
Crimson Lion

"What?! Big sister is coming home?!" The captain of the Crimson Lion Exclaimed in shock.

"Big brother, why is she coming home suddenly? Isn't she busy with her training and outside missions?" The captain's little brother said.

Mereoleona's unwavering dedication to her own growth and strength had become well known throughout the kingdom. Her relentless pursuit of getting stronger had led her to temporarily depart from the esteemed Crimson Lion squad. What the people didn't know was that Mereoleona had made this choice for the sake of her son, Asher. Balancing the responsibilities of being a mother and a magic knight proved to be a challenge, as she couldn't devote herself fully to both endeavors simultaneously. However, Mereoleona's commitment to her training never wavered. In fact, her absence from the Crimson Lion served as an opportunity for her to delve deeper into her own growth, emerging stronger than ever before. Her newfound power rivaled, if not surpassed, that of many Magic Knight captains.

"I don't know either, Leopold, but there has to be a good reason why she's coming back now. Sister wouldn't do meaningless things," the captain said seriously.

"What if she met a guy that softened her heart and wants to tell us about their marriage?!" Leopold said with a horrified expression.

"Shut your crap, Leopold! It's utterly impossible! It will even be considered a miracle if sister takes an interest in a guy! What makes you think she has a man?"

"Well, nothing is impossible!"

"Captain! Mareoleona Sama is here!" A member of the Crimson Lion enters the room full of sweat.

"What?! So early!" Leopold and Fuegoleon exclaimed.


"This is the Crimson Lion base?" Asher said while looking around.

"Yeah, not bad, right?" Mereoleona said, feeling nostalgic when she saw the base.

"Yeah, not bad."

The two of them both entered the base and were greeted by members of Crimson Lion.

"Welcome back, Mereoleona Sama!" The members shout.

"Where is that foolish brother of mine?"

"Uhmmm, they're about to come here, Mereoleona Sama," The vice captain of the Crimson Lion, Randall, said.

"That fool! He dares make me wait! If he doesn't come here, I will personally drag him out!"

"Sister, calm down! We're here! We're here!" Fuegeleon shouts, rushing to the scene.

"Good for you; I thought I would have to drag you outside your room." Mereoleona's fiery attitude makes everyone nervous.

Then Fuegoleon noticed Asher standing beside him. Leopold's statement earlier echoed in his mind. Don't tell me what my little brother said is true! The kid is too young! Sister is really a beast!

"Sister, who is he?" Fuegoleon asks while looking at Asher.

"Oh, right, Meet my son Asher. We came here today to introduce him to everyone. He is your nephew."


A heavy silence fell upon the crowd as the revelation sank in. Each passing ear absorbs the shocking truth. Mereoleona Vermillion, renowned for her formidable power and fiery demeanor, had a son.


"Sister?! You had a son?! When?! How?!" Fuegoleon couldn't believe it! How can his sister have a son without even saying anything to us? Is this why she left the squad?

"You ask so many questions. I bring Asher here for him to experience new things. If I hear someone say he is not welcome here, I'll just burn them until they turn into dust."

"Don't worry, sister, leave that to me. Uhmmm... Asher, nice to meet you."

"Yeah, nice to meet you two." Fuegoloen was surprised when Asher didn't even have any reaction to what was going on. Every kid his age will be thrilled and feel excited when they meet magic knights, especially the captain, but Asher didn't seem to care at all.

"Randall, show Asher around. Me and my sister will just talk."

"My pleasure, captain." Randall then looks towards Asher.

"Asher Sama, please follow me."

Asher looked at her mother.

Mereoleona, feeling his gaze, smiles at him and nods, "Go and familiarize yourself here. Tell me if someone troubles you."

Hearing his mother's affirmation, he walks towards Randall and follows him.

"Let's go, sister. Let's have a talk."



"Asher sama, how's your impression of the Crimson Lion?" Randall decides to entertain Asher because he is just following and not saying anything.

Asher looks at Randall and wonders whether he should answer or not. Nothing really surprised him or piqued his interest since he already expected everything and read about Crimson Lion in the books.

Asher then decided to answer Randall, "Not bad, I guess. I already expected everything, so nothing really surprises me. Though I noticed a few things like how much you guys respected my mother, like she's the captain, and how much you fear her. I can see in each member's eyes that they are really dedicated to their job and are very loyal to the squad. That leaves a good impression, I guess. I hope you won't mind what I said.

"I'm relieved that Asher Sama has a good impression of us. It's really shocking that Mareoelona Sama has a son."

Asher didn't say anything anymore and just listened to what Randall was saying.


"Sister, is Asher really your son? I mean, biological?" Although Mereoleona introduced Asher as her son, he still has suspicions.

Mereoleona's mind delved into deep contemplation, weighing the consequences of revealing the truth about Asher's parentage. She understood all too well the intricacies of a royal family and the potential backlash her son could face if his true origins were exposed. The mere thought of others scrutinizing and subjecting Asher to undue hardships made her heart ache. She had seen firsthand how those in power could be relentless in their pursuit of eliminating anything they deemed unworthy. Thus, Mareoleona recognized the importance of keeping Asher's true lineage hidden, even from her own brother.

While she held unwavering trust in her sibling, Mereoleona believed that limiting the knowledge of Asher's non-biological status would ultimately safeguard him. The fewer people who knew the truth, the better protected their secret would be. Blood ties mattered little to her, as the bond they shared transcended mere genetics. In a society dictated by rigid norms and expectations, Mereoleona would gladly lie to everyone if it meant securing Asher's safety and happiness.

