
Light of night

Trevor is an antisocial nerdy teenager, without any friends. He always feels that something is incomplete in his life. He notices some unnatural movements and believes that he is psychologically sick. He doesn't have any goal for life. He is depressed and wants to have some friends but he doesn't like anyone. What will happen when he will face the secrets that are unknown for human world? Jake is an hundred and twenty years old vampire. He is right hand of the vampire king. He have to end that curse which is on the supernatural world for hundred years. What will happen when he will have to enter the human world to fulfill his mission? Aiden is an eighteen years old werewolf. He is also a part of supernatural world. He also wants to end that curse on supernatural world, which was the result of the greediness of vampire king to get powers for ruling over the world. He will have to enter the human world with Jake to fulfill the mission of supernatural world. What will happen when a vampire and a werewolf will have to become friends for a common cause? Ana is also an hundred and eighteen years old teenage vampire rl. She is a sister of Jake. She lives in human world like humans because she never wanted to become a vampire. She is studying in high school. She will fall in love with Trevor. What will happen when she will become a part of a mission? Destiny is going to make its move and these four will be destined to end a curse. What is the link of Trevor with supernatural world. And how these four will end that curse. If you want to know then read now "Light of Night".

AuthorZaysh · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A new love

Supernatural world:

Jake: I couldn't believe that the king wanted to end the barrier and wanted to rule the humans. But, now I know the truth and I have to end that curse.

Aiden is a werewolf. I am going to meet him for the first time. I called him and told him to meet me near the big tree which is located on the way to witches town.

Aiden: I am going to meet a vampire for the first time. I have heard many stories of vampires and werewolf fights.

And there are rules in our world that vampires and werewolves will never enter each other's town without permission.

Now, I don't know how many years old vampire is waiting for me.

Jake: An eighteen years old teenager is coming towards me? Is he Aiden? His eyes were green. He was good looking.

Hy, I am Aiden. Hey, I am Jake. I can sense waves of fear coming from him. I was nervous and I knew that he was also sensing my feelings.

Aiden: I was sensing his emotions. He looked like a fellow my age. His eyes were dark brown. His skin color was pale. His lips were looking dark red.

We were running on the way and were talking with each other. I knew that vampires can run at the speed of light but he was running slow, so we could talk.

I am seeing a vampire for the first time. Is he going to bite me? I don't know how many times he needs blood.

So, you knew all about the story of the witch's curse.

Yes, how your king tried to put all the supernatural creatures on the verge of destruction.

I replied quickly. His eyes were now of blue color. Is he angry?

Oh,no I am regretting my words.

No,no, I...I, I didn't mean that. I..I was saying,.....yes, my king had told me about the truth.

Human world:

Ana: I knew that Trevor is the topper of junior year classes. And I have seen his paintings and other art projects.

But I haven't seen him doing any other activities.

In fact I have always heard about him but I don't know anything else about him

Because I keep my profile low and I don't want to be social, but I had a big cause for this.

Hy, I am Trevor. Do you know about a girl named Ana?

Trevor: I saw a girl from behind and asked her if she knew Ana.

I only saw her back. I didn't see her face and I asked her by standing behind her

She turned around, she was the most beautiful girl among all the girls I have seen in high school. Her hair was long and she was turning them behind her back with her hands.

But they were still coming on her face.

I was stunned by seeing her.

Ana: Excuse me, are you asking me?

I...I... I was. A project.

What? What? I asked him angrily.

I knew that he was Trevor. He was a good looking boy. But he was wearing glasses and he was very nervous and afraid, because I was sensing his emotions.

Trevor: I…,I was actually looking for Ana. I have an art project with her.

Oh, so you are Trevor.

Hy, I am Ana.

So, you are Ana.

Why? Do you have any doubts?

No, no I didn't mean that. I just wasn't expecting that.

Expecting what? She said angrily.

No, nothing. I was expecting nothing.

Ana: I hate it when you guys don't complete your sentences and leave them half.

I knew he was afraid. And I was acting angrily. I don't know, I think I was enjoying him not looking in my eye and then looking at me secretly.

You didn't answer. What were you expecting me to look like?

Listen, I will not talk about the details of the project with you and I will tell Mr Josh that Trevor wasn't interested in the project.

No,no,no,I was just, I was just not, not expecting you to be so beautiful.

He said those words in the sweetest way. I liked the way he talked, like he is afraid to compliment me. And now I didn't know how to react.