
Life With A Arms Dealer

Simple, guy dies, and has a unlikely meeting. Thrown into a crazy world, with only his body as a instrument to crave his fate. I’ll let you know now, there is abuse, flash backs, sexual themes, and young life abuse. Done to the mc, the mc is not op but really strong, he is still human. It’s is a cross over, with some oc things here and there, this is romance, how every unlikely the relationship, he is a one women kind of man. Yeah he might have a entanglement with a character or oc but he is for one girl, just like she will be only about him. I own nothing but my oc, everything else belong to there respective creators. All comments are welcome, so feel free to talk as much shit as you want.

BlackMoon2 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 8 - Hello..

[Mc pov]

Walking into the door, i felt the blood coming from my side. Feeling my shirt, i felt the heaviness of the blood, it soaked clean through.

'Numb pain can be counterproductive, I may not feel it but still, I can bleed out, I don't regenerate. I'm human, gotta close it.' Thinking, I reached into my front vest pocket, pulling out black powder, I dumped it where the chunks had been. I could see were it was irritating the skin, pushing it down on my skin, like a patch to clot the blood.

'It's no use right now, I can't completely seal it, or the blood will just coagulate under the skin..' looking at the veins that were around the black powder, I stood.

Jumping up and down a little, I looked up to the top of the stairs, my heart beat as I thought of what was to come. Pulling the shot gun up to my chest, I rushed forward, jumping back and forth, covering a few steps at a time.

I moved around, looking at the doors at different parts that led down, this was Lisa's escape route, if the gorilla army was to come to this place, that's why she built it 3 stories down. Making it to the door, I saw it broken, the light from Lisa's room coming through what remained of the door.

I saw as guards wrapped her body, not speaking about it, they had failed to protect her.

"Fucking hell, why did she only allow that rat in here?" A man wrapping her said.

"Who knows, she trusted the little bastard.." a woman's voice spoke with anger as they stood around her body.

"Yeah, still what do we do? If we call the boss, we will be blamed for failing to protect the lady.." the man wrapping said again.

"Sam, clark and luka haven't come back, we all know who kasper deals with, from the explosion earlier, we can guess how it went.. we're going to burn it down.." mark spoke, that familiar voice, I knew all to well.

"You can't be serious mark.. if castor finds out.." another man questioned him.

"If we don't speak, take the money in the safe.. and leave who will know.." mark said, grabbing the man with a crazed look in his eyes.

No one said a thing, each knew the consequences, they would not be treated as hero's, even if they killed the ones who did it.

"Or we can all get beheaded? Huh?! I didn't think so, move her body.. set the place a blaze and take the safe." Mark spoke, seeing most of them turned there head away.

I wasn't a protagonist, that announced there presents, nor was I dumb enough to think i could get out unhurt if I did so, moving through the door, I pushed up towards the Single pillars around the room.

'So while there friends died, they had enough time to do this? Not even covering the door? That's mercenaries for you..' thinking I tilted my head to see 4 people at the center.

Pointing my shotgun at the back most person, the annoying lady, with the loud mouth, I fired.

" Michelle!!" A man yelled seeing her face come at him, as it was blown threw.

"One down.." I said to myself as I rolled to the side, firing another round at the man, who had yelled.

Moving back into cover, around the outer part of the meeting area, shots rang out, cracking wood, and breaking pieces of the stone wall.

"So your still alive ghost.. I thought that explosion would have killed you.. but you know.. some how fucking rat's always live.." mark spoke, from behind one of the large couch's, where kasper and Lisa's meeting had taken place.

"Still not speaking.. were you the one that ended her life? Huh ghost, did you kill your master.?" Mark, looked at the 2 other men, behind pillars, using sign language to point towards the area he thought I was at.

One of the men, turned to aim at the location just to have his heart hit, then his head, dropping him like a sack of potatoes.

"Fuck.. he got Carlos.. don't move up, I don't know where he moved." Mark whispered to the last man.

"Where are the others, we're.. the fuck are you doing mark!!" The other man wanted to say, screaming when he saw mark point his gun at him.

Mark who had looked over, felt like the world was in slow motion, he raised his gun, seeing the glow from my eyes, I pulled back my arms, smashing the shot gun into the mans neck, making him hit the pillar, bouncing forward as I grabbed him, mark shot rounds in to him.

"You little fucking bastard! Ahh!" Marks eyes were crazy, seeing the mans body hit the floor.

'Where? My leg?' Thinking from the other side of the pillar, I looked at my leg that was bleeding.

Shots kept coming, ignoring the hole in my leg I heard him stop, rushing around the corner in to sight.

"Got you." Mark said, holding another pistol.

I didn't care, he shot as two rounds ricocheted off the shotgun, pulling back my arm, I threw the rifle. I hit him square in the chest, I'll give him credit for his will, he tried to refocus to fire again.

Rushing in, I grabbed his face, he had fallen back from the impact of being hit. Smashing his head into the ground while my leg pinned one of his arms down. Pulling my gun out, with the speed he couldn't hope to have, I fire two rounds into the joints were his elbows were.

"Ahhh! Fucking..hell.." mark was going to yell out, until he looked up at my eyes, glowing, dead, and a indescribable fear welled up in his stomach.

"Hello mark.." I spoke as I pressed the gun to his head, listening to the footsteps not far off.