
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
Not enough ratings
79 Chs


When we found one, I had Croconaw knock it out and I caught it. We ran into a couple of researchers who argued over whether Sudowoodo was a rock type. I held up my Pokédex and brought out Sudowoodo. One scan later I told them. "Sudowoodo is a rock type Pokémon who uses the Mimic and Copycat abilities to mimic other attacks it's seen or been used on itself. I'll dub it the mimic type Pokémon of Johto like a Ditto using transform or a Smeargle copying moves to learn to be made into TMs."

My Pokédex hologram scan showed a ton of data on the Sudowoodo that the scientists rapidly copied down before I told them my Pokédex was a gift from Professor Oak who studied my version of it after I studied his own so we sort of improved on each other's work. I told them Professor Oak mentioned wanting to release them to researchers and Pokémon watchers to better understand Pokémon around the world at a much faster pace. With that I recalled Sudowoodo after healing it up with potions and told them we had to have it to get a ride from an old man with a boat.

One of the researchers asked. "Old man?"

I nodded. "An old man mentioned wanting it in exchange for a ride since the bridge is out."

They came with us and I gave the Sudowoodo to the female researcher's grandfather. He agreed to give us a ride and gave the Sudowoodo to his granddaughter anyways. I got on his boat and relaxed, rubbing my head while Mewtwo came out and summoned Umbreon from it's ball as well. The researchers asked what Mewtwo was and I left it to Ash and the rest while Mewtwo told them I needed to rest.

Misty told them about Mewtwo being created by Giovanni of Team Rocket from a Mew hair and being altered into a genuine legendary clone of the mythical Pokémon. She told them who I was and they recognized me as Professor Oak's genius field researcher from the academic community. Brock told them what happened with the Unknowns and how my own psychic power now became a serious issue which was why a dark type Pokémon and Mewtwo were now blocking out the minds of those I could hear like voices in a crowd.

They asked to study Mewtwo and Mewtwo said he couldn't leave my side because I needed him even if we agreed so the answer was no. He told them that without him I wouldn't even be able to sleep anymore and that would cause my mind to lash out in agitation from lack of rest I now needed regularly. I sighed and sat up, telling them. "Funny how I went through all that to become stronger and less dependent on my Pokémon so they didn't need to worry and all I did ended up making me need them more."

Mewtwo's eyes softened and Umbreon nuzzled my chin. I sighed and leaned against the boat, slightly irked at myself. I wasn't even allowed to wear weights anymore because I couldn't wear them without using telekinesis or I'd walk a crater in the ground everywhere I go. Still, my body was strong, like gorilla super punch strong.

I could break concrete with little effort and bend steel bars with just a bit more. I wasn't Tyranitar strong, but I wasn't going to be beaten easily either. Still, a steel type Pokémon could end me with metal claws very easily so I wasn't completely broken I guess and it's not like I was bulletproof or something. We soon met Professor Oak in the ruins of Alph where fossils were everywhere being uncovered.

There we met Foster, one of Professor Oak's old top student. We saw the fossils they had before he showed us the exhibit before showing us two Omanyte and one Omastar. Professor Oak showed him the video of Kabuto island, Grandpa Canyon's discovery and the pictures of my own Omastars as well as Kabutops and Aerodactyl. When more showed up and problems with the water got worse, I told Mewtwo. "Go stop team rocket and put the ancient Pokémon back in the reservoir. I'll bring out Umbreon and hold out until you return."

He nodded slowly and I brought out Umbreon who cuddled into my arms. Mewtwo left and I told the others. "Team rocket was pumping the water out of the reservoir into bottles to sell and now they're taking the Pokémon."

Ash said we should go, but I shook my head. "No need. Mewtwo can handle those idiots and send them flying easily. He's grown a lot stronger thanks to his recent battle with the indestructible fake Entei so there's no need to worry."

