
Limitless Class Lever

The story of the lowest,a man rising into a legend.In the world of magic and mystical creatures,many mysteries and adventures are imminent.enjoy!

Rashid_Kabir · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 3 : Was it A Dream ?

Sebastian grovelled,the monster drew closer and closer while he was still immersed deep in the scenes of his past.The voices from the visions became louder making him drift more away from reality.Suddenly,the man with scars all over his face appeared in his vision again.The man was seated on a locally woven cloth,shirtless, wearing trousers which had several patches around it.The man always appeared silent in Sebastian's vision but this time was different.

"I don't care what you think of me,kid..I know my own faith and I have accepted it.The weak shall continue to worship the strong.You should know your faith too by now.Death!your last result."

Sebastian could see his young self in the vision weeping sorrowfully with scars all over his body.The man continued.

"What?you thought you could be the hero? pathetic.99 percent of people have their faith unchanged till their last breath,only 1 percent of people have the power to change such faith.To rise from weak to strong.(cough) unfortunately we aren't part of them."

Immediately,Sebastian's regained consciousness and shouted to the top of his voice referring to the man he saw.


The Goblin leaped letting it's razor sharp teeth take the lead.Sebastian wasn't ready to die there, forcefully he forced himself to tumble out of the way.Raising his head,his eyes set on the rusted shovel.Nurturing a newfound determination,he snatched the shovel into his hands once again.

The Goblin underestimating it's opponent, charged forward having nothing but hunger on it's eyes,hoping to feed on a hopeless soul.Unfortunately,the Goblin received a surprise,Sebastian's shoe hitting it's face.

"An opening!"

Gathering all his might,he stabbed the Goblin's neck and dragged it till had its back against the wall.The Goblin bled profusely.

Following with a raging battle cry,he continued to stab the Goblin consecutively till he witnessed it's claws twitch in a final spasm.Then he sat on the floor panting heavily watching the dead body of the Goblin.

"I must confess....I might die one of these days."

The unusual happened.Deep within the remains of the Goblin,Sebastian noticed something glinting.Admist the glinting,he reached for the object within and pulled out a small marble.


For some reason he felt so attached to the marble,as if a tiny voice was calling him from within.Unexpectedly the marble slipped out of his thumb and index and flew into the his chest through the open wound he had from earlier.It was as if it had a life of it's own.There and Then, Sebastian zoned out leaving only a red transparent system information tab appeared floating in his line of sight.


[ system ]

-// Compatibility with user SUCCESS

-// Deleting weak user magic : Magic to make objects only a centimeter longer.

-// Magic Deleted. 100 %

"What...in the world?"

He was confused yet he still continued to skim through the information written in the tab displayed.

"I don't get it.What is all this."

[ system ]

_/_ User injured. 5 / 10 HP

-// Triggering First time full recovery...


Suddenly,he started to feel extremely tired,his body parts felt numb and his eye lids got heavier.The transparent system tab became blur as it momentarily vanished into thin air, leaving Sebastian into an uncontrollable sleep.

The sun came out signifying the start of a blissful morning.Starlia fox was lively than normal because everyone was excited about the guild's event.People where gathered at the enormous notice board, checking out the pasted rules for the event.Aria was a also one of the people.

"No use of illegal weapons or drugs..no killing..no attacking of teammate..."

while she had her eyes scanning through the list of rules like the rest of the trainees there,she heard her name from a familiar voice.

"Aria,Good morning"

She turned without hesitation.

"Good morning,Kael"

Kael adjusted his glasses then asked.

"Have they called out the pairs for the event?..I mean,if this is a tag battle event shouldn't we atleast know our teammates.?"

"you're right about that but guilds always have way of surprising it's members.I think will know before the battle begins."

Kael held tight to his book.

"I hope so"

but what he didn't realize was Aria divided attention.she had her mind somewhere else too, question herself why Sebastian hadn't gotten there yet.


Slowly, Sebastian's eyes opened and he managed to get onto his feet.A sharp memory crossed his mind,He turned left to right in search of the Goblin's dead body then found nothing.The next was to check his chest for the injury he got, ridiculously he didn't even possess a scar and his shirt remained undamaged.

" huh ! Probably a dream."

Yet again another lucky occurrence,his eyes glanced by his clock.

"9 : 30....shit am late."

He snatched his jacket from the coat rack and slammed the door on his way out.

The time had come 60 guild trainees were present in at the Starlia fox battle grounds.The occasion was indeed a big one judging from the number of staff present, including The Guild Master,Riphton Harrick.As Aria mentioned earlier,the pairs where actually called just before the event was about to start.

"Feyo with Canelli..Walter with Jack....Veronica with Kael....Mortwell with lasta..."

As the names where being called our late white haired fellow just arrived panting out of exhaustion.The names continued.

"poula with Omen....and lately Aria with Sebastian".

Sebastian grit his teeth.

"Now the real nightmare has just began."

End of chapter.I am a student so I may take long in releasing.please try to understand and if you feel like making any suggestions or feel like saying anything please leave it in the comments.have a great day.Bye :)