
Like you’ve never known

A collection of short stories, that at times can be written to be longer stories depending on what is favored! Includes angst, war, love, emotions, supernatural beings, etc.

Seos_76 · Realistic
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17 Chs

The devil in I

Once there was a demon who longed to become human. The demon, Chaos, was someone who looked upon the humans as the best species. Chaos had always heard how horrible, how ungrateful, delicate, ugly, and stupid they were. To someone who suffered pain and was tortured daily, Chaos was hopeful that life above was better than below. So Chaos turned to the oldest demon in hell for guidance,

I want to become human I want to live and experience more than torture, help me oh wise demon of hell.

Why do you seek to become human? You have heard how horrible they are and yet you harbor that desire?

Yes wise demon, I want what they have and to see what they do

You will not like what you see for humans are the ugliest thing in the world

Two days later Chaos awoke in an unfamiliar place. Looking out the window were people, walking, running, and driving. Chaos was on earth. Chaos, a demon, was on earth and the first thing on his bucket list was to eat. Ordering a hamburger was the best way to establish his new found life. The burger did not agree with his new  human stomach So Chaos ate something else and again it did not agree. Chaos was disappointed, was human food always this bad? Running to the bathroom Chaos threw up the burger and the food from earlier that day. Sweating and confused, Chaos was puzzled, He was a human so why couldn't he eat human food?

Chaos had  a craving and something outside the door smelled delicious. Opening the door Chaos was introduced to the sweet food that was across the hall. How appetizing it looked, how delicious and wonderful it smelled. A taste, only a taste Chaos desired. The demon turned human grabbed the food and bit, oh how marvelous, the taste of the juicy meat was extravagant. Chaos ate everything without leaving anything behind and cleaned up.

The next morning Chaos woke up and felt better than when arriving on earth. Ah that meal was delicious perhaps that was it, suddenly he had a pain surge through his body. Emotions and images were projected to him, why was he feeling guilty? Brushing off the pain he decided to eat again, this occurred for the next few months. Chaos enjoyed the food he ate and the things he experienced as a human. The only thing he disliked was the pain and emotions he felt the next day after a meal, guilt, happiness, anger, sadness was what he felt. Was he feeling human emotion was that it? As a demon they never experienced that but as a human he felt everything.

Oh wise demon of hell what do I see and hear, it is horrible please it hurts how can people like this?

Do you see what I mean Chaos? They are human and we are demons and yet we are the saints compared to them

Wise one, the things I have seen and heard are horrible. Betrayal, loath, pity, disgust how can one individual be this nasty? I understand what you have meant. They do not care for others but themselves they betray others to gain, they kill for pleasure, they ignore for happiness and hate for a smile on their face. I am disgusted. Humans are horrible who in their right mind would live like this, how ignorant and stupid, ugly and delicate they are. Most of all how ungrateful they are, they have everything at their fingertips, happiness, freedom and a choice but what do they decide to do? Complain and never take advantage of what they have. I wish to be a demon again.

Chaos my child, You cannot become a demon again. You took it for granted, wished to become someone else and now that you have experienced it you wish to turn back? Why what kind of demon are you? Eating and eating, learning and now after suffering you wish to come back? Even if I wanted to you cannot. What you have become is of no use to us anymore and in that sense we are human, we throw you away after your use.

Chaos for the first time cried, He wished he had listened.


Chaos do you know why you could not eat the first night on earth? Because just as a human, you were stubborn longing and wanting to become something you were destined to never become.

You ate humans to become human, to feel, to see, to touch and to hear. I turned you human but to stay human one must eat other humans. Ironic is it not?