I turned to the Professor. "Though you should return those that came to the reservoir as well. No one deserves to be hunted or studied in a lab for all their lives and we all know that's what will happen once they're released to the public, that's if trainers don't come trying to catch them or more team rocket idiots come for profit."

Professor Foster agreed with me slowly before saying he could tell Professor Oak taught me well. Professor Oak said I was mostly self taught, but he did teach me about Pokémon and human relations so some credit was fine. I shrugged and Umbreon cheered as Mewtwo returned, saying the water and Pokémon were returned while the idiot trio as I liked to call them were sent flying. We soon left the ruins and headed towards the next city.

Ash ended up using his plain Noctowl to save a Pidgey which turned out to be a carrier Pidgey for a business. There in the city we met Maliki and his grandpa. When his grandfather mentioned shutting down the business when he retired, I offered a different solution, one that shocked even him. "What if instead of shutting it down, I give your grandson to do more than you did by expanding the business to encompass the globe. Pidgey express could serve all of Johto within a year's time and soon after, all of Kanto and Johto for a lot more than just mail, but a delivery service for medium and large parcels up to a hundred pounds."

The old man looked at me and frowned. "But Maliki-"

I waved him off. "With the expansion he can hire assistants to take care and train the Pokémon with ease. You wouldn't even have to worry about Fearow and other giant bird Pokémon either."

He got serious then and asked. "What do you have in mind?"

I looked to Mewtwo and he nodded slowly so I looked back to the old man. "Mewtwo and I are powerful psychics. With our knowledge and abilities we can help your Pidgey learn all the moves of it's line before using my other Pokémon to give them experience and help them evolve. Once they know all they can and have mastered their attacks as Pidgeotto, my stronger Pokémon can be brought over to help them evolve into Pidgeot. With how many Pidgey you have, you can cover all of Johto with those numbers and speed. We can imprint a map of Johto and the globe in their mind so they'll never get lost with their innate homing abilities as bird Pokémon."

I waved a hand. "Mewtwo here has agreed to stay and oversee everything with some of my Pokémon for a time and help catch Abras as well to expand the business for larger teleportation services be they people or packages."

He nodded and asked. "What would you want out of all this?"

I shrugged. "Twenty percent permanent profit shares in the expanded business. I won't have any shareholder say, that power alone will rest with your family as I'll sign a contract to ensure we're always on the same side should any board or company shareholder issues become a problem. I'll be a silent partner in everything besides training and raising Pokémon. I'll even personally train up to six Pidgeot to elite four level if you agree to my terms."

I leaned against the tail and sighed. "By the time your grandson's ready to take over he could own a multibillion dollar corporation instead of a small company dying to competitors. In time I'm sure I can figure out how to transport items and people via technology like the Pokémon transfer machines so even the Pokémon would be unnecessary for the far distance travels, bringing them back to Kanto and Johto for the more down home transportation services that add a certain Pokémon class to things for our homelands. That's up to you and your family though because I'd want a five percent increase for guaranteed sole ownership technology rights."

He scratched his chin and looked to Mewtwo before back to the Pidgey and finally agreed. "Alright kid-"

I waved him off. "I'm not a kid anymore. I have kids of my own as it turns out. You can call me Ren, Ren Ketchum."

I gestured to Ash. "That's my little brother there and one of the reasons I'm even making this deal. Pokémon raising is expensive and the cash flow will be necessary if we're both to continue being trainers. I don't want him to give up on his dream and I won't give up on mine either. Unfortunately he's an idiot so it's up to me to settle our money problems before they become a real problem."

They old man chuckled a bit while Ash complained. He agreed to the deal and I had a contract written up before contacting Professor Oak for some of my Pokémon to stay with Mewtwo and the company for a while. It wasn't an issue because Mewtwo's ball would remain with me while the old man would take custody of my Pokémon until Mewtwo is done before returning them. It was all written out in legal clauses and contract speak I picked a lawyer's brain for.

