
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Conflict Edges

January 14 4005 3:23PM

Theseus and his formidable gang pressed on with their relentless assault, revving up their jeeps and trucks as they thundered down the road toward the city. The rumbling engines and dust clouds they kicked up drew the attention of Light and the others, who now faced a daunting and imminent confrontation.

As they traversed the outskirts of Stracia on their way to the city, the bandits meticulously loaded magic shards as ammunition into the machine guns mounted at the back of the trucks. Each bandit focused intently on their task, knowing that their meticulous preparations were vital for the upcoming battle.

While on the other hand, Theseus focused his gaze on the horizon. His eyes held a chilling determination, reflecting his readiness for the impending battle. Methodically, he loaded ammunition into his revolver, each round a grim reminder of the violence about to unfold. The weight of the weapon in his hand felt like an extension of his own will, a harbinger of destruction.

Theseus's presence was an imposing one, commanding and foreboding as he surveyed the terrain before him. It was as if the very landscape trembled in anticipation of the violence that was about to be unleashed as an unknown enigmatic figure swiftly follows them in a motorcycle, carrying a maul on his back.

Back at the academy, an atmosphere charged with tension enveloped the surroundings as Light's swift return from the Bandits' base became evident as he gazes emotionlessly. In her arms, she bore the weight of Karra, a comrade now vulnerable, battered, and bereft of consciousness. The relentless pursuit of their mission had taken its toll, etching visible signs of struggle on both their faces.

Claire and Rose diligently attended to Karra's wounds, unaware of the profound family connection between her and Light. She lay motionless on Light's bed, a stranger to them, while Ken, their ever-faithful canine companion, observed the scene with a wagging tail, his instincts sensing the gravity of the situation.

In the midst of this turmoil, Light, his emotions tightly locked away, approached Marcus. There was a pressing need to discuss the unfolding crisis and the threat posed by Theseus and his bandits.

After their duel, Marcus leaned casually against the walls of Light's room, his expression a blend of curiosity and concern as he sought answers.

"So what happened?" asks Marcus as he stood with his back against the walls of Light's room, facing him after the duel they had with Light emerging victorious.

"Black Scar left their base, probably on their way to the city to show their dominance over us..." responds Light emotionlessly.

Marcus stood there, his expression a complex blend of skepticism, confusion, and even a hint of hurt. The aftermath of their recent battle had left him with a whirlwind of emotions. But now, with Light returning, cradling an unconscious girl, Marcus grappled with a deeper realization - he didn't truly know Light. The man before him, with his emotionless demeanor, raised doubts about whether Light still considered him a friend, deepening the uncertainty that clouded their relationship.

"How do you know this?" Marcus inquired with a skeptical tone, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"I fought them for years, I know their every move..." Light responded emotionlessly, but there was a hint of frustration in his tone.

"Yet another one of your shit kept from us... What's next? You gonna tell me you're a former assassin once bent on revenge against these clan?" Marcus's voice carried a mix of anger and disappointment as he sarcastically remarked about Light's hidden secrets, his eyes reflecting a sense of betrayal.

Despite the rhetorical nature of Marcus's question, Light responded with a silent and emotionless nod. The unexpected specificity of Marcus's inquiry had momentarily broken through Light's stoic facade, revealing a glimpse of surprise in him eyes. Marcus hadn't anticipated receiving a direct answer, and this uncharacteristic response from Light left an air of tension lingering between them.

Tensions soared between the two as they faced off, locked in a moment of uncertainty. However, this charged atmosphere was suddenly shattered when, simultaneously, they both noticed Karra, lying in Light's bed. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she began to stir, her movements tentative as she slowly awakened from her unconscious state. It was a stark contrast to the tension that had just filled the room, as the focus now shifted to the girl regaining consciousness.

"Light! The girl is waking up!" Rose's voice echoed with a mix of urgency and relief.

"Woof!" Ken barked joyfully, adding his excitement to the moment.

