
Limitless Class Lever

The story of the lowest,a man rising into a legend.In the world of magic and mystical creatures,many mysteries and adventures are imminent.enjoy!

Rashid_Kabir · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 : Sebastian,The Weakest

Sebastian's gaze fell on a girl with brown curly hair,Aria.He stood up immediately and asked putting his bleeding hand behind him.

"Who are you ?"

Aria made a calm smile.

"I am Aria,a trainee just like you?"

Sebastian turned away holding his bleeding hand.

"It's good if you leave me alone.You shouldn't be talking to strangers,you know?"

Aria came closer, persistently,she stood in front of Sebastian looking straight into his eyes.Sebastian felt awkward and had to question her behavior.

"why are you starring at me like that?"

Aria pushed aside a strand of her curly hair covering eyes and replied with a straight expression.

"There's something bothering you,right?"

Sebastian's mouth widened a bit in surprise but shut right afterwards.Then he stayed silent for sometime before speaking back.

"You were stalking me,weren't you?"

Aria's eyes gradually shifting away from Sebastian's,she took a step backwards.

"well it's weird if you say it like that."

Finally, Sebastian opened up.

"Sebastian..My name is Sebastian."

Aria already knew that but the thought of him openly saying it made her smile.

"Nice to know."then she took Sebastian's bleeding hand into her hands.Sebastian was stunned and for a moment felt like withdrawing his hand.

"what are you doing?"

Aria observed his injury.

"My healing magic isn't that good,we need to get you to a healer"

25 minutes later, Sebastian was seated in the healing quarters.The healer had her hands above Sebastian's, casting a spell "plus heal" the blood all over his had started to disappear and the wounds sealed.Aria being the audience sat behind watching as the whole process go on.

By and by,the healer was done with the treatment.

"All done Mr..."

Sebastian asserted


The healer spoke with a brief titter alongside.

"Yes Mr.Sebastian.You're free to leave"

The healer waved them as they left her quarters together,expressing joy from a lovely smile on her face but her mind conscious of somethingelse.After realizing Sebastian and Aria where out of earshot she muttered to herself.

"What was that feeling."

her mind slipped back to the time she was healing Sebastian.

"I don't know how I managed to smile in the presence of such disgusting site,The definition of weakness and useless.How did a being like him get into an Enforcer guild?"

The night was approaching,the light of the sun was persistently vanishing.

"Farewell Sebastian and be sure to prepare for tomorrow.See you on the battle grounds tomorrow,kay?"

It seemed Sebastian had received enough,his head facing down,he grit his teeth and clenched his hand into a fist.


A startled expression seized her previous smiling face.

"what do you mean by why?"

Sebastian continued,his white hair shading his eyes.

"Why are you so nice to me?Do you think am rich or something?If so you're wrong.I know you sensed my weak magical presence,you are aware how inferior i am,so why?"

Aria looked right into his eyes and could feel a bit of what Sebastian when through his entire life,not being able to socialize or relate with anybody.She hesitated but slowly a warm smile etched on her face

"You're right.I did sense how low your magic was, Sebastian.I doesn't give me enough reason to be rude to you.Strong or weak everyone deserves to be loved."

Sebastian's cheeks flushed and his mouth widened before looking away.He shoved his hands in his pockets pockets and started to strut on his own path.

"Hhn!you should get going,Aria.It's getting dark"

The happiness in Aria's face increases after hearing those words.

..That night..

Unlike other trainees that stayed within the guild's apartments,Sebastian returned to his habitat an isolated area with a small house spotted right in the middle.Burnt wood and shattered bricks could be seen around signifying that there was once a civilization inhabiting the place.


He pushed open the door.Enetering,he took of his jacket and allowed it to dangle on a coat rack barely able to stand up straight.

Sebastian wasn't the type of guy who was financially stable as it can be detected from the environment he lived in.Which other way to make fast money than to be a Enforcer,one of the high paying occupation in the current world.Unfortunately,it was also the one of the most life threatening.Sebastian opened his savings box,only to find two silver coins. Constantly, rubbing the coins with his thumb he was once again reminded of how much he wanted to become an Enforcer.

"How will I get through that event tomorrow?It's clear that I am going to loose....."

Just then Sebastian heard a loud bellow outside.

He hurriedly shut his savings box.

"A goblin..it sounds like an inferior type,somewhere rank E tier 2"

Realizing how impotent the enemy was, Sebastian still had in mind that he was incapable of taking it down.He tireless looked around from corner to corner till his eyes set on a rusty shovel.


The door broke and fell down in pieces,full of bloodlust,the uninvited guest stepped in.The Goblin monitored the room,no sign of movement or even a trace of someone.The Goblin proceeded with instinct,trying to sniff out it's prey.

That was the opening.Sebastian swooped in from behind advancing with a heavy swing of the shovel.

not only was he magically weak,he was weak physically too so obviously his attack was slow and the goblin was bound to strike first.with a single wave,the goblin clawed his chest bringing Sebastian down to his knees and the shovel out of his grasp.His eyes widened and twitched perpetually as he placed his hand the slashes made on his chest.The goblin wore a wide grin exposing It's razor sharp teeth.No Enforcers in the area to help,the end was near.Sebastian's visions started to take over his concentration once again.

End of chapter.I am a student so I may take long in releasing.please try to understand and if you feel like making any suggestions or feel like saying anything please leave it in the comments.have a great day.Bye :)