When it was done, Mewtwo got to work training and helping the Pidgey while I held Umbreon. Mewtwo even dealt with team rocket when the Pidgey went missing, ensuring they reached their destination. I sent copies of the contract to Professor Oak and Mom while keeping one of the two originals and leaving the old man the other. By the time we left, several Pidgey had already begun to evolve.

Misty said it was a nice thing I did for them and Ash asked why because I'd charged them. I scoffed. "I could've pushed for thirty or even fifty percent of the company Ash. I'm losing out more than they are and soon they'll be profiting a great deal more than I could've been because I kept the bar so low. Besides, we need the money since we're not exactly rolling in it these days. I don't exactly have time to stay in my lab and invent things either so it's a compromise of sorts unless you'd rather go home and get a regular job."

He grumbled and shook his head. "No way."

I shrugged. "Then we make do and hope we run across more successful business projects I can get us in on with some ingenuity. Enough to help us and not get greedy so we're helping others as well."

We ended up on the road headed to Ecruteak city and soon stuck in a storm. We saw a castle and headed there, finding a physical therapy and alternative health treatment clinic. Brock hit on the doctor while I asked for a machine massage before getting something to eat. The others had run off by then so I enjoyed my food with my Pokémon.

I got a full physical checkup while I was there which shocked the human doctors including Anna, the one that went missing with Brock. Apparently my physical body was as much a medical miracle as my psychic abilities and the fact that I was still alive. Still, I hadn't received a massage in a long time so I felt great physically, though a bit tired even with Umbreon helping me sleep. My nights had been fitful and tiring so much so that Umbreon had spent most of the nights up watching me and the days sleeping in my arms.

We were soon sequestered by a dojo master wanting Ash to take over as the dojo master. I asked the dojo master if he had a Pokémon transporter device and he nodded so I used it after asking if Kenjutsu counted as an official fighting style at his dojo. When he said no, I was forced to make a call to get an old friend. When I showed my friend to the dojo master, I showed him my martial arts by fighting Electivire myself.

We were about even and both masters of our martial arts. When we stopped, I told the old man. "Electivire has spent the last several months training his elemental abilities of lightning and how to effect them on a massive scale. He is in every sense of the word a champion level Pokémon."

I held out the ball to the old man. "He's been wanting to expand his understanding of martial arts further ever since I taught him the fighting attacks of a fighting type Pokémon a year ago as an Elekid. For now at least, I'd like it if you and your granddaughter allow him to help defend your dojo's honor and teach fighting type Pokémon here."

I patted Electivire's shoulder. "He knows that teachers learn as much as students, if not more and seems eager to try it in his own way, to smooth over the rough edges as only a fighting type Pokémon can teach him."

The old man thanked me and I gave him a list of moves along with a laptop full of videos on my own tactics and fighting styles while using Electivire. I told him he can use them as a reference or teach Electivire something new, just so long as the big guy doesn't get lonely or unused. I gestured as Electivire went outside. "Most of my Pokémon are used to the freedom of roaming all the time so as long as you can feed him and let him teach he'll stay as long as he's needed or until I need him back which isn't likely right now."

I leaned on the windowsill and the old man asked why I'd lend my Pokémon to a stranger. I shrugged. "My Pokémon are powerful and those I lend are looking to become more so. He isn't the only one I've lended to others and just like the others, he's looking to become stronger. Trust me, it isn't about trust. If you intentionally harm him in any way he will lash out and it will take a legendary Pokémon or an elite four expert to save you."

I looked the old man over before sighing. "Even the elite four would likely call me the moment they realize he's mine and if not, I will hear about it regardless and come for you old man. Not even the league could stop me if you're some kind of evil mastermind that hurts my Pokémon. If you do I'll erase you and all you hold dear because my Pokémon are all I hold dear in this world. They are as much my family as my little brother outside."

I stood up straighter before sighing. "Now that the consequences are out of the way, just remember you can likely disregard them seeing as I doubt you're evil or a Pokémon abuser."