Light moved swiftly to Karra's side, his concern evident in his actions. Claire and Rose observed with a mix of anticipation and relief as Karra gradually opened her eyes. At the same time, Marcus, holding his scythe firmly, quietly exited the room, leaving them.

As Karra's eyelids fluttered open, the world appeared blurry at first, but soon her vision cleared. What greeted her was Light's emotionless gaze, a sight that sent mixed emotions surging through her. Claire, a stranger but someone Karra recognized as the girl who had bravely shot Theseus' gun out of his hand and attempted to rescue Light, stood nearby. Karra couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and curiosity toward her.

Despite her current situation, Karra's body felt strangely pain-free, which was puzzling given the injuries she had sustained. This newfound sensation only added to the complex swirl of emotions within her as she tried to make sense of the situation and prepare for what lay ahead.

Karra gently shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts before carefully sitting up on the bed. Her gaze traveled across her body, and she couldn't help but marvel at the inexplicable healing that had taken place. The bandages that had once concealed her wounds now hinted at a mysterious power at play.

Ken, ever faithful, leaped onto her lap, his presence a source of comfort. She ran her fingers through his fur, caressing his neck, gently scratching his tail, and giving his sides a soothing rub. His contented response brought a warm smile to her face.

As she continued to pet Ken, Karra couldn't ignore the presence of the two individuals beside her. Light, the enigmatic figure who had remained emotionless throughout their encounter, stood next to Claire, a girl she didn't yet know but had saved her from Theseus's gun earlier. On the other side was Rose, who watched her with a mix of concern and curiosity. The room was filled with unspoken questions, and Karra sensed that her return had brought a surge of emotions and uncertainties among those present.

Karra's voice held genuine confusion as she inquired, "What happened?"

With a tone filled with relief and cheerfulness, Rose replied, "Light brought you here, you were seriously injured and unconscious, but we took care of you with love and cre, and you're doing much better now!"

Karra decided to inject a touch of humor into the situation, her words laced with sarcasm as she jokingly asked, "Huh? Who's Light? Where am I? Who am I?" Her playful banter momentarily lightened the mood in the room, although an undercurrent of uncertainty remained.

Claire and Rose jumped in shock at Karra's pretended amnesia, their faces filled with surprise and concern. They exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of how to react to this sudden change in Karra's behavior.

In contrast, Light recognized Karra's playful sarcasm. He glanced at her emotionlessly, his expression unchanged. He watched her closely as she glanced around, pretending to have amnesia. Unbeknownst to Claire and Rose, Light's keen observation allowed him to notice her sneakily petting Ken by the dog's back.

"You don't remember anything?" Claire's eyes widened in genuine shock as she posed the question.

Rose leaned in, concern evident in her expression. "Do you have amnesia?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion and empathy.

Karra maintained her sarcastic tone, replying, "Yes, it's as if everything is just blank. I've tried to recall my memories, but it's all a void." Despite the sarcasm, there was an underlying hint of amusement in her voice.

Amidst the girls' startled attempts to jog her seemingly lost memories, Karra couldn't resist a mischievous smirk that passed unnoticed by Claire and Rose. Her gaze briefly met Light's, and in that moment, there was a silent understanding between them. Light maintained his usual stoic demeanor while Karra continued to play her role, casting a mysterious air over the room.

"Do you know your name? What is the last thing you remember? What is the cutest thing you remember?" Rose asked a barrage of questions, her voice filled with concern as she tried to help Karra recall her pretended lost memories.

"Rose! Don't stress her!" Claire interjected, her worry evident.

"Aw! But we need to make her remember! For all we could know, she could be Light's lover!" Rose insisted, her enthusiasm unbridled.

Claire's cheeks flushed bright red in response to Rose's remark resembling cherries that is freshly riped. She shot a quick, anxious glance toward Light, who remained impassive by her side, his inscrutable expression adding to her unease. Her gaze then returned to Karra, who blushed under the unexpected attention and shook her head, her actions betraying a hint of embarrassment in the room. The atmosphere had taken an unexpectedly awkward turn.

