
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · テレビ
79 Chs


We came across a town with a Dunsparce to kid ratio that was interesting. Apparently all except one kid in town had a Dunsparce and he wanted one as well. When team rocket showed up, Mewtwo teleported them to the Farfetch'd island in the Orange islands. The kid we were helping caught the Dunsparce we found and we moved on once he was happy with his Pokémon.

Unfortunately our next big stop on the way to Olivine city was caused by nearly getting run over by a semi. I was so angry I totaled the truck of the jackass who clipped my shoulder and caused it to dislocate. The cops were right on his trail while he was hanging upside down nearly naked thanks to Mewtwo having saved him from flying off the cliff with his truck. He was nearly naked because he said he'd kill me if I didn't let him go so I told Mewtwo to search him for weapons.

All his Pokéballs and stuff was on the ground so when the cops showed up they thanked us for apprehending the robber. I got my shoulder fixed while they explained things to Officer Jenny. The master thief was caught and locked up while having no way out since his pokéballs were taken along with his lock picking set. We moved on and ended up at a cabin lakeside while Brock was sick with a fever.

I did my own chores as usual and took on most of his as well, sending Ash to pick fruit while I polished Brock's Pokémon and did laundry. Misty helped out with what she could and I said no when she wanted to cook. I told her the last time she tried cooking I ended up poisoned worse than a Muk's poison gas attack. She remembered and blushed, apologizing.

When dinner was done and everyone was fed by a whole bunch of apples Ash brought back and food I made, I made jams, jelly and pie fillings before making a pie. Even Brock woke up to have a slice of apple pie before going back to sleep. I slipped off with Misty to "train" while Ash washed the dishes. I certainly trained Misty enough though because the moment we were out of their sight my cock was free and in her mouth.

It was almost bedtime by the time we returned and I told Ash to sleep outside on the porch. I put up a tent for Misty and I and another for Mewtwo and the other Pokémon to keep an eye on Togepi. By morning Misty was sore from training and needed a bath so she headed to the lake with her water Pokémon to help her have some privacy in case Brock or Ash sees anything.

As for Brock, I stopped him from trying to make breakfast and told him he could get us all sick if he does so I sent him back to bed and brought him breakfast when it was done. I spent the day doing chores again and Misty was getting her work in as well, training for real with her Pokémon while Ash relaxed and messed around. After a while I trained my Pokémon once the chores was done and lunch was at a slow simmer. After lunch I carried Misty off for more of our training and wore her ass out next.

We swam in the lake and had more training before she told me her pussy was too sore and if she sucked me any more she'd have a sore throat as well while her ass was to the point where she had to sit gingerly. I slipped it in her slit just a little and worked the entrance to her relief before bringing us both release. I didn't pull out because I didn't see the need to, but that would prove to be a costly mistake.

She sighed in relief while I kissed her and massaged her tits. When I pulled free she sat up on the bank and we watched her gaping hole flow out all I'd put in or so we thought. Once she did a once over, we dressed and headed back to camp to have dinner. She started feeling the rest flow out and froze up while talking, going red in the face.

She had to waddle to the tent to change her panties and fully scoop out the rest while I told Ash to bring Brock his food. I went and helped her while she scolded me for laughing. I had her get up on all fours and helped her finger it out before getting us both hot and bothered. Soon it wasn't my fingers in her and it wasn't just at the entrance either.

She bit the pillow as I worked us both into a frenzy and flooded her depths. I watched her body shiver while we both climaxed and I held her, pulling the blankets over us as Tron came inside to sleep at our pillow heads. We stayed that way all night, still fully in her and sleeping satisfied. I carried her to the lake before sun up with our clothes and washed us both carefully before using telekinesis and water to help clean her out.

She jolted awake and I covered her mouth with mine to keep her from making a scene. Once she was cleaned out, we broke apart and she thanked me saying she wasn't ready to be a mom just yet, not that she'd be mad if it were mine. She blushed and corrected herself saying that it would definitely be mine because I'd ruined other men for her and trained her too well. She said she was mine in body at least and she'd take what she could of me.

I went to speak and she stopped me, putting a finger over my lips. "Except that. I won't hold you back Ren, ever. I know you'll go the farthest out of all of us and I'm willing to share, you know I am. No, what I can have now and later is enough for me. Though it means everything to me that you're still willing to be with only me."

I nodded slowly and sighed. "If you change your mind-"

She smiled. "I know and I won't."

She put her clothes on, giving me a show and spreading her as and slit saying. "Still, everything here is yours, always."

I growled and she blushed. "Just give a few days to heal up myself. You've been pent up a while now and it's a lot to take by myself nowadays."

I nodded and dressed as well before slapping her pert ass lightly and watching her sway a little with a smile. We headed to breakfast and Brock was back to full health despite his dreams of girls I'd fucked already or likely would before he ever did. We moved on and found a Sumo wrestling town event with a kings rock as the prize along with a year's supply of Pokémon food. I got my Snorlax from Professor Oak and got him up to speed before we entered the tournament before Ash.

The scales broke and then some because my Snorlax had a hood five hundred pounds on Ash's and most of that was hidden muscle.

Ash failed to participate because he'd tried to enter at the last moment and the scales were broken already so they had no way of testing his Pokémon's weight. We beat a Poliwrath first and a Machamp next. In the finals it was us versus the guy who told us about the tournament. His Feraligatr was no match for Snorlax and was thrown out with a Judo throw that knocked it out.

I told Snorlax he did a great job before tossing him a Poké block he caught and swallowed. There was a thud and his stomach expanded before he smiled and fell back, going to sleep with a crash. I returned him and went to collect my prizes. The kings rock I put in my capsule with the food.