Deep down, she suspected that Asher himself possessed an inkling of the truth. With his sharp intellect and keen perception, it was likely he had already pieced together the fragments of his own identity. Despite this, Mereoleona held fast to her resolve, knowing that shielding Asher from the potential judgment and prejudice of others was her duty as a protective mother. The love and care she showered upon him were not dependent on blood ties but rooted in a fierce and unwavering maternal bond.

"Asher is my biological son. I left not because of training but because I'm already pregnant. I left the squad so that I can take care of Asher without any hassle. If you're still doubting, Asher inherited my magic attribute. Although it's a little bit different, it's also related to fire, which is a common attribute of our family. Asher's magic is inferno blaze magic. The heat of Asher's flame is clearly superior to normal fire magic. He is my son Fuegoleon."

Fuegoleon sighs and says, "Then who is Asher's father?"

"Whoever is Asher's father has nothing to do with you or anyone."

Fuegoleon narrowed his eyes slightly. Could it be that Asher's father is someone from another kingdom? It's possible because Sister is very secretive about it.

"I understand your privacy, sister. Sorry for doubting you.""

"Sure, I thought I had to beat the shit out of you again to make you know your place," Mereoleona scoffs.

"That kid really changed you, sister. You have more patience than before."

Mereoleona grinned manically, "Change you say? Let's test if you're slacking off your training or not."

Fuegoleon's face changed when he heard his sister. He would have a deadly battle against a wild beast again.


Six months later

The news of Asher being recognized as Mereoleona's biological son was known throughout the entire kingdom. It was an unexpected revelation that left the kingdom in a state of disbelief. Never before had they conceived the existence of another Vermillion, and the sheer surprise of this revelation reverberated in every corner of the land. Doubt had no room to linger, for the impeccable reputation of Fuegeleon, who had diligently overseen every aspect of this matter, ensured the authenticity of the news. With Mereoleona's resolute statement and her sudden withdrawal from the public eye, any lingering speculations were swiftly silenced.

What Asher has done in the past few months is just train and study, which frustrates Mereoleona a lot. She understands that Asher needs to be ready for the exam, but he doesn't need to push himself like this. She even suggested to Asher that she would recommend him to any Magic Knight squad he wanted, but Asher immediately refused.

Asher finds the Magic Knight exam interesting. So even if he's already overqualified to be a magic knight, he still wants to take the exam.

Right now, Asher was on the line, waiting for his turn to enter the arena. Although his appearance attracted a lot of attention, he just ignored it and continued munching on the sandwich his mother had made for him.

As Asher stepped forward, anticipation filled the air, and all eyes turned towards him. Asher just took his grimoire from his holster and showed it, revealing a sight that left the guard utterly dumbfounded. Staring in disbelief, the guard's eyes widened as they beheld the rarest of sights—a magnificent four-leaf clover emblazoned upon the cover of Asher's grimoire. It was a moment that defied all expectations, for the guard had never before encountered the awe-inspiring presence of a four-leaf grimoire.

"Asher Vermillion, from the house of Vermillion. Am I in?"

Hearing him introduce himself, the guard broke out in a cold sweat. "A-Asher sama, I didn't know it was you. Yes, you can definitely go inside without even going in the line. You're #50."

"Thanks, I guess."

Unfazed by the idle chatter surrounding him, Asher paid no mind to the gossip swirling in the air. Stepping into the bustling arena, he found himself in the company of fellow aspirants eagerly awaiting the commencement of the Magic Knight exam. With time to spare before the proceedings began, Asher ascended the stairs, seeking solace and respite from the crowd below.

"Hey, did you see that guy earlier? He wears royal clothes!"

"Wait... I think I saw him before. Isn't he Asher Vermillion? Mereoleona Sama's son? His name has been heard throughout the kingdom. "

"Really?! He's so cute and handsome at the same time!"

"He must have really powerful fire magic since it's the common attribute of the Varmillions."

"Hey, I just heard from the outside that he has a four-leaf clover grimoire! Isn't that crazy?! I'm so jealous!"

"So noisy. I hate them." Asher was already at the second and watching the applicants talk about him.

"Asher, what are you doing here?" Asher looked over his shoulder and saw the captain of the Blue Rose squad.

"Hm? Nothing, just killing some time."

"I heard you will take the exam. Follow me if you don't have something to do."

"Sure, I guess."

Guided by Charlotte, Asher followed her through the halls until they reached a room designated for Magic Knight captains who arrived early for the exam. As he stepped inside, a wave of curiosity washed over him, wondering what purpose the captain of the Blue Rose squad had in mind for him. The knowledge of Charlotte's well-known aversion to men lingered in his thoughts, leaving him pondering the motives that had led her to invite him into this exclusive space.

"Can I ask why I am here?"

"Nothing, actually. I just want some company. I'm your godmother, and we have some similarities. You're also the only man I can tolerate."

"I see. What similarities then?" Asher said, sitting on the sofa.

"Well, we both like a quiet environment. I hate men to the core, and you hate noisy people."

"Oh, we do have some similarities"

As a yawn escaped Asher's lips, he couldn't help but feel the weight of drowsiness settling upon him. The remnants of a sleepless night plagued him, a consequence of losing himself in the captivating pages of a book, oblivious to the passage of time.

Seeing Asher is sleepy, Charlotte chuckles and says, "You can sleep there; I will wake you up if the exam is about to start."

Asher eased himself onto the soft contours of the sofa. Surrendering to the gentle embrace of exhaustion, his eyelids grew heavy, veiling his vision in a tranquil darkness. Yet, before succumbing to the depths of slumber, a tender touch graced his head, lifting the weight of tiredness and eliciting a soothing sensation that resonated through his body. In that fleeting moment, a profound sense of comfort enveloped him, reassuring him that even in the realm of dreams, he was cradled in caring hands.

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