Claire's face reddened, and she stammered, "Uh, how can you even say that?" Her embarrassment was palpable as she struggled with her words.

Rose responded playfully, a mischievous glint in her eye, "You never know!" She seemed to revel in Claire's embarrassment.

Karra chimed in, her tone tinged with embarrassment as well, "Um, I'll just pretend I didn't hear that..." She shifted awkwardly in the bed, trying to downplay the teasing.

Rose's hand gently rested on Karra's shoulder, her eyes filled with determination as their faces drew closer, an intense desire to unlock Karra's forgotten memories driving her actions. Ken remained peacefully asleep on Karra's lap, unaware of the unfolding drama.

With Karra's heart racing and Rose's unwavering determination, time seemed to slow down as they held their breath, their faces mere inches apart. The room was filled with an unspoken tension, the desire to uncover the secrets hidden within Karra's memory hanging in the air like a palpable force.

"Now tell me! What is the last thing you remember?" Rose's eyes bore into Karra's, a determined resolve burning within her.

"Um... Ummm..." Karra stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She momentarily forgot her pretense of amnesia, lost in Rose's unwavering gaze.

"Rose! Let go of her!" Claire's concern for Karra's well-being was evident in her voice as she intervened.

"Enough, Karra... You don't have amnesia, quit, messing with them already..." Light's emotionless tone cut through the tension in the room, his keen perception always one step ahead.

Claire and Rose exchanged glances, their eyes flickering with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. They turned their attention back to Light, who stood with his usual emotionless demeanor. Then, their gaze shifted to Karra, who had a subtle twinkle in her eye. She couldn't contain a soft laugh, a sound that seemed out of place amidst the tension in the room. It was a giveaway that her amnesia was nothing more than a ruse. Rose slowly let go of Karra's shoulder and climbed down from the bed. Ken, unfazed by the whole situation, yawned and settled in for a nap on Karra's lap.

Karra couldn't help but laugh, teasingly saying, "Aw! You could have at least played along..."

"What?" Her words left both girls looking puzzled, as the both spoke in confusion. Realizing she had to explain, Karra added, "I was just pulling your leg, you know."

Karra's laughter echoed through the room as she looked at Claire and Rose. "You two should've seen your faces! Classic!"

Claire and Rose exchanged puzzled glances, clearly taken aback. "Wait, you mean... you weren't really experiencing amnesia?" Claire asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

With a playful grin, Karra shook her head. "Nope, just having a little fun at your expense."

"From the looks of it, your trick seemed to have backfired..." Light, standing nearby with his typical stoic expression, couldn't help but interject. His words carried a subtle note of amusement, which didn't go unnoticed by the others.

The two girls exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes darting between Light and Karra, who continued her playful teasing, her laughter ringing out uncontrollably. Light, on the other hand, remained steadfast in his stoicism, responding to her mirth with an unwavering, emotionless gaze that only deepened the girls' confusion.

Rose and Claire exchanged confused glances, their thoughts swirling about the seemingly close relationship between Karra and Light. Despite Karra's jokes and Light's emotionless demeanor, they couldn't help but wonder about the connection between the two. In a silent exchange of knowing smiles, they acknowledged the unspoken curiosity that had settled between them regarding Karra and Light.

"Look... Claire, Rose... This may come as a shock to you... But this is my sister, Karra," Light stated with his usual emotionless tone. He lightly nudged Karra, a gesture that conveyed more than his words ever could, and her laughter slowly subsided.

Karra, known as Karra Akari Graystone, was a girl who exuded kindness and humility, yet her penchant for sarcasm rubbed off even on her brother, Light, despite his emotionless demeanor. With short gray hair and matching gray eyes, she wore a pristine white buttoned-up long sleeve shirt and white pants, a deliberate change from the tattered and bloodied clothes she had donned at the bandit's base. Her calm smiles and teasing nature concealed a deep, mysterious truth shared with Light. Despite her supposed demise, Karra remained remarkably calm and humble.