I walked outside with my Umbreon following and the old dojo master's granddaughter asked where the Electivire came from. I told her I was lending it to her grandfather and her so Electivire can teach his own classes and further his understanding of martial arts and fighting moves. I told her to not let his electric looks fool her because he was a martial arts master just like myself. A dojo hunter soon came and challenged the dojo which had the old man standing there against him with Electivire.

The dojo hunter asked if it was even a fighting type and I chuckled, watching his face when it did a high kick and planted his Hitmonlee into a wall ten feet behind him. The old dojo master told him. "Electivire is the evolved form of Electabuzz and this one knows most fighting type Pokémon moves even as a pure electric Pokémon. It is a martial arts master and a champion level Pokémon the equivalent of Lance's own Pokémon so do be careful what you say about it."

The kid was too busy whining over his Hitmonlee who needed extracted from the wall and was fully unconscious by the time they got it out. Team rocket showed up and Electivire fucked them up harder than Pikachu ever did. After a day in a hot spring where Misty trained her Pokémon with me, the next issue was an asshole that had his Poliwrath attack Misty's Poliwhirl. Her poliwhirl beat the living shit out of his Poliwrath, leaving it just this side of alive and in dire need of emergency care.

He ran away crying like a bitch over a fight he started so I picked up his fishing pole and shrugged before heading with Umbreon to where all the people with fishing poles headed. There we learned about the Seaking catching competition. The heaviest one wins so I decided to use my own way and boat. I scanned the lake with my Pokédex and found the largest Seaking in the lake.

I caught the big fucker on the second cast and Umbreon beat the shit out of the Seaking before I caught it with a lure ball. I stopped by the group's boat and told them how to find the largest Seaking in the lake with their Pokédexs before telling them I'd already taken the largest Seaking, but one of them could take second place. A bit later I came out on top with a record breaking seventy kilo Seaking while Misty came in second with a sixty kilo Seaking. I stowed the year's supply of chocolate and the trophy. Misty got a water stone and the second prize trophy so her Poliwhirl had options now.

As for the chocolate, most of that went away quickly to Misty's sisters, Brock's family, Duplika, Mom and Professor Oak. What was left was split evenly between us and our Pokémon who enjoyed chocolate. Ash's Snorlax I was training got my share and a poké block for lunch after a hard training session the next day. Soon enough we were at a Pokémon beauty contest where Brock panted over a breeder that gave him his Vulpix.

We watched the show and left soon afterwards. A few days later we came upon old man Shuckle and I wandered off onto the mountain trail, looking for a bit with my psychic senses, not really using telepathy, just sensing where the physical bodies to the minds I heard were. In this way I found myself a purple Shuckle and carried it with me to meet the others. I found them at old man Shuckle's place and he really wanted the Shuckle I had.

I told him I planned to catch it once I found someplace to put the mixture in it's body at the moment. I told him shiny Pokémon were extremely rare and a friend of mine would be very irritated if I missed this one for any reason and he really wouldn't like to see him irritated. He said he needed this Shuckle though and I shrugged. "You can have all the juice it has inside, but the Shuckle is going to be mine whether I capture it now or when you release it again."

He sighed and decided the juice it had now was far too valuable to waste so he poured it out into a large half gallon glass. I caught said Shuckle and told him I'd make it powerful before bringing it back someday. In exchange I gathered all the ready Shuckle on the mountains and gave him a hell of a lot of work making his other potions and medicines. We left the old man at it and headed onwards after Ash sent team idiot flying again.

A week later we came across a small town that lost power so after I finished feeding my Pokémon, I went to bed at the Pokémon center and left the work to Ash and Gary who'd joined us for the meal. He said his grandpa asked him to check up on me because I'd had a really close call and brush with death. We compared notes on Umbreon training and he adored Tron as much as his own Umbreon. By morning the power was back on and everything was fine.

