
Like you’ve never known

A collection of short stories, that at times can be written to be longer stories depending on what is favored! Includes angst, war, love, emotions, supernatural beings, etc.

Seos_76 · 現実
17 Chs

You are my everything


"Yes I know please stop screaming everyone is staring"

"You're not gonna say it back?"

"I love you"


Robin looked at Hazel with adoration, she loved her so much that it scared her how willing she was to sacrifice everything. Hazel was someone who lived next to her for years before they eventually fell in love. A typical friends to lovers trope Robin would say.

They had been dating for a year and were joint at the hip, they were each other's best friends, and soulmates. Hazel was an outgoing girl who was very loud but had a small group of friends while Robin, who was totally her opposite was very quiet and spent most of her days inside. Besides the difference in personalities they had much in common, similar music taste, books, and food.

Hazel and Robin rarely disagreed on things but once Hazel made up her mind, nothing was able to change it - not even her lover- currently debating what movie to watch, Robin wanted to see an action movie while Hazel wanted to see the new horror movie premiering that night.

"Robiiiin I'm telling you I can handle it I promise I will not get scared like last time" Hazel tried to argue.

Sighing Robin rubbed at her temples, "and I'm telling you no, you had to sleep with the lights on the whole week last time"

Hazel pouted, she knew Robin was right but she wanted to prove Robin wrong and show her that she can protect both of them. Hazel was feeling insecure about their relationship, everything was great but Hazel disliked the fact Robin would always be the one taking the lead even though she rarely did. While she was reserved Robin was very assertive and leader-like, one of the many qualities Hazel absolutely loved about Robin.

"Listen if we go watch that horror movie you cannot hold onto me like last time okay? I mean it" Robin loved Hazel but disliked how she could never watch a horror movie without her bicep being abused.

"I love you so much did you know that? I'll protect you from the evil doll and love you for eternity" with stars in her eyes Hazel dragged Robin to the ticket booth and bought the tickets.

Robin was skeptical, Hazel was too eager for a horror movie, too happy, usually Hazel would ask to watch the movie but with timidness. Robin wanted to ask if something was wrong but it was too late and they were going inside.

Hazel chose the seats all the way to the top. She wanted to cuddle her girlfriend and showcase her bravery.

Lifting the arm rest between the two seats Hazel threw her arm over Robins shoulder and brought her to her chest.

"I'll protect you beautiful, you have nothing to fear" she spook in an assertive voice.

"Yes yes thank you almighty one for I will be saved by you" Robin rolled her eyes but cuddled closer to Hazel.

Halfway through the movie Hazel caught Robin off guard, by falling asleep. Her mouth hung open with drool spilling out.

"...cute" said Robin with a blush adorning her cheeks.

The movie was over and Robin loved it, perfect gory scenes with a smart plot line she couldn't wait to tell Hazel the movie. Pushing against Hazel, Robin moved away from her arms.

"Haze...hey" she poked her cheek.

Blinking Hazel woke up, "oh hey is the movie over?"

"Yes you slept as soon as the commercials were over, couldn't even get to the opening scene" laughed Robin

Blushing furiously Hazel denied it, "that is so NOT TRUE I-I liked it-it was scary grrr ahh"

"Come on Miss grrr ahh time to go" Robin got up and gave her hand to Hazel.

On there way to eat something Hazel wanted to speak of her insecurities to Robin. She knew she wouldn't get judged and that communication in a relationship was key, she was just scared.

Inhaling a deep breath Hazel sighed and began,

"I- I love you a lot and while we have our differences we always figure it out in the end but I just feel insecure...I know what you're gonna tell me just hear me out, I feel like I can't protect you anymore well like I could never protect you. We're both fairly weak and I'm scared that I won't be able to protect you. That I'm too soft for you...that one day someone is going to take you and I wouldn't be able to do something about it."

They had both stopped walking and Robin looked at Hazel with wide eyes. She was opening and closing her mouth trying to find the right words.

"Hazel I love you, I'm sorry that I don't show it often but you mean the world to me. I would never let anyone take me or you away, because we have each other and as long as we love each other and our emotional bonds tie us together we don't have to worry about physical bonds tearing us away. I'm not sure if I can ease your worries or insecurities but we can work through them as long as we're here. Okay?"

Hazel was tearing up, her eyes were glossy and her lips were quivering. She adored Robin.

Robin brought her into a hug, poured out all her love into it. She would never allow the person whom she loved so much to be sad. Robin pat her back comfortingly and soothes her.

"It's okay, You're okay, I'm here I'll always be here for you. I love you."

Hazel was gripping Robins waist like her life depended on it.

" I love you too, can we get tacos for dinner?" She asked nicely.

"Yeah let's go"

Holding hands they both walked to the taco place two blocks away, Happy that a bump in their relationship was smoothed out. They would always have each other's backs and make sure they were always together.