Light moved towards his dusty cabinet and retrieved a photo frame from within. The picture depicted a scene from the past, capturing both Light and Karra standing on a rocky beach, their smiles genuine and carefree. He handed the photo frame to Rose, and Karra and Claire leaned in to examine it closely. Each of them wore a puzzled expression, mixed with varying degrees of shock, as they processed the unexpected revelation within the photograph.

Rose and Claire glanced at the photo in shock at the revelation of Light's seemingly lost sister. Each of them had a different perspective on this surprising revelation.

Rose's reaction was one of bewilderment. She repeatedly shifted her gaze between the photo, Karra, and Light. Her expression reflected her astonishment and confusion as she tried to reconcile the image of Light, who had been consistently stoic for so long, smiling happily in the photograph. The contrast between their personalities and Light's mysterious past left her utterly perplexed.

Claire, on the other hand, reacted with shock and disbelief. She couldn't believe that Karra was alive, especially after hearing Light's story about her supposed death. Her memory flashed back to the bandits' base, where she had witnessed the gray-haired girl protecting Light and aiding in the fight against Theseus. Claire realized that it had been Karra, as she had shot Theseus' gun out of his hand, providing a crucial advantage in their struggle. This revelation left her both amazed and confused.

Lastly, Karra, who had peeked beside Rose to see the photo, was deeply moved by the sight of it. She recalled the day they had sneaked out of the white room together when their mentor had given them a camera for entertainment. The fact that Light had kept the photo all these years touched her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of connection despite the long separation.

"Whoa, you still kept that photo after all these years?" Karra asked in confusion, her eyes fixed on the image.

Light responded emotionlessly, "Well, I couldn't bring myself to throw your stupid face out..."

"Rude much..." Karra replied with a slight pout on her face, a hint of amusement in her tone despite her feigned annoyance.

Karra's smile persisted as she looked at the photo, and she then glanced at Light. He continued to gaze at her with his usual blank expression, and in that moment, an unspoken connection passed between them, a silent understanding of the bond they shared despite their different outward appearances.

"So... Are you gonna introduce me to your girlfriend and that cute girl over there?" asks Karra, pointing at Rose and referring to her as cute.

"Girlfriend?" Claire's face flushes a bright red, her heart pounding in her chest at the mere suggestion. Her embarrassment is palpable, and she can hardly find her words.

"Cute?" asks Rose in shock, a mix of surprise and flattery coloring her expression.

"She's not my gi-" Light stop mid sentence, letting out an emotionless sigh, but his eyes betray a hint of something, a flicker of a reaction to Karra's teasing, even if it's buried deep beneath his stoic facade.

Claire's face turns an even deeper shade of red, her heart racing as she tries to come to terms with the unexpected label of "girlfriend." She glances at Light, her emotions a whirlwind of embarrassment and curiosity.

Rose, on the other hand, seems to be in a state of delightful confusion. She's not quite sure if Karra meant her comment sincerely or in jest, and that uncertainty keeps her guessing, prompting her to playfully dart around the room.

Meanwhile, Karra sits comfortably on Light's bed, a playful and knowing smile on her face. She seems to revel in the lighthearted atmosphere, and her gaze shifts between Claire's blushing reaction and Light's emotionless demeanor. Light, however, stands there with a sigh, his inner thoughts a well-guarded secret even from his closest companions. And amidst it all, Ken sleeps serenely on Karra's lap, unperturbed by the playful banter filling the room.

"Fine then, this blonde over here is Claire, she's a girl, and that is it..." Light sarcastically introduces Claire to Karra, a hint of playful annoyance in his voice.

"Hey!" yells Claire, her tone carrying a mixture of embarrassment and mild anger as she blushes.

"While this is Rose," Light continues with his emotionless tone, "the cute girl you were talking about..." He seems unfazed by the attention.