The food would tide over our Pokémon here for several months so it would stay with us and help us save money. I sent Snorlax back to Professor Oak as Happiny finally hatched minutes later and I grinned seeing it was a shiny. Mewtwo must've told that Blissey what I wanted and either by skill or luck, she gave me the right one. A few days later we came across a Pokémon interpreter who said he could speak to Pokémon.

He tried and Mewtwo helped him, stopping him from talking to Pikachu briefly and touching his head and heart. I told him Mewtwo is a legendary psychic type Pokémon and while he briefly had the ability to speak to Pokémon, he lost it over the years because he lost his innocence and open heart after that day. I told him Mewtwo was giving him a gift and opening him back up to speaking with Pokémon, so long as he remembers the feelings that come with it.

When Mewtwo released him, he thanked us and I brushed it off while Mewtwo retreated into his ball, tired for once. He said our stay was free so I used his bike to recharge both Pikachu and Flaaffy back up. The police came to arrest the old man and call him a swindler, but I showed Officer Jenny my credentials before telling her Mewtwo had confirmed it himself and helped him fully regain the skill.

I pointed to the cliff. "Your criminal conmen are over there and are about to launch smoke bombs at us to try and take the old man to their boss."

Cue the smoke balls I flicked back before they fled. Later that night the old man came to the Pokémon center with us and the conmen showed up. They used Magnamite and Magnetons to take power from the Pokémon center. When Nurse Joy told them about the dozens of injured Pokémon she was treating, the leader said he failed to see how that was his problem, saying it was hers.

I told him coldly. "Stop now or you'll wish I was in the mood for a Pokémon battle. This is your one and only warning."

He told me to buzz off and I snapped my fingers, making his legs shatter like they'd been crushed by a boulder. He screamed and begged me to stop while his accomplices screamed with him. I told him coldly. "I fail to see how that's my problem. Now stop your Pokémon or the next thing I break can't be healed by a stay in the hospital."

He told his Pokémon to stop and I nodded before taking their Pokéballs and returning the Pokémon before handing them to nurse Joy. "Use what power they took to recharge the generators if you have to."

The criminals screamed for help and I barked. "SHUT UP!"

They cried quietly and I told Ash to call Officer Jenny and tell her to bring ambulances for the assholes. He did so and I turned to the criminals. "If I ever see any of you again there won't be a call, you'll disappear and never be seen or heard from again. If I ever hear about you hurting or injuring people or Pokémon, you'll wish I'd given you a quick death here today."

They sweated and their minds shuddered in fear. My eyes flickered red while Tron growled in approval. It'd been brief, but Ash and the others had caught it and told me. Mewtwo said it was a side effect of training, raising and sleeping so near a dark type Pokémon while being a psychic. He touched my body and said I had dark type energy in me now though it was small for now. He sighed and said I should stop being so close to Tron.

He said he would help shield my mind alone and use up the dark energy at the same time to prevent more violent outbursts from effecting my mind. Officer Jenny understood and with my standing in the league, I was told to her it fixed before I do something my position can't protect me from. Tron rubbed up against my leg and I sighed, petting him. "Don't worry Tron, I'll still train and be friends with you, just no more sleeping in the tent with me. You can stay with Ash and Pikachu though since he's not a psychic."

Ash agreed and Tron nodded slowly before looking apologetic towards me. The Pokémon interpreter spoke to him and he spoke back. I told the interpreter I could hear through his mind like a translator. I crouched down and told Tron. "It's no one's fault Tron. Sometimes things happen beyond our control. You're special and so am I in a way. My body seems to absorb different mental energy types which we now know it includes dark type energy is all. It would've happened had it been Houndoom or any other dark type Pokémon so it's not your fault buddy."

He accepted my words hesitantly and I petted him saying. "Don't worry, you're still one of my favorite Pokémon friends and family."

He barked and before rubbing against my hand. I petted him as I hummed before telling everyone it's been a long day and night so it was time for bed. I didn't sleep with any Pokémon near me as they all cuddled Tron including Typlosion, Larvitar and Happiny. Articuno was with Oak at the moment, making an icy perch on his lands.

The next morning I put Simon in touch with Professor Oak before we headed out. Mewtwo said the dark energy had dissipated after being used up last night and so long as I don't take anymore in anytime soon I won't start generating my own. Days later we heard a boom and found an archeologist Brock helped who mentioned a mask and staff that controlled Pokémon, I hummed lightly before going along with everything. When we arrived team idiot had a mask and staff that allowed them to control Pokémon. Jessie tried to use it to control Mewtwo and I told her. "The mask and staff give you dominion over most Pokémon. However, legendary psychic type Pokémon cannot be controlled by toys like that. Mewtwo and I already know how it works from your attempt just now."

I held up a hand and the staff flew into it while the mask pulled off her carefully and landed in my other hand. Jessie and team idiot fled so I gave the mask and staff to the archeologist. "The stones that create the boundary around this area reflect ultra high low and high frequencies, amplifying them and become a sort of controlled confuse ray attack that forces Pokémon who can hear them to obey the user of the staff who emits the waves. The staff sends them out and the mask reflects another kind that gives the user's commands the full weight of the confuse ray, making it like a forceful master and servant relationship. These are dangerous, but only within the boundaries of the stones or any play with similar materials."

She thanked us and I told her I had a copy of the data from my Pokédex so if she abused them I'd know and help bring her down with a bunch of Golbat. Brock's Golbat soon evolved on the way out into a Crowbat. We headed to Whitestone city where we saw Smeargles and a famous painter named Jack Pollockson. While the people talked, I had a mental conversation with Mewtwo while we were painted on by Smeargles.

We were invited to the artist's place to wash up and hear his issues. After some team rocket hi jinx the artist and Smeargles painted a masterpiece. A rain cloud came and washed it away minutes later and left a white wall when it was over. I smiled. "It's the perfect canvas for an artist outside of the heart and mind. Now you'll be able to paint another masterpiece when the inspiration strikes you again. After all, art happens in the moment, like inspiration. Sometimes it can last years and sometimes it's gone in the blink of an eye, but the feelings it engenders in others is the proof that it was there all along, engraved on their hearts and minds."

