
Lioness Cub

While fetching water by the river, Mareoleona's ears perked up as she heard the cries of a nearby baby, catching her attention instantly. Driven by instinct, Mareoleona immediately pursued the source of the baby's cries and discovered an infant nestled in a basket, snugly wrapped in a blanket. "Eh? So you're abandoned, huh?" Mareoleona, filled with concern, decided to investigate further. She carefully examined the basket and noticed a handkerchief with the name "Asher" embroidered on it, catching her attention. "Asher... Interesting. Well, taking care of a brat is not bad, right?"

SALTANDPEPPER_1 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Magic Knight Exam

"Asher, the Exam is about to start in a few minutes." Charlotte lightly taps Asher's shoulder.

Asher was gently roused from his slumber by a soothing voice and a delicate touch on his shoulder. With his eyelashes fluttering, he gradually unveiled his eyes, only to find himself cradled on Captain Charlotte's lap.

With a leisurely stretch and an adorable yawn escaping his lips, Asher gradually rose from his slumber. In a display of endearing innocence, he gently rubbed his eyes, chasing away the remnants of sleep that clung to the corners.

Charlotte smiled at the cute sight she was seeing. All men should be like Asher, so they would be less annoying and despicable.

"Thank you for waking me up, Captain Charlotte."

"You really don't need to be so polite to me. You can just call me Auntie Charlotte."


"Thank you again, Auntie Charlotte."

"Let's go down now, Asher."


"Wow, the Magic Knight captains look very strong! If I wanted to be a wizard king, I would have to surpass all of them!" Asta said with a star in his eyes.

"So you want to be a wizard king? That's a tough dream, Bah ha!"

"I know, but I will work hard! Wait, one captain is missing; where is the other one?"

"Oh? Now you said it, the Captain of the Blue Rose is not here yet! It's strange she was never late, especially in an event like this. Bah-ha," Sekke said curiously.

On the second floor, the captains exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity piqued by Charlotte's uncharacteristic tardiness. Known for her unwavering discipline and meticulous adherence to schedules and protocols, her absence from the expected time raised concerns among the Magic Knight captains. A sense of unease settled in as they contemplated the possibility that something out of the ordinary had occurred.

"That thorny woman is late. That's unlike her. KEKEKE," Jack the ripper said while licking his lips.

"Don't worry, she must have taken a dump or something, Yami said, puffing smoke from his mouth.

"Don't tarnish my reputation, Burglar Commoner."

"Oh, you're here, Prickly Queen. Just what did you just do?"

"I was just out talking to Asher."

"Oh? Sisgoleon's son?"


"Wow! That's the Blue Rose captain! She's so beautiful!" Asta said with admiration.

But Sister Lily is more beautiful!

"Of course she's beautiful! But there's a rumor that she hates men and only loves the battlefield, so no men can steal her heart!" Sekke said while admiring Charlotte's beauty.

"Asta." A cold voice echoed in Asta and Sekke's ears.

"Huh?" Asta looked over her shoulder and smiled happily.

"Asher! You're here! We met again!!"

"A-A-A-A-Asher Vermillion?!" Sekke exclaimed with a horrified expression.

"Oh Sekke! He is Asher! We met him during the grimoire awarding ceremony! He saved us that day!"

"N-Nice to meet you, Asher Sama! BaH-HaH" Sekke bowed. His face was full of sweat because of nervousness.

Asher looked at Sekke and said, "You look weak. I hate you."

Sekke turned into stone when he heard what Asher said. Just how did Asta meet someone from a Royal family? Asher's family background is not normal, Bah-Hah! Just being the son of one of the strongest women is enough to shake the whole kingdom!

"I'll leave. Good luck." Asher turned around and walked away. He didn't want to get close to someone like that Bah-Hah guy. Also, Asta is too loud.

"Good luck too, Asher!"

"Bah-Hah! How did you befriend someone from the royal family? Bah-hah!"

"Royal family? Who?"

Sekke felt like his soul was about to get out of his body.


"World Tree Magic: Magic Tree Descent!