After meeting a nice couple Pokémon rangers who had issues, we ended up at a Wabuffet convention in a small town, then we met Duplika at a slightly bigger town and she showed me our son. I smiled and had Ash hold Snorlax's ball before transferring over my Ditto. I gave it to Duplika telling her. "This Ditto is rarer than you know. It's not just blue and shiny. When it transforms into any Pokémon it can use that Pokémon's line attacks regardless of whether that Pokémon knows it itself. I've trained it for a while now and although it's not elite four material, it is still pretty powerful."

Ditto came out and cheered before crawling on the baby and transforming into a blanket. I smiled and Duplika joined me before sighing. "I guess we know who the real Ditto trainer is, it's little Travis here."

I nodded and we had lunch while talking about everything. Duplika had been staying with mom and Mimie since the final months of the pregnancy and this was her first chance out along with a chance to see me and show me our son. Misty asked to hold Travis and take care of him for a bit so Duplika and I could catch up alone and Ash was happy to look after his nephew so Duplika and I agreed. Just to be sure I left Umbreon and my other Pokémon with them outside their balls.

Duplika and I were soon well on our way to having another child by the time we returned downstairs for dinner. The others looked a bit haggard including my Pokémon so I let them rest after supper and a massage. Little Travis and his new Ditto were happy at least and went right to sleep after some breast feeding and Pokémon food. Once Duplika finished with her show, we parted ways after I showed Duplika how to get my old Ditto to turn into a Pokémon it can't currently see but already knows of.

I thanked Misty that night for giving Duplika and I some time together. She told me to be careful or she'd be the one having a kid next. I hummed and sped up my pace until we both collapsed into panting and moaning. Soon enough we ran into a wild rich woman and her butler looking for her Snubble.

We helped her find it and the damned thing was injured and depressed. We got it to the Pokémon center and while it was getting checked up, I offered to read her Snubble's outer thoughts to find out why it was depressed for a price. Apparently I was well known enough that she agreed so I closed my eyes outside it's door while they watched it look forlorn.

I opened my eyes and told her. "It was in love with Meowth and his tail and chased after him. When it caught up to him earlier and bit Meowth's tail, Meowth said he hated Snubble and threw it off. Then when it thought Meowth had come back, it bit a Mankey's tail and got hurt just before we found it."

I tapped my chin. "I guess you could make a Meowth park at your place and let your Snubble chew on fake Meowth tails all it wants. It might even help that you make treats shaped and colored like a Meowth's tail. Even introducing it to an outdoors loving Snubble and letting them share may increase it's chance of finding love within it's egg group while reducing it's depression.

The rich woman loved the idea a great deal and thanked me while promising to have the funds transferred. I shrugged and we went to relax until Snubble went missing. Umbreon led the way to the park where we found a Granbull biting a giant robot Meowth's tail. Team Rocket started acting nice so I sighed and told the rich woman. "They thought to get a finder's reward for bringing back your Snubble so they used Meowth as bait and Snubble evolved looking to rescue him only to fight their Pokémon before they used smokescreen and a giant Meowth tail appeared. It really likes the tail."

I turned to Team Rocket. "Why don't the three of you sell the whole robot to the lady. I'm sure it'll be a lot easier than trying to pry a Granbull off the tail and she can drive it home secure in knowing Granbull will stay on it so long as it doesn't go for Meowth again."

That didn't end well because Meowth didn't want to lose his robot so he fought and Granbull fought back, destroying the machine with Ash's help and the lady's commands. Team rocket went flying and the lady promised her Granbull all the Meowth tail treats and toys it could want alongside an outdoor playground back home. It agreed happily and she thanked us before paying me and heading out happily. I gave her my number and told her I'd do a reading each time she had the money to pay when or if something went wrong.

We met Aya and got to attend a Pokémon jujitsu school for a day which was…interesting. I did advise Misty not to take the beauty class because it likely involved bug Pokémon. Instead she joined the attacking class like Ash and I once Aya confirmed it. After some hi jinx, we left the next morning and everyone seemed happy.