"Cute? Did he call me cute?" Rose asks, her voice reflecting her genuine confusion and surprise, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.

Rose reacts to the double compliment by darting around the room, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, creating a delightful spectacle of her flustered state. In contrast, Claire sports a displeased side-pout as she shoots Light a cheek-puffed look, clearly unamused by his sarcastic introduction. Amidst this whirlwind of emotions, Karra maintains her composure, wearing a serene smile as she quietly observes the playful scene unfolding before her.

"Well, I suppose it's been long enough, but it's genuinely nice to meet you, Claire, Rose..." Karra's warm smile graced her words, infusing them with a sense of sincerity.

Upon hearing Karra's kind words, Rose and Claire's initial confusion and frustration seemed to evaporate in an instant. They turned their attention back to Karra, their smiles now radiating appreciation for her presence. It was as if Karra's warmth had melted away any awkwardness that had lingered.

Meanwhile, Light, standing emotionlessly, took a few steps back towards the wall. He leaned against it, his gaze still blank and inscrutable, observing the interaction between Karra, Claire, and Rose with a subtle intensity.

"Likewise, Karra," Claire chimed in, her tone filled with joy.

"I'm thrilled to meet you!" Rose added, her excitement bubbling over.

Karra shared heartfelt smiles with Claire and Rose, their warm reception putting her at ease. Meanwhile, Light continued to stand there, his emotions hidden behind his stoic expression. Ken, undisturbed by the interactions, remained peacefully nestled in Karra's lap.

In that moment, Karra exchanged sincere glances with Light, and something unspoken passed between them. Despite his usual emotionless demeanor, he seemed to recognize the significance of this sudden change in atmosphere.

"So, Light... What's the situation?" Karra's tone shifted from cheerful to serious as she asked the question that hung heavily in the room.

"In my experience, I think the Black Scar Clan is launching an attack on the city to grab our attention..." Light's response was delivered with his typical emotionless demeanor.

Karra, along with Rose and Claire, who were eavesdropping on their discussion, widened their eyes in shock upon hearing Light's suspicions. They now understood the gravity of the situation they were about to face. Despite his emotionless gaze, Light's face held a sincerity that wasn't lost on them.

"They're really coming? Seriously?" Karra's voice quivered with a mixture of confusion and concern. The news had caught her off guard, and she struggled to process the impending threat that Light had just revealed.

Light responded with a silent nod, his emotionless gaze fixed on Karra. He offered no words, leaving Karra to interpret his response amidst the growing concern in the room.

As Claire contemplated the gravity of the situation, she found herself unable to keep her thoughts to herself. Her fist pressed against her mouth as she pondered the impending threat. Seeking Light's attention, she gently pinched and tugged at his sleeve, hoping to pull him into the urgent discussion that hung in the air.

"Wait, this has been bugging me... The bandits could destroy our academy with a press of a button... Why wouldn't they just-" says Claire, his voice filled with concern, but he's cut off by Karra.

"They intend to threaten us, show their dominance... their leader, Theseus is mad with power, he'll use that to command and rule over us..." Karra's voice is sincere, her eyes reflecting the weight of the situation as she explains her perspective.

Claire's voice trailed off as he tried to voice his concerns, but Karra stepped in, her tone laced with seriousness. She explained the bandits' intentions, emphasizing Theseus' lust for power and his desire to use the academy's destruction as a means of dominance.

"Also, they need our resources..." Light points out, his words cutting through the tension.

"What makes you say that?" asks Claire, her curiosity evident.

"They're not resourceful, or what I mean is, they lack resources and supplies, they threaten us for our resources to aid their goal of 'peace'" Light responds, his emotionless gaze holding a depth of understanding, emphasizing the dire circumstances.

Light joined the conversation, adding valuable insights. He spoke about the bandits' resource scarcity, their dependence on the academy's supplies, and their twisted vision of achieving "peace" through these actions.