Jack smiled and laughed saying I was right about that. Ash said it really sounded like I knew what I was talking about. I shook my head. "I've never been a big art fan, but I've had dreams and hopes and those are inspirations that drive the soul like the colors do an artist. I know the feeling Jack's art inspires in others because my own dreams inspire me to work harder to achieve them. Dreams are more than lists of things to do like become a Pokémon master. No, they're the passion and drive to be the best, no matter what that is and to go out and seek the unexplored because you don't know what's out there, but so long as you and your friends are happy it doesn't matter what's around the corner because you'll face it together, grow and have fun."

They all smiled and agreed while we said our goodbyes to Jack. In our departure, Mewtwo showed him the worlds of one piece, DBZ, Jackie Chan Adventures and Xiaolin Showdown. To say the artist was inspired would be an understatement seeing worlds and colors he'd never heard of before with people and abilities he'd never before dreamed could be possible. Life was certainly going to be interesting for the old artist that's for sure.

Our next stop had us meeting a Pokémon researcher in a small town. Brock became the target of an instant romance and I left him to it along with all the drama that came with it. Instead I trained my Pokémon and stayed out of the way until they were ready to go. We were soon well on our way to Olivine city.

We stopped by some electric wind turbines for lunch only for Ash and his Chikorita to get lost. Brock and Misty went to look for him with Pikachu so I stayed with the other Pokémon and had a nap after feeding them all and eating a stick of Tauros jerky myself. Mewtwo protected my mind and kept an eye on all the Pokémon. Ash's Chikorita evolved into a Bayleef and the next day mine led by example.

It came at me and went to tackle me, but I caught it mid jump and swung it around, hugging it. Seeing this, Ash's Bayleef ran at him and tackled him to the ground. I chuckled as Ash got mad before sighing when he barked at his Bayleef. "Your Bayleef still thinks like a Chikorita where it could jump into your arms. Mine's the same only I'm strong enough to catch it and still show my affection. So stop your crap Ash or I'll take your Bayleef away because with that attitude you don't deserve it."

He flinched like I'd struck him and apologized to Bayleef before sighing and telling it not to tackle him. When he brought the food later his Bayleef went to run, stopped and thought about it before walking and he still went to bark at it, earning smack to the back of his head so hard he got his food all over himself and ate ground as well. When he got up, rubbing his head and growling at me, I went cold and he saw my expression before stopping mid attitude. I told him coldly. "You're a bit gun shy because of the frequent tackles, so I'll let it go this time you dumbass, but Bayleef wasn't using a tackle, it literally walked towards you and you barked at it. Do that again and I'll do more than take your Bayleef from you, I'll take your Pokédex and stuff before sending you home to mom after I tan your hide and beat you like you deserve. Then I'll contact Professor Oak and the league to get your ass banned from ever owning a Pokémon again."

I turned to his Bayleef and apologized for my idiot brother, saying I frequently knocked him on his head to knock sense into him when we were younger and it only seemed to make him dumber. I told it to smack him in the back of the head with vine whip when he gets mean and remind him that I'd do far worse if he keeps it up. His Bayleef sweat dropped and I petted it sighing. "You haven't done anything wrong Bayleef, you just have a dumb, stubborn, jackass of a trainer who won't listen to anyone's words but his own dumb ideas at times so he comes off ass insensitive and rude. You just evolved and although you may look different, you're still the same over affectionate Chikorita at heart which he seems to be forgetting. The fact that you evolved for him seems to have slipped passed his dumbass mind so do let me know if I have to beat the living daylights out of him to make the point stick in his overly large big this skull of his."

Bayleef nodded and grew happy while shaking it's head. I chuckled. "Don't worry, it's an older brother's duty to deflate the ego and beat the stupidity out of his younger brother. I tried for years to varying degrees of effect like training a wild Charizard to obey me and it's dulled his sense of pain so tackle away and if you're really feeling affectionate, use a take down to slam his thick skull into a tree. Maybe it'll finally knock some sense into him or at the very least it'll make him less likely to get mad about all the tackles when he knows it could be worse."

Bayleef liked that idea and agreed happily. Ash said it didn't need to go that far before apologizing. I shook my head and told it. "I don't believe him, he's bound to forget, he's like a goldfish and forgets things quickly. Go ahead and do a take down."

Bayleef charged and slammed him into a tree. Ash went loopy and I smiled, telling him. "Now instead of you training your Pokémon they can train you not to be a mean dumbass. So you can accept Bayleef's happy affectionate tackles for what they are, a sign that it loves you unconditionally or you can eat bark and dirt each meal time for being a mean dumbass. Pikachu had to shock you every time you were mean before so now you can learn it all over again. If you raise your voice or hand to them Ash, my Pokémon will be the ones showing you affection next and they won't be as gentle. That's before I strip you of your rights to be a trainer as well which will happen regardless the moment you hit one of your Pokémon out of anger or malice."

All my Pokémon agreed and it was an intimidating sight. My Bayleef stood next to his and rubbed it. Unlike mine, his was male and still loved him like a child loves a parent, without reservations or conditions. Ash soon grew to accept it and it stopped even tackling him, just knocking him over carefully and using a gentle body slam maneuver.

We met an older lady and her gardening Pokémon a bit later and team rocket tried to take the Pokémon in a giant Bayleef. I made a psychic barrier and made Mewtwo smile while I asked them. "If you could go anywhere in Kanto, where would it be?"

They gulped and I told them coldly. "Get out of the robot and leave after apologizing to the nice old lady or I'll choose and it won't be very pleasant for you."