I gave Ash his Snorlax back soon and focused on my own Pokémon after sending Shuckle to Professor Oak to study and getting Larvitar back. Umbreon had grown stronger and helped more for my fitful nights. Still, I had a lot of training ahead and Ash was bragging about his Snorlax now. Ignoring him, I trained for weeks on end, only stopping to teach a kid how to properly train a Yanma as well to evolve it before winning a grass tournament with Bayleef, beating the fuck out of Ash and his Bulbasaur along the way when team rocket failed and was kicked out. I won a basket of trophy cup full of leaf stones, leaving one for Efram who I beat in the finals in a hard battle.

His Skiploom was powerful and used solar beam, but Bayleef had it's own solar beam so it ended in our favor in the end. I put the trophy with the others in my capsule house and stored the twenty odd leaf stones. We came across an apple orchid and some Pichu being attacked by a Fearow after offering to help the Orchid owner. I ended the Fearow with Croconaw who actually bit it's wing and brought it down for Quilava to cook for it.

Misty called it barbaric and I shook my head. "They're Pokémon and even we eat Pokémon sometimes. That Fearow was attacking baby Pokémon and now it's Croconaw's lunch. It's the circle of life."

I waved over the Pichu who brought the apples. "And now I have a deal for each of you and the lady here. Since you're all hungry and need food and safety, why not team up with her. You keep the Pidgey away with some training I can give and help her pick the apples at harvest times like now and you get your share plus a safe place to stay indoors away from wild Pokémon looking to eat you. How does that sound?"

The Pichu looked from me to Sharmane and she agreed that it sounded great so they agreed. I taught them several electric type attacks and a quick attack to help the picking process before they did their best against a Pidgey flock. It worked well enough so when we were done helping the lady pick all the fruit, sending team idiot flying in the process, I taught the Pichu more moves and had them repeatedly battle my Umbreon and Larvitar until three of the Pichu evolved into Pikachu.

The three Pikachu and thirteen Pichu now protected the orchid and helped out happily enough so after stocking up on apples with their blessings, we left on our own way. Days went by of traveling and training for me before we saw a Houndoom delivering something. Team rocket soon showed up and I told them to blast off on their own or I'd get angry. They attacked and I felt Togepi use Metronome that turned into a teleport.

Misty yelled for Togepi and I told them what happened before pointing to the direction Togepi teleported to. We headed over and found a Pincer running away from something. I told them it tried to attack Togepi and the delivery Houndoom saved Togepi. We followed to a river where I told them a Gyarados scared them for being in it's territory.

When we crossed the river, we had to climb a mountain only to find a field of flowers and grass Pokémon. I grunted and told them. "The Bellosom said they were here only a Venusaur hit the Houndoom with a sleep powder and they rested a bit before taking off. We need to go catch up."

We followed and caught up during a storm I called Mewtwo for because Raikou was there. Mewtwo teleported in as the rain stopped and Raikou showed itself. It tried to flee and Mewtwo hit it with a massively powerful shadow ball. I pointed towards Togepi and Houndoom. "They're over there, let us deal with Raiku while you get Togepi back."

Soon enough the electric pseudo legendary dog was caught and Mewtwo left saying there was still work to do at the Pidgey express. Apparently things were going real well and they were expanding rapidly to include the Abra line as well as a few Pokémon who had been found that knew teleport. Pidgeottos and Pidgeots were working hard while the Pidgeys were being caught in flocks and trained. Mewtwo said he'd even found a baby shiny Pidgey for me to catch once it was older and ready.

Shrugging, I had him help me tame Raiku before the prideful thunder Pokémon accepted me. Ash wanted it, but even Misty said he wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility yet. She said she found it hard enough to make time for training her Suicune and to give Raikou to him to waist it's potential would be in itself a waste. She told him he couldn't even train his Snorlax or Charizard so unless there was a place he could shove a legendary for training it would be a waste to give to him.