"Why? Peace? They're not accomplishing anything by doing this... What will they gain from this?" Rose asks, her voice trembling with confusion and fear.

"Although the bandits themselves seek peace, their leader, Theseus is looking for power, he intends to rule over all, as his leadership over the Black Scar Clan isn't enough..." Light points out, his tone remaining emotionless as he reveals the grim reality.

After Light finished speaking, a heavy silence filled the room, his emotionless presence hanging in the air. Karra, Rose, and Claire exchanged glances, their emotions swirling with uncertainty. Light slowly turned around and walked out of the room without uttering a word, leaving them with an ominous sense of the challenges they were about to face.

Confusion filled Claire and Karra's eyes as they exchanged glances, puzzled by Light's behavior. Meanwhile, Rose retreated a few steps and settled her back against the wall near the window. The gentle breeze blew through the window, softly tousling her hair. Her heart was gripped with fear, a deep-seated anxiety stemming from her past encounter with Theseus. The memory of his capture haunted her, and she couldn't help but dread the possibility of another attack by him.

"T-theseus... The b-black s-scar clan... They're coming? Cain... He's gone..." murmurs Rose in fear, her voice trembling with anxiety.

"Rose..." says Karra in concern, her eyes reflecting genuine worryfor Rose.

Rose's fear intensifies, her trembling voice faltering as she tries to convey the sheer terror of her experiences as a prisoner of Theseus. The memories of what she witnessed, his intimidating presence, and his ominous plans weigh heavily on her, casting a shadow of dread over her words.

The stark contrast in Rose's emotions is palpable; her recent cheerfulness and joy have given way to a profound transformation. The innocence that once defined her has been shattered, replaced by an unsettling blend of fear and forced smiles. She now bears the heavy burden of her experiences, wearing a mask of apprehension behind her outward appearance of happiness. It's as if a fundamental shift has occurred within her, leaving her forever changed by the horrors she has witnessed.

"He's... Coming..." murmurs Rose in terror, her voice trembling as she clutches her hands together, tears forming in her eyes. "Cain! H-he..."

"Rose... I don't know how to say this, but... I know how you feel," Karra says, her voice filled with genuine concern. She reaches out to touch Rose's shoulder, attempting to calm her down. Karra had grown accustomed to Rose's recent cheerful demeanor, making it all the more heartbreaking to see her in such distress.

But before Karra can say more, Rose's cries intensify, cutting her off. "No, you don't! Theseus! He... He will come for us!" Rose yells, her voice filled with fear and desperation. Her cries echo through the room, leaving Claire and Karra feeling helpless as they witness her suffering.

In a moment of overwhelming fear and desperation, Claire approaches Rose, who is trembling and curled up, consumed by panic and dread. Without hesitation, Claire reaches out and, contrary to Rose's expectations, delivers a sharp slap that carries the weight of her own emotions. Tears stream down Claire's face as she takes this action, her heart heavy with worry for their lives and the intense emotions of the moment.

"Do you think you're the only one who is suffering? My brother got murdered by the same clan that burned down the home of Light and presumably killed Karra!" Claire's voice cracks with the weight of her emotions as she confronts Rose. Her words carry a raw mixture of anguish and rage, revealing the depth of her suffering and the shared pain they all carry. Claire's outburst is a testament to the immense loss and trauma they've experienced.

In that intense moment, the room is filled with a heavy silence, only broken by the sound of Claire's labored breathing and Rose's quiet sobs. The atmosphere has shifted dramatically from the cheerful one just moments ago. Karra, too, is taken aback by the sudden change in emotions and revelations about Claire's past. The room feels charged with the weight of their individual struggles and the shared fear of what may come with Theseus and the Black Scar Clan's impending arrival.

"I- Claire... I..." says Rose as she slowly tears up, her voice trembling with guilt and sorrow.

"Do you have any idea what we've been through with Derek now, Thesues, Rose!" Claire yells in a furious tone, her anger mixed with pain.