They got out after a bit and I shrank the Bayleef robot into a charm before putting it on a bracelet and giving it to the old lady. Ash sent them flying when they tried to snatch Pikachu at least while leaving. The old lady thanked me for the gift and I shrugged before showing her my own Bayleef.

I let my Bayleef tackle and body slam me, cuddling it happily. Ash told them it only looked like fun because I was freakishly strong. Mewtwo shook his head and told them I had bruises all over from my Pokémon that healed slowly because I refused to take that innocent smile from their faces when they showed their affections. He told them apart of my own charm for Pokémon was that they could sense I'd never hurt them unless they were being mean or evil.

He told them I saw most Pokémon as children and to me their happiness meant any amount of pain was worth their genuine smiles. When we got up, Bayleef went to smell the flowers while I stood up telling them. "Ignore Mewtwo, he's still a kid himself, I just don't have the energy or power to keep him out of my head nor the will to lie to his face."

I rubbed Mewtwo's head and the legendary Pokémon huffed lightly. Ash asked how I can stand it and I grunted. "Pain lets you know you're alive. The moment you live without pain you're in big trouble because you're dead. I accepted pain the moment I decided to see the world and become a trainer. If you think Bayleef's tackles hurt, you haven't been hit by a moody Charizard's tail. The rough scales, the immediate bruise and the fire, yeah, compared to that Bayleef is as gentle as a leaf."

I flicked Ash's head. "Unlike you I train my Pokémon and not all of them are happy to listen to a teenager. You should remember what Charizard's flame was like. You put up with that and it didn't like you at the time. What's your big problem with Bayleef? Is it because you're a coward now?"

He growled and said he wasn't a coward so I smacked the back of his head gently. "Then stop crying like a baby and being mean when your Pokémon are just showing their affection or I won't need to take them away, you'll drive them away all on your own."

I knelt down and picked up Croconaw whole was done helping water the garden. I let him chew on my gloved hand a bit until he released it and apologized at Tyron's bark. I smiled and petted him, saying it was fine because I'd heal and he'd grow out of it eventually.

I turned to Ash while Misty bandaged my hand. "You forget something most important and true about all your Pokémon Ash. They choose to be with you because they like you. The moment you turn on them that'll cease to be and unless you become like team rocket, which I will not allow, you'll lose them all because they'll leave you all on their own for better trainers who won't be mean or to live somewhere where they aren't treated badly in the wild."

Once my hand was bandaged, I put the glove back on and acted like nothing had happened. I petted Tron before sitting with Flaaffy to comb it's fleece. We left as the sun began to set and I overheard the old lady telling Ash, Brock and Misty to look out for me or someday a Pokémon could really hurt me and I'd still forgive it because I was like her husband once was, a gentle giant who wouldn't hurt an innocent Pokémon to save myself. I'd never thought of it like that and even Mewtwo blinked hearing that.

He knew death didn't bother me as I may or may not come back. I'd lived a long fulfilling several lifetimes so I wasn't afraid of dying even if it was permanent. We were soon waiting for Ash to get on a ferry. He barely made it by jumping off a dock at the end and we took the long route through the Ilex forest.

We saw an Entei in the forest and we made a pit stop along the way before catching a speed boat to some special area of the forest. The boat turned into a blimp at a waterfall and I was damned glad we asked for a ride. We ended up in Arborville before heading into the forest after being warned about the voice of the forest. We saw some lights and followed them to the shrine where a kid came out.

I went around the alter and saw Celebi scamper off. We took the kid back out to Aborville where I learned his name was Sam. I asked him with a tilt of my head. "Your last name wouldn't be Oak would it?"

He nodded. "Uh huh."

I smiled and hummed before leaving to make a call. Professor Oak answered and I told him he'd have a lot of explaining to do especially about the GS ball once this time travel stuff was over. He agreed with a sweat drop and I sighed before hanging up. We headed back into the forest where we found Celebi surrounded by Pokémon and hiding. Mewtwo and I touched it's mind, letting it know we weren't enemies or evil.

Sam picked it up and I told Oak with Celebi out loud. "Mewtwo is a legendary Pokémon and he'll protect us so don't worry."

Misty nodded and brought out Suicune. "And Suicune here will do it's part to keep you safe Celebi."

Suicune agreed and we headed to the lake of life Celebi needed only for Mewtwo to stop and fight a dark Tyranitar. We got away and I faced a Scizor with Flaaffy while Sam faced the Sneasel with his Charmeleon. Flaaffy evolved when it beat Scizor, becoming a shiny Ampharos. It's pink form shocked Sam while he beat his oppnonent.

We tied the Pokémon up to the boulders and left while I told Mewtwo to destroy all except one dark ball and erase the mind of the asshole only after reading it for all he knew about team rocket. Soon the Tyranitar was freed from the effects of the dark ball and so were the Scizor and Sneasel. Mewtwo freed them while we healed Celebi with the lake of life. Celebi took Ash, Sam and I flying and swimming happily before showing us all of the forest and happily eating berries on the way back to the village.

Mewtwo came back to us while we picked berries. I emptied the tree halfway, leaving the rest for wild Pokémon while picking tons of other fruit along the way. We stopped for the night and Ash spoke with Sam about his sketches. I picked them up before smiling and asking if it was alright if I made one.

Sam nodded and I closed my eyes before sketching all of my Pokémon in one big motif with Professor Oak and my mom in there and Ash, Misty and Brock as well. I added Ash's Pokémon in the background with Misty and Brock's. I signed it at the bottom as -To a friend from the Future.-

I handed it to Sam and told him all about my Pokémon, each and every one of them. I told him their likes, dislikes, funny stories and good natures or grumpy ones. I sighed and leaned back against a log saying. "Ash could really tell you more about his own, but he fell asleep a while ago."

