was speechless I literally couldn't say anything back at him Gabriel heard Jake and then they both looked at each other with eyes that were of something like grief and then Gabriel looked at me and then I looked away a few minutes later to the lesson a began few hours later it was time for recess I packed up and then Gabriel came over to my desk .

Gabriel: hey .... wanna have lunch together?

Layla: uhm sure.

so we went to the cafeteria and we got our food and began to eat .

Gabriel: so you and Jake are now becoming close huh

Layla: let's just say that we had a good time

Gabriel: oh really... alright then

layla: what's that supposed to mean

Gabriel: nothing look Layla it's not like I'm jealous or anything I'm just trying to help you protect yourself from that Jake guy

Layla:I appreciate but let me be the one to decide that .

just as they were talking Jake came over to their table

Gabriel: speak of the devil ( whispering)

Jake: mind if I join you guys?

Layla: of course not

Jake: so Layla you've already met this guy here

Gabriel: I have a name

Jake : I didn't ask if you had one did I?

Gabriel: Layla could we talk some other time? I'm going to my friends cause this table just got bitter.