"Claire, enough..." says Karra with a soft voice, attempting to calm down Claire, her eyes filled with understanding.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea... I mean how could I have? I'm the reason for Cain's-" says Rose, stopping mid-sentence as Claire stands with her head down, a heavy weight of regret in her heart.

Claire, with a hidden emotion tucked inside, quickly took steps towards Rose, her anger and frustration boiling over, and it seemed like she was about to lash out. But just as her hand was about to make contact, Karra swiftly reached out and intercepted her, gently grabbing Claire's wrist. In the process, she accidentally woke Ken, who stirred on Karra's lap.

"Claire! No!" yells Karra, her voice filled with urgency.

In her surprise, Claire's anger dissipated, and instead of hitting Rose, she wrapped both her hands around her in a tight hug. It was an unexpected turn of events for both of them. Karra lowered her arm, relieved that the situation had diffused, while Rose slowly shed tears, reciprocating Claire's embrace. The room filled with a mix of emotions, and in that moment, they found solace in each other's arms.

"I'm sorry... It's my fault! Light wouldn't have been injured if I wasn't careless, Cain wouldn't have been killed if I didn't worry him..." says Rose, her voice trembling with guilt, as tears streamed down her face.

Without uttering a word, Claire hugged Rose tightly, tears silently falling from her eyes. It was evident that she had missed her friend greatly during the time she was captured, and now, she was overwhelmed with the emotions of relief and sadness. She knew that she couldn't do anything to help Rose when she needed it most, and this guilt weighed heavily on her.

Karra watched from a distance, observing the strong bond between Claire and Rose, despite their past fights and misunderstandings. It reminded her of her own relationship with Light. They had their share of conflicts as children, including a plot to escape the white room that was ultimately halted by Karra herself. Her reasoning at the time was that despite their difficult situation, they were still happy, leading to a temporary rift between them. However, they had reconciled in the end, much like Claire and Rose were doing now, with a silent hug that spoke volumes.

Karra couldn't help but regret stopping Light back then. Days later, the black scar bandits attacked, leaving them alone and terrified, with their friends killed and their mentor sacrificing themselves to hold off the enemy. She wondered if this was the reason why Light had become so emotionless. She pushed aside the thought, instead choosing to focus on the heartwarming scene before her.

Moments later, Rose's tears subsided, and the two friends reluctantly let go of each other. Claire wiped away her own tears and looked at Rose with a mix of shock and a small, relieved smile on her face. The unbreakable bond between them had endured, despite the trials they had faced.

"Claire... I'm fine now, and I'll never go away," Rose reassured her friend with a warm smile.

"Right...!" Claire responded, her smile mirroring Rose's, and tears of joyful relief filled her eyes. The two friends had weathered a storm together, and their bond remained unshaken.

Claire, still wearing a smile despite her mixed thoughts, joined Karra on Light's bed. She sat there, slightly weakened from her prior injury, with Light's blanket partially covering her. Ken, the loyal dog, jumped off the bed and sat down, his head held high as he glanced at Claire and Karra. Karra smiled at Claire, and in that moment, the three of them found a sense of comfort in each other's presence.

"Do you feel better now?" Claire's smile held a mix of relief and concern as she asked the question, genuinely caring for Karra's well-being. She had seen the emotional turmoil within their group, and she wanted to ensure that everyone was alright.

"Well, I still feel abit of pain but I'm all good..." Karra's responds, while acknowledging her physical discomfort, carried a deeper layer of resilience. Despite the pain she felt, she tried to reassure Claire that she was holding up well. It was a testament to her strength and determination to support her friends during these trying times.

As Claire and Karra shared that moment of understanding and friendship, the atmosphere in Light's room felt more serene. Their smiles spoke volumes about the silent support they had for each other during these trying times.

However, Karra's sudden change in mood was palpable. The sorrow that crept onto her face hinted at deeper emotions she was grappling with. Her gaze around the room, which she described as barren and lifeless, highlighted the stark contrast between Claire's decorations and the otherwise empty space. It was a poignant reminder of the challenges they faced and the emotional weight that hung in the air.