Sam looked over and true enough, Ash was out like a light. I sighed as he laughed and asked to see his Pokéball. He showed it to me and I released Charmeleon before grabbing my tool kit. I explained the advantages of a speed release mechanism and the fact that it doesn't truly trap a Pokémon until released.

I gestured to Mewtwo who watched the stars and told him he comes and goes as he pleases. I told Sam a lot about Pokéballs and even if Kurt here in Johto who made some out of apricorns. I remodeled his Pokéball while telling him everything I was doing before handing it back. He was fascinated to see it looked like a Pokéball of today's models only all metallic in color.

He returned and released his Charmeleon and asked if that was better. Charmeleon agreed happily before I scanned it, pulling up his Charmeleon's stats. I showed Sam my Pokédex and told him all about it, but more importantly I told him where his Pokémon was lacking in a move pool area.

I held out a journal and told him with a smile. "My own Charizard is off training with wild Charizard right now so I can't show you him, but that's everything I know about training and raising Charmanders into Charizards. All their moves, how to teach them, how to train their base strengths and train away their weaknesses, everything. I even have a few theories on more powerful moves and concentrated flames ones they get strong enough. There's also stuff about dietary needs and washing waxing their scales so it's not all basic training stuff."

Sam looked at it and sighed. "I can't take this-"

I waved him off. "You're from the past Sam. I don't know if it'll be tomorrow or whenever, but eventually Celebi will have to return you to the past. When that happens you can raise your own Charizard and add to that book. Someday when you know enough you can hand it back to me and this way we'll both have benefited from it. That's what I think training should be like after all, not who has the strongest Pokémon, but adding out collective knowledge and sharing it with each trainer we meet so that someday others can improve on what we all know instead of rediscovering old facts."

I looked up at the stars and sighed. "It's a big world with hundreds and possibly thousands of species of Pokémon out there. Who knows how many there are beyond the stars as well. Someday though I think I'd like to find out and for that to happen the collective knowledge of the world and all we know about Pokémon and nature will have to improve drastically, even further as we are now."

I got up and told Sam. "Read if you can't sleep and if you can, sleep well."

Pikachu and Celebi woke up, waking up Ash before showing all three of us a swarm of evolving Metapod into Butterfree. We followed and I floated us to the top of a tree as Mewtwo sat beside us watching the sun rise. I sighed and told them that there are thousands of Celebi watching over all the forests in the world throughout all of time both past, present and future. I petted Celebi and told them that although it's mythical, like all mythical Pokémon, there are many of each including Mew out there keeping the myths alive.

I smiled and held up the GS ball to Sam. "This is a GS ball. It's made from the feathers Ho-Oh and Lugia. I don't know who made it, but I have a theory that it was made to catch a Celebi and allow the owner to not be effected by it's time traveling abilities if they don't want to."

I gave it to Sam and Celebi poked it with curiosity while I chuckled. "Careful Celebi, you might accidentally capture yourself for Sam here."

I petted it's head and Sam asked. "You're giving it to me?"

I shrugged. "If Celebi wants to be your Pokémon? Sure. I'll just have to find my own way and Celebi to befriend and catch. Besides, mythical Pokémon are immortal so who knows, once you go back to your own time Celebi may have fun with you and decide to come with me someday as well. One can never tell with such things as mythical and legendary Pokémon are whimsical immortal creatures so long as they're not destroyed."

I hummed and sang a familiar song called the Duduo song from a futuristic movie. Tron hopped up the tree and curled up in my lap while I sang. When I finished Celebi cheered and touched the ball, triggering it's own capture. We all watched in wonder and soon the ball clicked, signaling Celebi's capture.

Sam let it out and Celebi cheered while Sam asked if he wanted to be his Pokémon. Celebi agreed and they hugged while we smiled. When we got down, a time rift opened and another Celebi came out. They met and I chuckled. "It seems this is Celebi's replacement. After all the forest can't die because one Pokémon was caught no matter how important."

I waved to the pink shiny Celebi and stopped Mewtwo from attacking it. "I don't want to be mean and while shiny Pokémon are fun to find, we don't have to collect them if they're welcomed where they live. Just finding them is enough for us and befriending them even better."

The new Celebi flew around all of us while smiling and saying bi-bi-bi a lot. After it calmed down we introduced ourselves and Sam had to leave once Brock and the others caught up. I gave Sam something I'd worked on before nightfall while we'd walked through the forest. He looked at it strangely and I told him I adapted it from Ash's old Pokédex.

I told him to always keep improving and to never assume he knows everything so he's always open to new possibilities. He agreed and told me someday he'd repay me for everything. I nodded happily, sighing as he left. The Pokédex had everything up to date including the video files and a list of all his up to date dated accomplishments in the academic fields. It had explicit warnings against using the knowledge for personal gain or tampering which the notable and well known things.

It even had a message from me that said I hoped he really did come up with a way to further the world's understanding of Pokémon even more and despite knowing it was him, I was happy to call him Sam and an old friend regardless. We headed out of the forest while Entei watched us go and I tilted my head before deciding against catching the legendary right now. We got a ride back and waited for a ferry while Ash called Professor Oak.

When Ash was done, I called the old man while we were on the ferry and I was alone with Mewtwo. When he answered, I smiled. "Sup Sam."

He smiled good naturally and sighed. "I guess it's time to come clean then huh?"

I nodded and he told me the Pokédex busted due to some weird time anomaly so anything on it was lost when they arrived in their own time. He did however say that he'd kept the journal and used it to learn a great deal more about the Charizard and Kanto starter lines as well as dragon type Pokémon in general. He told me Celebi and he stayed friends for many years and remained so even when he released it over a decade ago.

He said it was out there having fun in forests and looking for his other friends. Finally he told me the GS ball's origins were that of a Pokémon hunter that worked for team rocket and wanted to use Celebi's power over time to rule the world before he was beaten some years ago. Finally he said we'd always be old friends, but he asked that I keep it a secret. I agreed and smiled, sending him all my up to date findings on Pokémon, research and technological ideas I'd worked out like a time machine, the gravity training room and even the human healing fluid and tanks for healing humans who were severely injured within a few hours.

