
Light of night

Trevor is an antisocial nerdy teenager, without any friends. He always feels that something is incomplete in his life. He notices some unnatural movements and believes that he is psychologically sick. He doesn't have any goal for life. He is depressed and wants to have some friends but he doesn't like anyone. What will happen when he will face the secrets that are unknown for human world? Jake is an hundred and twenty years old vampire. He is right hand of the vampire king. He have to end that curse which is on the supernatural world for hundred years. What will happen when he will have to enter the human world to fulfill his mission? Aiden is an eighteen years old werewolf. He is also a part of supernatural world. He also wants to end that curse on supernatural world, which was the result of the greediness of vampire king to get powers for ruling over the world. He will have to enter the human world with Jake to fulfill the mission of supernatural world. What will happen when a vampire and a werewolf will have to become friends for a common cause? Ana is also an hundred and eighteen years old teenage vampire rl. She is a sister of Jake. She lives in human world like humans because she never wanted to become a vampire. She is studying in high school. She will fall in love with Trevor. What will happen when she will become a part of a mission? Destiny is going to make its move and these four will be destined to end a curse. What is the link of Trevor with supernatural world. And how these four will end that curse. If you want to know then read now "Light of Night".

AuthorZaysh · ファンタジー
14 Chs

A touch of love

Supernatural world:

Jake: I know he is right about my king. Yeah, it was his fault. So, I kept silent and I knew he was a bit scared of me, so I didn't want to scare him more.

"Ah, we're okay." Aiden asked me while we were running.

"Yeah, I thought I just heard something."

"No, I didn't hear anything. We should stop. We are in witches' town and there is nobody." Aiden said to me.

Aiden: I asked Jake to stop because there was nobody in their town.

It means that they knew we were coming. Jake replied to me.

"Oh, no, we have to get out of this town." He said.

Wait, what. What happened? He was telling me to get back home and so the purpose of this whole journey was in vain.

Jake: If witches knew that we were coming. It means that...

( Suddenly, a chanting starts in loud voices and we were surrounded by a group of witches)

It means that we are in trouble. I completed my half sentence in a low voice.

Aiden, Aiden, Aiden I shouted.

Aiden was laying on the ground unconscious.

Wait, wait, we are not here to fight.

Ah, why are you not stopping? My head is burning

I ran with full speed and ripped the throat of an old witch with my sharp fangs.

Blood was dripping from my lips and the old witch was lying on the ground.

"I told you to stop but you didn't listen. This isn't my fault."

They were all scared and shocked. Suddenly, they all disappeared in a second.

Wait, wait I was just here to....(witches disappeared) aaaaa talk.

I was all alone in the middle of trees and Aiden was lying unconsciously beside me. It was a kind of forest.

(Someone snapped Jake's neck from behind and both Aiden and Jake were now lying on the floor unconsciously)

Human world:

Ana: "I hate it when you guys don't complete your sentences and leave them half."

I knew he was afraid. And I was acting angrily. I don't know, I think I was enjoying him not looking in my eye and then looking at me secretly.

You didn't answer. What were you expecting me to look like?

Listen, I will not talk about the details of the project with you and I will tell Mr Josh that Trevor wasn't interested in the project.

"No,no,no,I was just, I was just not, not expecting you to be so beautiful." He said nervously while being afraid at the same time.

He said those words in the sweetest way. I liked the way he talked, like he is afraid to compliment me. And now I didn't know how to react.

Trevor: What was I saying? I was complimenting a girl, the least thing I was interested in. I don't know why I was attracted to her.

So, have you decided on the topic? Anna asked.


The topic, remember we are doing an art project? She said,

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I heard that you are an introverted guy. She said,

"But you compliment me on our first meeting."

"Oh, no I...I didn't mean that."

"What? You mean I am not pretty."

"No, no, no. I was just saying.....I was."

Relax, I am just kidding. I know very well what you mean. Actually, this was not the first time. Everyone says that I am beautiful. You are not the first one. So, relax.

Anna: He was literally afraid, when he was talking to me. I don't know but I was getting attracted towards him. His shyness, His looking downward or anywhere else just to avoid eye contact with me.

And the best thing was that he didn't know who I really am. If he knew about me he would be really terrified.

What about nature? We should make a painting or a project about nature. Trevor said.

Trevor: I don't know if she likes the idea about the topic of nature or not? Because she was quiet and staring at me like I offended her.

Anna:He talked about nature. And I really hate that world. Because of this balancing nature thing we lost half of the powers. I am also a supernatural creature. And these humans think that we are not part of nature. So, all the supernatural creatures created a barrier with the help of witches to separate us from humans about thousands years ago.

I heard stories about how the barrier was created. So, that's why I knew this whole separation thing.

Ok, we will make a painting about nature or about some scene of nature.

Trevor: She liked my idea about nature. Or I think so. Because her expressions were not matching with her words.

Ok,I went to the library and I printed some pictures from the internet, so we would take ideas about painting.

I went to her and when I was going to show her the printed pictures. All the pictures slipped from my hand while she was taking them from me, her hand touched my hand. I got nervous. My hand started trembling.

I don't know, I think I got lost at the moment and the pictures slipped from my hand on the ground.

I am sorry. I bend down to pick them.

No, no, it's okay. I'll help you. She also bent down to pick them.

While we were picking the pictures from ground her hand again touched my hand and this time we were both feeling it.

She looked at me while we both were collecting the sheets from the floor. When our hands touched, she stopped and was looking in my eyes. Our eyes were talking. All the things around us stopped. I felt like time stopped for a moment. It was the most beautiful moment of my life. The feel of her touch melted my heart. She was still looking in my eyes and then suddenly, she said.

"Oh, sorry."

"Your hands are so cold, even in the summer." I asked her. Her hand was the coldest hand which I touched in my life. I was literally experiencing all these feelings for the first time in my life.