
Life With A Arms Dealer

Simple, guy dies, and has a unlikely meeting. Thrown into a crazy world, with only his body as a instrument to crave his fate. I’ll let you know now, there is abuse, flash backs, sexual themes, and young life abuse. Done to the mc, the mc is not op but really strong, he is still human. It’s is a cross over, with some oc things here and there, this is romance, how every unlikely the relationship, he is a one women kind of man. Yeah he might have a entanglement with a character or oc but he is for one girl, just like she will be only about him. I own nothing but my oc, everything else belong to there respective creators. All comments are welcome, so feel free to talk as much shit as you want.

BlackMoon2 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 - Thin..

'Know this, before you step on to that thin red path, where no mistep is allowed, where life and death is not certain, know this, that it comes with out warning, that feeling that makes the air catch in your lungs, like you can't breathe, that sound of your beating heart, the light in your eyes, that thin red path.. Where glory is the color of.. Blood.'.

- quote 'thin red path.'

[Chiquita pov]

'Damn, did I forget about him?' Leaning up off the ground, I felt my side were ghost kicked me. It hit me hard, but nothing I wasn't used to.

"The roof caved in, good call ghost.. ghost? Ghost?!" Calling out, I didn't get a response, my mind went all over the place.

"Chiquita.. Chiquita.. snap out of it Chiquita.." in the background I heard kasper's voice, not knowing I had even stood up, and was trying to pull the rubble and support beams out of the way.

"Ghost.. he pushed me, the frag from one of those fucks went off.." i said, not even looking back at him.

"You need to calm down, the hell's gotten into you Chiquita.. ghost is fine.. he's a fighter." Kasper spoke, grabbing my shoulder.

"How do you.." I wanted to say but was stopped.

"Hey boss.. you still alive.." I heard a yell from the other side, for some reason my heart felt better.

"Yeah.. that was quick thinking ghost, still the path is blocked off." Kasper yelled back.

"How is the demon lady?" Ghost said back, his voice as calm as ever.

"She's fine, she was worried." Kasper laughed at the name he gave me.

"The hell do you mean demon lady.. huh ghost." I was relieved but there was venom in my words.

"You head butted a guy with a helmet on, and was smiling.. not what normal people do." Ghost said.

"He got you there Chiquita, still ghost what do we do next? I'm surprised these guys let off a frag down here, could have brought more then just the hallway down, and now you're trapped." Kasper walked up to the rubble, rubbing his chin, looking at the face I made knowing ghost was right.

'What's wrong with my smile? The helmet was pretty weak to.' I thought, unable to argue with what ghost said.

"Go towards the Cellardoor, I'll move back up through the house, then set off the charges.. if I live, I'll see you out there." Ghost said while i could lightly hear him walk away.

"Hey.. ghost don't go dying on us yet." Kasper turned to walk away saying.

"I'll try not to boss.."

"Don't do anything stupid ghost, move through the house and meet us top side.. you hear me." I spoke, knowing if he moved through the house wrong it was over.

"Will do demon lady.." was the last thing I heard, a creepy grin came to my face as I picked up the AR.

"You ready to move Chiquita? The boys should be in route already." Kasper stopped looking back at me.

"Yeah, let's move.." I said, putting a new mag in, and pulling the hammer back. My grin growing more as I walked towards him.

[mc pov]

'Hm, can't feel it, but looks like I wasn't far enough away..' thinking as I walked away from the rubble.

I lifted my shirt, along with the Shrap Metal in my arm, I have two chunks of wood in my side, I looked at them for a second.

'Can't do anything about the metal, but this has to go..' I reached down, pulling the chunks out, bleeding as I did.

'Oh, there's the pain..' dropping them, I thought back on the guy, the one Chiquita kicked in the head, I thought the kick broke his neck, looks like he was alive, dropping the frag hoping to kill us all in the explosion.

'I know they were loyal, but that's a little excessive.. still, we did a number on them.' Walking into the large area I set on fire, I saw fully burnt, and badly burnt people.

Pulling my pistol, I double tapped anyone that moved, seeing scorch marks everywhere. Walking over to a wall, I pulled a body out of the way, near the bottom of the wall, there was a off white color if you looked hard enough.

'The walls still Intact, it would have been more of a shit show, if they went off.' Hitting the wall, pieces fell out as I pulled a gray tube out.

At different intervals around the walls, there should be a pipe bomb, filled with a type of conductive C4 and napalm, enough to level this building. Smiling I put it back in the wall.

"That's 11 guards from my count, 10 to go, atleast, they weren't dumb enough to push us like these idiots, would have been better this way, I don't know if they will call the other manors guards, still now that Lisa's dead, I'm sure they would inform the others.. doesn't matter, there dead anyway." A strange light was in my eyes, walking over to the side room, picking up the detonator.

'I have a thing for shotguns I guess..' pulling a Snubnosed rs-34 off the wall, and grabbing shells, I pumped it, walking towards the door that led up stairs.

'I guess, I should get more serious.. Time to step on to that thin red path.. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel something, am I excited? I truly don't know..' I said walking into the dark, never knowing I had a smile on my face.