At our next stop we continued on to Olivine city and stopped by a sea side forest edge. One moment I was sitting on a cliff eating and the next I was flying and falling towards the sea before I was stopped and made to fly. I heard a familiar bi-bi-bi and chuckled. "Celebi!"

The little green grass and psychic type Pokémon cheered and my Pokémon settled down as we flew back to the cliff and I held Celebi. I fed it some of the berries I'd gathered and it did a little backflip loving them. Chuckling, I told it I had plenty of them and I can always teleport back to the Ilex forest to get more. It cheered and I smiled before asking what it planned to do now.

It went back into the forest and a couple minutes later it came out carrying a golden GS ball. It gave me the ball and touched it, going in to be captured again. Sighing, I smiled and knew my second extra spot would have a permanent fixture to it. When it was caught, I let it out and it cheered before nestling in my arms and going to sleep.

I hummed the Doduo song while Celebi let out a cute yawn and fell into a deeper sleep. I put the GS ball on my belt and fed my Pokémon before relaxing as the sun set over the ocean. We rested there for the night and Celebi took up Tron's old spot on my spare pillow. We ended up at a festival where I had Mewtwo look after Celebi in case it wonders off and someone tries to take it.

It mostly flew around me and had fun seeing the sights while eating berries. Misty and the others helped a kid learn how to scam others in my opinion. I decidedly didn't help even when team idiot showed up and were subsequently sent packing. We came upon a hot air balloon target practice session and met Skylar, a balloon enthusiast with a Fearow.

He introduced us to his father who was an artists and a mechanic. When they mentioned us joining the competition, I tapped my chin before asking if I could borrow their tools and work space to build my own hot air balloon by tomorrow. They agreed easily and I told Ash and the others to go ahead and participate separately if they can find a balloon.

Celebi watched me work and my Pokémon helped out, especially Typhlosion. When I was done with the basket and frame, I had them draw lots to figure out which one it would look like. Celebi won in the end and I made a giant Celebi balloon. I coated it in a rubber polymer so it wouldn't attract electricity or a random lightning strike would destroy it.

In the end a glossy giant Celebi head floated up that evening. We took it out for a spin and I had Aerodactyl transferred in to fill up my last free spot in my team for now. Aerodactyl and the rest practiced riding the air currents with me until it was target practice time. Once we were up high enough, I nailed the target every time while Celebi retrieved the marker.

We signed up for the competition the next day and saw Ash and the others. Celebi cheered from my shoulder while I went around warning people of problems with their balloons. I told them I built my own and saw the two human idiots from the Meowth balloon sabotaging everyone else's balloons last night while I was practicing last night. They made the repairs and thanked me for the warnings and the words of caution against the cheaters.

By the time the competition started everyone else was giving the Meowth balloon the stink eye. We all flew up and team rocket argued because none of the balloons were messing up. Hell, I'd helped repair most of them so they'd best not. Still team rocket tried cheating more and I had Mewtwo make a barrier around their balloon, causing the smog to overload and explode their balloon.

Since they literally had explosives on their balloon the bang was so massive, they were sent flying and burning along the way while poisoned from smog. The rest of us balloonists used the currents to speed us on the way until a storm came. I used the storm's winds to do my work with Aerodactyl who was immune to most electricity. I ended up placing in first as the fastest person next to me was the Magmar user and he missed the target while I nailed it dead on in the center.

I scanned the engine and gave it to Skylar and his father as a thanks for letting me use their shop to make my hot air balloon. I shrank it and put it away, promising Celebi and my Pokémon I'd take them on rides when we had time and see the world from above. They agreed while I put the shrunken hot air balloon in my backpack before putting that in my capsule and inside my pocket.

We headed to a city and ran into a famous actor named Brad who gave us his Smoochum to hold onto. He ran off and I held his Smoochum until he returned. When his manager came, I glared at the asshole before telling Brad telepathically how much his manager was skimming off of him. I told him all the illegal stuff he does and what he planned for him and his Smoochum. I suggested a safe way out and how he could get proof to sue the crummy manager while getting a good manager.

Our eye contact was brief, and he nodded as he thanked me for looking out for his Smoochum. Soon enough his manager was in jail, Brad had a new manager and he'd outed himself as owning a Smoochum in real life. His fans loved him all the more while Smoochum became his co star and quite famous in the big city. We headed out of the city and into the wild again, eventually stopping by a lake not far from a mountain and a small town on the other side.

Seeing as we had to go through the mountain anyways to get to the other side, when Pieter, a female trainer looking for a swimming Rhydon Ash spotted, told us about the tunnel she was making, I told her. "Have your Pokémon stand back, I'm going to try something."

She did so and I walked to the wall before concentrating and waving a hand, creating a blade of psychic energy that cut a few inches through the side of the wall. I panted and sighed. "Looks like I'll have to go back to practicing my psychic energy if I plan to cut deeper than that."

Mewtwo appeared next to me with his arms crossed and I sweat dropped. "I mean I'd never do that. Mewtwo why don't you use psycho cut to cut all four sides of this wall and blast it with a shadow ball to clear the way."

I rubbed the back of my head and backed away from him. Pieter asked if she missed something and Misty told her how I trained my body and psychic energy to a really high degree. Only I'm no longer allowed to train either because it puts too much of a strain on my body now and if I do I'd likely die like what nearly happened before. She told Pieter that she had to constantly remind me that I'm human and not a Pokémon despite how strong I am physically and psychically.