"His room is very... Lifeless, if I could even describe it..." Karra couldn't help but remark about the lifelessness of Light's room, her words tinged with a sense of melancholy.

She glanced around, taking in Claire's decorations that added a touch of life to the otherwise stark room.

"Although if I could guess, these decorations are your ideas, isn't it?" Karra asked, her tone soft but filled with curiosity.

"Yup... Persuaded Light, although he was hesitant..." responded Claire with a fond smile, her voice carrying a hint of satisfaction for having brought a little more warmth to the room.

"Seems a lot like him..." Karra replied with a knowing smile, understanding that Light's reserved nature extended even to the atmosphere of his room.

Claire, now seated on Light's bed next to Karra, couldn't help but be curious as she continued to survey the room, noting its stark and lifeless appearance.

"Back then, Light used to improvise with what we had, I'm guessing you know our story, right?" Karra asked, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.

"You lived in the white room? Right?" Claire responded, her tone tinged with confusion as she tried to piece together their past.

"Yup," Karra confirmed, her smile growing more pronounced. "Light, despite the barren room we were in, which is similar to his room right now... Well, he used broken training swords, training dummies, and some stuff our mentor sneakily brought us to decorate the place we were in, although we had to remove it as soon as the higher-ups walked in..." Karra's voice held a hint of fondness as she reminisced about those days, her gaze fixed on Light's room, drawing parallels between their past and his present.

Claire's expression shifted from curiosity to shock as she absorbed the stark contrast between Light's past behavior and his current emotionless and lifeless demeanor. The idea of Light being creative and even smiling was difficult for her to fathom.

Karra, observing Claire's reaction, couldn't help but smile at the memory before her expression turned sorrowful once more. She gazed at Claire with a sincere and understanding look.

"So... Has Light been like this all this time?" Karra inquired, her voice carrying a sense of sadness.

"If you mean his demeanor... Yeah, he never showed any emotion to me after we met about a month ago..." Claire replied, her tone tinged with a mixture of resignation and acceptance.

"You met just a month ago?" Karra asked, surprised by the short duration of their acquaintance.

"Yup," Claire confirmed, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Although despite his mood towards me, he does care about people...in his own special kind of way..." Her voice held a hint of affection and understanding for Light, even amidst his emotional detachment.

Karra couldn't help but notice Claire blushing and decided to tease her a bit, giving her a playful nudge with her elbow. Claire's reaction was immediate, her embarrassment evident.

"So... Is he your boyfriend?" Karra asked mischievously, her tone implying she was having fun at Claire's expense.

"W-what? No, we're not... I mean, I'd love to, but we're not a thing, no, no, no, I didn't mean it like that..." Claire stammered, her face turning even redder with embarrassment. She pointed her fingers nervously back and forth between herself and Karra, a clear sign of her shyness and awkwardness in the conversation.

Karra gave Claire a playful pat on the back, her smile not fading even as Claire got flustered. She then stood up, gently carrying Ken in her arms as he continued to sleep peacefully. Claire, now feeling more enthusiastic, urged them to go help Light.

"Come on! We should definitely go help, Light!" Claire exclaimed, her embarrassment still evident in her demeanor as she hurriedly got up from her bed and dashed towards the door, her head peeking back to make sure Karra was following.

"Sure..." Karra responded with a hint of sarcasm in her tone as she joined Claire on her way out of the room.

As they made their way down the corridor, Claire leading with her head turned away in embarrassment, Karra followed closely behind with a smirk on her face. Ken trotted along behind them.

While Claire's thoughts were consumed by her embarrassment and the anticipation of helping Light, Karra couldn't help but be filled with her own thoughts about Light. She wondered if he truly held any resentment toward her for stopping him from escaping the white room all those years ago.

"Light..." Karra thought quietly, her emotions a mix of hope and uncertainty as they continued toward their destination.