
57- Raijin Vs Overhaul (2)

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


"My quirk let's me read other people's minds. I know exactly what you're doing to this girl" - Raijin in an angry voice

"Then you have to die!" - Overhaul took off his glove and ran at Raijin.

"I lied" - With that Raijin sent a kick to overhaul's abdomen sending him flying into a trash bin.

Raijin's knee has disappeared, a moment later strands of lightning formed his knee back.

'Quick reflexes! The second I attacked him he touched my knee. If my body can't turn into lightning then I would've died just now'

Overhaul stood up and took out his phone and pressed a button. Nighteye had done the same.

"The police will be here soon. Just give up" - Nighteye

Overhaul frowned slightly. "I wonder how many I can take down before you take me down"

Raijin set Eri down. "Stay with him" - Raijin said as he pointed at Noghteye

"You're just an intern. You're not allowed to fight" - Noghteye commanded as he took a step in front of Raijin.

Overhaul had already started running at them. While running Overhaul had his hand sliding along the side of a building. Spikes started flying at them.


A lightening beam shot out of Raijin's hand. Raijin then ran at Overhaul. Raijin sent another kick to his abdomen. Overhaul collided with the ground a few times before stopping.

Raijin was already above Overhaul sending a punch straight to his head.


The ground cracked and spikes came at Raijin's body. Raijin had already covered his body in armament haki.

The spikes didn't even pierce his body, but it delayed Raijin long enough for Overhaul to jump back.

Raijin ran after Overhaul. Overhaul was running back towards his base. This way he can get to his backup sooner.

Raijin was right behind Overhaul and sent another punch at the back of his head.

As his hand made contact with Overhaul's head, Raijin had sent a small electric shock into Overhaul's body.

In a few seconds Overhaul was knocked out. Raijin pulled out a capture rope and tied him up.

Raijin put him over his shoulder and walked back towards the entrance of the ally way.

The police were already on the scene. Eri was getting taken care of by a police officer. She told them everything. Aska had already told her to not say he broke into her room before. "That would get me in trouble" he said

Just as Raijin was handing the knocked out Overhaul in, his haki picks up on something or someone closing in on them, and quick.

Raijin quickly hands Overhaul and looks in the direction of the incoming person.

"Sir Nighteye! There is another villain coming this way!" - Raijin

"Evacuate this area." - The police captain said.

Raijin saw a glimpse of a red scarf. 'What is doing here'.

Raijin's clothes fluttered for a moment, he pulled out his sword that was strapped to his waste.

*Swish* *Clank*

Raijin blocked a sword strike coming his direction

"You blocked that? Impressive. Who are you?" - Stain said as he landed between Raijin and Night eye

"..." - Raijin remained quite

"I see. You don't want to talk. That's fine I'll mak-

*Swish* The sound of air get cut was heard as two hyper-density seals came flying at Stain's back

Stain dodged, purple lightning flickered around Raijin's hand, the seals stopped mid-air and got flung back at Stain at a much higher speed


Stain blocked them with his knives.


Lightning traveled through air and struck Stain in the chest. Stain was flung back under Nighteye's feet, knocked out.

"No matter how fast you might be Stain, you're not faster than lightning" - Raijin said as he walked

Nighteye proceeded to tie the villain

"Good work there Raijin, but you need to keep in mind that you're not a full fledged hero just yet, you can't act on your own" - Nighteye

"Understood sir" - Raijin nodded. He then looked and saw that two villains being taken away by the police.

Raijin then walked towards the ambulance were Eri was getting a check up.

"How's she?" - Raijin asked the medic

"She's physically fine but mentally, she's very distraught" - Medic

Raijin talked with the medic for a bit.

After the whole seen was taken care of, Raijin and Nighteye made their way back to the agency. When they walked in bubble girl came running,

"Good job out there Raijin. I saw the whole thing on the TV! You looked super cool!" - Bubble girl

"Wait, what?" - Raijin

"Some bystander recorded the whole fight. They even knew that you took down the infamous hero killer" - Bubble girl

Aska went near the TV and saw the whole thing recorded and getting replayed.

Aska stayed the rest of the day at the agency building. The police brought Eri to the agency at her request.

"Hey Eri" - Aska, who was out of his hero costume greeted her.

"hi" - Eri said in a timid tone as she sat down in a couch.