Misty gestured to Mewtwo who used psycho cut four times and blasted the path open. "Mewtwo is a legendary Pokémon who chose to follow Ren because he's as sincere as a Pokémon and as nice as a Chansey most of the time. All of his Pokémon have to constantly watch him and stop him from training. Just last week he tried to put his old weights back on to get a workout and Mewtwo had him sitting the day away which nearly made him drive us bonkers. He's the sweetest man you'd ever meet normally, but when he's bored he's like a depressed Ghastly, annoying and a bit of a prankster."

I waved a hand and sent the small rocks over the edge of the cliff, clearing the path with telekinesis. Mewtwo narrowed his eyes and I shrugged before telling him. "Just clearing the way. We can't open up a path like this for everyone and not put supports in, that'd be irresponsible and quite dangerous."

I gestured to the fires and told him. "Take Bayleef, Celebi and Typhlosion to collect lumber wolf posts."

I checked and measured the cave. "We need twelve four by fours, twenty two by sixes and do me a favor, pull some metal out of the ground to make a plated roof. Have Typhlosion melt it with flamethrower while you and Celebi mold it."

I gave him the mental image and he nodded before I hesitated. "Use as few trees as possible and no fruit trees or Pokémon nested ones."

He nodded once more while I freed my Pokémon. They went with him as they glowed. I began mixing special resins from sap while Brock and the others asked what I was doing. I grunted. "I'm making a wood treating lacquer that'll treat the wood and season them before sealing up any cracks so the weather won't effect them much and they'll last longer. I'll use it to seal up the water leakage on the ceiling as well before adding the plating so we won't disturb the pond above us."

When it was ready and I had enough, I stopped collecting tree sap. I gestured to the lake. "You should go catch Rhydon. It'll be able to help us secure the road down and make grooves so it'll be less likely your grandma will slip and fall. It can help install a guard rail as well just to be safe."

She agreed saying it was a great idea before they all left. I shrugged and pulled some metal ore out of the mountain as well before refining and shaping it with telekinesis. It was hard work, but rewarding while I made the guard rails for the top of the slope at least. When my Pokémon returned with all the supplies, we secured the tunnel and made it far safer for even old ladies or bicycle riders to take.

By the time they'd returned with the Rhydon, I'd sent Mewtwo out to gather apples for lunch alongside Pokémon food. I'd reserved most of the special berries for Celebi so I had to supplement our food supplies where I could. I asked Bayleef and Typhlosion to go with Celebi to where they cut the trees and help promote the growth of nature so seedlings can begin to recover what we took.

Typhlosion was there to protect the two grass-type Pokémon in case team idiot showed up. I pulled more metal out of the mountain and shaped it before instructing them on how to put the railings in. Mewtwo soon arrived with tons of apples and dropped them on me saying I'd best not send him out for chores again just so I can exhaust myself like this. While he wasn't entirely wrong, the others apologized saying they'd asked for my help.

I crawled out from under the apples and put most of them away before making dinner since it was getting late. Celebi, Typhlosion and Bayleef came back happy so we all ate before my Pokémon helped the others while I instructed them. Soon the path had a sand like finish which was super slip resistant. The guard and hand rails were up all the way to the bottom and the tunnel was up, now lit up by a small but powerful generator that barely needed charged.

Pieter said she'd tell the small town to charge it once a week to keep the lit path up and running so it'll be safe. It was hard but rewarding work as people began using it quite frequently. We headed into town where a dirigible was lowering. A worker asked for a doctor and Brock was introduced as a breeder.

We were introduced to two sick Kecleon who Brock helped. Once the Kecleon started playing hide and seek, I caught them both easily and gave them to their owners. Team rocket tried to interfere and I teleported them to separate islands in the Orange islands. James was sent to the Ghastly cave, Jessie was sent to the tropical island and Meowth was sent to the Meowth loving island.

I was thanked greatly by having my way with the beautiful ladies who owned the Kecleon and soon enough we said our goodbyes. We ended up by lake lucid and Misty was a big fan of the nurse Joy that came out of the lake in a diving suit. We learned about all the books the three generations of nurse Joys out of this Pokémon center wrote and about the new age water treatment techniques implemented for helping injured water Pokémon.

Then we learned the current nurse Joy hates water Pokémon and I offered her a hand in getting over that fear and hatred. She said there was nothing I could do and I snorted. "Maybe not physically, but I'm the world's most powerful human psychic and my Mewtwo here is a legendary psychic Pokémon. I can enter your mind, delve into your memories and help you both understand and get passed the irrational fear that drives your hatred for water Pokémon."

I offered a hand and told her. "You don't have to do it, but I've never met a cowardly nurse Joy before so it'll be a first if you do."

She took my hand slowly and I put my hands on her temples. It wasn't hard and it didn't take more than a few seconds of outside perspective. Instead it took years inside her mind to help her understand her fear and work towards feeling, touching and helping water Pokémon. When she was ready and I knew all she did for treating Pokémon, I released her and she smiled, thanking me.

I nodded and went back to training my Pokémon until it was nearly time to leave. After getting checkups, all my Pokémon including Mewtwo rested in their balls. Only Celebi stayed out to cuddle and sleep in my arms while I sang a soft song for it. We soon came across a desert oasis after hearing about it from a nurse Joy at a nearby Pokémon center. We had to apologize for intruding, but Celebi and Mewtwo cooled the wild Pokémon off.

I recorded everything and scanned all the Pokémon before planting seeds we'd gotten from all the fruits we'd eaten and I'd collected. With Celebi and Bayleef's help the seeds became sprouts and I gave the Pokémon samples of the fruits that would grow from them once they were fully grown. They liked them a lot and warmed up to us so I began showing them all the moves they didn't know and how to self train them, one by one with each Pokémon until even a Weedle was very knowledgeable.

I told them to teach others like themselves as each generation comes so all of them could protect this oasis. Miltank even learned heal bell so it could do even more healing on top of all the moves I ingrained into it's memories. We rested for a bit before saying goodbye and moving onwards across the desert to Olivine city in my hot air balloon.