The captain of the Golden Dawn, William Vangeance, cast a spell. The sky darkened, and big tree roots came down from the sky. The roots make a broom, providing each person who was going to take the Exam.

"Flying with that broom will make us witness how much and how well you control your mana! If you can't even fly a broom, then forget about being a magic knight!"

Anticipation filled the air as the crowd eagerly commenced their attempts at broom flight. Among the applicants, a myriad of challenges surfaced, with many grappling to find their balance and elevate themselves into the skies. While some individuals managed to lift off, their heights remained disappointingly modest, leaving them yearning for greater elevation. Sensing the shared frustration and determination, the captains assumed their roles as keen observers, their attention directed towards those individuals who had captured their interest.

All eyes were drawn to one particular individual, Yuno, who effortlessly captured the collective gaze. In a remarkable display of skill and daring, he soared higher than anyone else. To the astonishment of onlookers, Yuno not only flew with grace but even dared to stand on the broom, leaving everyone in awe of his impressive feat. His remarkable performance left an indelible impression, evoking admiration and inspiration from those fortunate enough to witness his breathtaking mastery of broom flight.

Asher flew into the skies on his own broom. However, he couldn't shake off a sense of boredom during the Magic Knight exam, as no one seemed to capture his attention quite like Yuno did. Nevertheless, he found himself rooting for Asta's performance as well. Suddenly, Asher's focus shifted when he noticed Captain Charlotte signaling him to approach. Intrigued by her gesture, he effortlessly glided towards the captains. He wants to know why Auntie Charlotte wants him to come.

"Auntie Charlotte." Asher tilts his head curiously.

"My squad members make these cookies for you. They hope for you to eat them while taking the exams."

"Captain Charlotte! You sell us out!" Exclaimed the girls behind Charlotte.

"Hm?" Asher takes the bag of cookies and carefully observes it. He then looks at the Blue Rose squad members behind Charlotte who was blushing furiously.

He takes one cookie and has a bite. The taste is not bad. It's better than those he buys from the store.

"How's the taste?" Charlotte said.

"Not bad. I would like some in the future."

"Sure, I'll just give it to you, or you're welcome to join my squad."

"Charlotte, this is inappropriate! Asher is my nephew; he should be on Crimson Lion!" Fuegoleon said.

"Your squad is full of brutes alongside black bulls. Asher hates noisy environments, so he should choose my squad. What do you think, Asher?"

"I don't know. I don't really care which squad I join as long as it's quiet."

"I see. I'll respect your decision."


Asta was now struggling with his broom. He can't even lift from the ground because flying a broom requires mana. That's the thing Asta doesn't have.

"That kid, even though a person has a tiny bit of mana, they can still fly a broom, but what happened to him? I can't even sense mana from him," Charlotte said, slightly surprised.

"It's not that he has a tiny bit of mana. He really has no mana or magic." Asher said.

"Then how can he have a grimoire?" Nozel asked curiously.

"Anti-magic is his power, a power that only he can yield because he doesn't have mana. If he were to train his power more, he could become unstoppable."

"You really regard that peasant highly, Asher," Nozel said.

"I don't care if one is a commoner or not. Even Royals can become more disgusting than a commoner. Remember, Jack the Ripper was once a peasant. As long as they are interesting, I'm good."

"You have a great mentality, kid. You're interesting. Join my squad!" Yami said.

"No thanks; your squad is too loud."

"I'll just go down for a moment. Excuse me." Asher then goes down and approaches Asta.

"Oh, Asher! Why did you come down?" Asta said with a smile on his face.

"Asta, don't participate in this test or the others. But you still have a chance to be a magic knight by winning the 1vs1. You need to win at all costs."

"I just don't understand why I can't fly the broom.

Asher sighs and patiently replies, "Asta, flying a broom requires mana. You don't have it. In the future, you can think of something for transportation, but that's not important right now. Remember what I said. You must win the 1vs1."

"Remember that Bah-hah guy? Destroy him. He is an eyesore."

(This fanfic is not a harem. I'm not a fan of harems, but this fanfic has a romance. I was thinking of Nero as a candidate for the MC's love interest. This can change though. To those who love harem and wish this fanfic to be harem, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I will never write harem stories.)