"I'm glad to see you're doing better than last time I saw you. " - Aska

"thank you" - Eri said quietly

"The officer said you wanted to tell me something" - Aska

"Yes. I wanted to say thank you" - Eri

"No problems. I was just doing my job" - Aska

"ummmm....." - Eri seemed hesitant about something

"What is Eri? You can tell me anything" - Aska

"Do you think I can become a hero someday?" - Eri

"...hahahaha. Eri were nervous because you thought you can't become a hero" - Aska said as he laughed

Eri nodded her head

"Eri I saw a guy who's quirk was Windex bottle head. I saw another who can turn his clothes into potato peals. All of them became heroes. You have a powerful quirk, you'll become a great hero, if not the best" - Aska said as he laughed

Eri's eye's shone for a moment when she looked at Aska's smiling face.

Eri hopped off the couch and walked away.

Aska watched as Eri made her way out of the room. 'Now that I think about it, Shigaraki and Eri have some similarities. Both killed their parents because of their dangerous quirks. Both are/were being manipulated by villains. Both are/were being used to do evil deeds. I wonder how many more children out there are going through hell right now? There could be another Eri out there, far away, that I'll never get to.' Aska looked out the window and stared at the drifting clouds

'I know for a fact that there is a God. I'm here after all because of that God. So why God? Why are you allowing this. Is there no way for a mighty being like you who can give someone a second life, to end all the terrible crimes' - Aska was contemplating about God's hands off attitude.

'But then again, we have freedom. It's not God's fault that we're despicable creatures who chose to use our freedom to do these terrible acts' Aska finally got up and went to the reception area.

Once he got to the reception, Aska saw a tall man with green hair. He was wearing an all black suite.

"Hello there young man. My name Mihara Masanori. I'm the chief of police. I'm here to talk about your involvement in capturing the two villains. Good thing you didn't do it alone. Nighteye was there with you and even helped. I'm only here to tell you to be careful. You're a hero in training, emphasize on the 'in training' part"

"Thank you sir. I just couldn't stand by and watch a little girl in trouble and not help" - Aska

"That's what a great hero would say. Anyway the girl is fine. Based on her testimony we were able to issue a search warrant. It turns out that the villain you caught was researching some type of drug. A very dangerous type"

The chief of police and Aska finished their chat a little while later, before the chief left.

On his way out of Nighteye agency, Mihara was thinking about the phone call he had earlier.


*An hour earlier*

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" - Mihara answered the phone

"Mihara, it's me" - the voice of a female came from the other end of the phone.

"Madam president? It's an honor to get a call from you ma'am. How can I help you?" - Mihara

"Aska Minamoto had just taken down two villains even though he's not a hero" - Madam president

"Yes. I saw the report earlier. He took down a yakuza leader and a serial killer. I was just drafting up the punishment for his rash actions" - Mihara

"He's a talented young man. We don't want to hinder a great hero's growth now, do we? Besides youngsters like to show off and are impatient. I'm certain you know what I mean" - Adam president

"Yes but he broke the law and

"Mihara. This phone call is not a discussion" - Madam president

"I understand ma'am"


After that incident, the rest of the internship was peaceful. Nighteye didn't spend anytime teaching Aska anything, or more like he couldn't teach Aska anything. Most of the knowledge Aska gained was more on the legal side of things. The rest of the internship flew by in a flash.

Aska left Nighteye's agency very early in the morning, he had to report back to school before going home.

Aska got in the train station. He took the train back. Once Aska got to the school. He started making his way to his classroom.

"Hey Aska" - Aska turned around and saw a girl with orange hair

"Hello Kendo" - Aska

"How was your externship?" - Kendo caught up to Aska

"It was alright" - Aska

"Alright? You were in the news. I watched you beat two villains" - Kendo

"Not really they were weak" - Aska

"The hero killer stain was weak?" - Kendo sounded a little confused

"If you don't let him hit you, then you're all good" - Aska laughed

"That sounds easier said than done" - Kendo sighed.

A few more minutes and they reached their classes. Kendo went into class 1B while Aska kept walking down the hall a little more to reach class 1A.

Aska walked in and got to his seat. Just before the other can start chatting, Mr. Aizawa walked in

"Welcome back class. Good work on your internship. Some of you were able to make a name for yourselves more than others. But that doesn't matter now, you have more work to do. We're getting closer to the summer vacation. I hope none of you were dumb enough to think we'll let you laze around for an entire month. There will be training camp in the middle of the woods"

Everyone got excited. But Mr. Aizawa killed their excitement. He said that those who fail the exam will have to take classes over the summer.

With that everyone was dismissed.

"Make sure to study for the written portion of the exams" Mr. Aizawa reminded them as he left the class.


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If you enjoyed my story, please leave a review, and hit me with some power stones. Feel free to leave any suggestions. Also don't forget to check out my other fanfic: Becoming the Strongest in Black Clover!