We cut hours off our trek and got to rest for most of it while seeing everything from above in the shade. We headed to the gym next after stopping by the Pokémon center and the mart for supplies. We were welcomed and it wasn't by the real gym leader. A little girl lying about being the gym leader accepted Ash's challenge.

I told Ash and the others to call me and I'd be by later because I was leaving for a while. I took my Pokémon on a hot air balloon ride to Cianwood city. There we found Chuck on the beach sparing with his Machoke and I asked if my Typhlosion and I could cut in and have a good spar. Chuck agreed and I faced him to his surprise while our Pokémon faced off.

Celebi and Mewtwo watched as Chuck and I sparred fast and fiercely. Typhlosion was no different, though he was a bit weaker since it was a fighting type Pokémon with more martial arts experience it was facing. After I beat Chuck, we watched our Pokémon finish and he smiled seeing Typhlosion wasn't using any abilities and only it's talent and body. When Typhlosion lost the spar, I chuckled and helped him up saying. "Don't worry, you're still stronger than the Machoke. It's just a sparring match with a fighting type Pokémon so you were always going to be at a disadvantage."

Typhlosion nodded and I turned to Chuck, introducing myself. To my surprise he recognized me and asked if I was here for a badge. I nodded. "I am, but I figured a warm up was best before battle."

He grinned and agreed so we headed to his gym. He used his Poliwrath first so I sent out Croconaw and worked around the uneven strength. It was tiring due to the sheer difference in power, but Croconaw won in the end and evolved into a Feraligatr. When Chuck sent out his Machoke, I sent out Bayleef and we brought it down hard.

Bayleef evolved as well and I chuckled at his surprise. "We've been suppressing their evolutions for a while so they could learn all the possible moves for their species and evolution. I was hoping they'd evolve soon because they'd mastered all I could teach them a few days ago. We just haven't had any strong enough opponents to give them that push until now."

Meganium cheered and ran to my side where I hugged her neck and told her she did great. She didn't tackle me and instead used the gentle treatment Ash was used to from his Bayleef now. I chuckled as she must've realized she'd hurt me for real with her size now. We let our Pokémon rest up and heal at the Pokémon center and sparred some more on the beach, showing each other our martial arts and learning from each other.

Ash and the others arrived not long after we started sparing with our Pokémon fresh from the Pokémon center. Chuck brought us back to his place for lunch before battling Ash. Ash won with his Bayleef before we were told to head to the Whirl islands since Jasmine's Amphoras wasn't up to gym battles yet. Chuck and his wife paid our way onto a ferry to the Whirl islands and we left the next day.

I battled with Happiny against all the trainers onboard until she evolved into a Chansey. Then team rocket showed themselves and Ash blew us overboard where we were nearly pulled into a whirlpool until Mewtwo came out of his Pokéball from an evening nap and saved us. He flew us to the only nearby ship which was a research vessel rented by Professor Elm. I had to agree to let Elm study Celebi with Celebi's permission to get a ride to the nearest island, Bluepoint Isle.

There we learned of the Whirl cup, an all water Pokémon competition. Misty wanted to enter with Suicune so I agreed to only enter with Feraligator, Kabutops and my non elite water Pokémon like Feraligatr. She wanted to win this one and I saw no need to deny her. We signed up at the Pokémon center for the Whirl cup.

After Misty sent Team rocket flying with her Blastoise, saving the snatched water Pokémon, I left Celebi's ball with Professor Elm and told him it couldn't be sent by transfer system so he'd have to call me when he was done so I could teleport and get it. Celebi happily waved goodbye to me after I'd given Elm all the special berries I had and told him where to get more. We soon headed to the next town on Blue Point island to get a ferry to Yellow Point island.

I had gotten my Larvitar back to raise properly and finally help it evolve into a Pupitar. Misty wanted to catch a Corsola so we went to pudgy Pidgey island with a guide. There we heard about a Pidgey with a dream we helped fulfill. Mewtwo and I went up with it and a barrier when it needed air and started falling.

I projected what we saw to all of Johto's citizens, Pokémon included with one thought, that a Pidgey from Pudgy Pidgey island had fulfilled a dream and saw the world and star first hand as very few humans ever have even with rockets. Of course doing so had given me a nose bleed and made me lose consciousness connecting with so many minds so far away. Mewtwo had brought me down with Pidgey and helped us recover with my Chansey's help. I woke up a couple hours later and Misty beat my chest saying I wasn't allowed to do something so stupid ever again.

Still, everyone else was grateful and Mewtwo told me he helped my message go through before knocking me out with hypnosis while I was weak. I found myself being floated next to the others like an invalid. I ranted and railed, but as powerful as I was, I couldn't compete with the legendary psychic type Pokémon who insisted I rest. I received an angry call from mom and a thank you from Professor Elm.

I'd recorded Pidgey's whole trip and it's accomplishment inspired everyone in Johto a little. Still, Pidgey became a desired Pokémon for all trainers in Johto from that day onwards. All Pokémon in the area knew what Pidgey's could do now and even the Spearow were intimidated a bit. Still, many were no doubt inspired to seek out and fulfill their own dreams, because if a Pidgey can do that, anything was truly possible in this world.

Ash got us into a mess with a cable car and we met a Chinchou trainer. We stayed for the parade of the Chinchou and walked down the mountain with the pod of Chinchou. When team rocket showed up, I told Mewtwo. "Send them to evolution mountain."

Mewtwo sent them away and destroyed the stuff they'd brought while we continued on our way. I supplied the Chinchou with plenty of water with Feraligatr while we continued on our way. Mewtwo kept everyone on the path so nothing bad happened along the way. I got to carry one of the Chinchou and when we got to the beach, Misty caught it.