Raikou agreed after hearing everything including how much better I am as a trainer and that my elite team won the championship with me of all of Kanto and soon Johto. Raikou seemed proud to have me as it's trainer and I shrugged it off while Misty showed it Suicune which had grown powerful in it's own right to low elite four levels under Misty's guidance and my knowledge. I told Raikou it could stay out and roam with us but it wanted to sleep and train when not sleeping because it only liked to come out during storms.

Shrugging, I put it in it's fast ball and Misty thanked Houndoom while Mewtwo left. Houndoom led us to a Mareep farm where we thanked it and it's owner. I brought out Flaaffy and helped sheer the Mareep before sending Team Rocket on their way with Raikou whose zap cannon blasted them flying. The old man showed us the way we needed to go and I let him take a picture of Raikou with Misty's Suicune for posterity's sake.

We finally made it to Ecruteak city after days of training and walking. Even Raikou learned a lot from myself and Flaaffy along the way. A clown salesman stopped us saying his treasure detector. I held up my Pokédex and scanned it before huffing. "It's no more than a common metal detecto and divining rod combination. It can find buried treasure and underwater sources at best."

I put away my Pokédex while the clown complained and I ignored him as we left. We headed to the gym where ghost Pokémon messed around at the burned tower. I brought out Raikou and Misty brought out Suicune while Morty stopped us from attacking, saying he was the gym leader and this wasn't the gym. The ghosts left and Raikou yawned before looking around and stopping at a plaque on the wall.

Morty told us the history of Ho-Oh and Tin tower before I told him what he hadn't known. "Raikou, Suicune and Entei were regular Pokémon that were trapped in that fire that burned this tower down. Ho-Oh did return and when it did, it brought them back as legendary beasts in name if not in power. In a way they were reborn through the flames as a sign that with loss there can be hope still. As for why Ho-Oh never returned to the new tower, I think I know why."

I tapped the side of my head and Mewtwo appeared via teleportation. "Find what it is we seek."

He nodded and felt around before turning to the plaque. I nodded and revealed my necklace. "Ho-Oh never returned because there was no perch here. See, this tower was built on it's nest and with no one here to help it and no place to land, Ho-Oh couldn't return due to it not being rebuilt."

I held up a feather on my necklace and it glowed as I pressed it to the panel. The plaque slid upwards, shaking the building a bit. Dust and ashes fell as the secret compartment opened revealing a large singed bird's nest and a now stone egg.

Sighing, I placed my hand on the egg. "Ho-Oh's offspring couldn't be gotten out and since no one was here to help, it transferred the lifeforce of the egg into the three dead Pokémon, bringing life to them once more and a sort of pseudo legendary power. This is the reason Ho-Oh hasn't shown itself to your recent generations, your family used to guard it and clearly those in the know failed and died or Ho-Oh lost faith in them."

I picked up the egg and set it in front of the two pseudo legendary Pokémon. Waving them off, I spoke. "If Entei were here I might've tried reviving the egg with your help. As it is you're too weak and he's not here now. So I have an alternative way."

I turned to Mewtwo and he nodded slowly, helping me. I poured a great deal of my own lifeforce into it with a lot of my psychic energy. Mewtwo did the same though in far less amounts by comparison due to his immortal nature as a legendary. Raikou and Suicune saw that it wasn't enough and they helped, prompting Ash, Morty and the others to try at least.

The Ghost Pokémon watching actually helped out and gave us all they could spare as well. I stopped everyone when Mewtwo and I felt it live once more. I sat down exhausted and bleeding from the nose again. Mewtwo looked us over and sighed. (It is done. Now we must put it back and guard it well. Ho-Oh will come for it soon enough when it hatches. Then Ren will catch Ho-Oh and this will be the new legendary bird Ho-Oh.)

He looked to Morty. (You and your family must raise and protect it without catching it so that it can roam far and wide. There cannot be two free legendary Pokémon of the same breed in the same region for battles will ensue over territory.)

Morty nodded slowly and I sat up. "Well Morty, I'll challenge you to a battle while we wait. Mewtwo will let me know when Ho-Oh hatches and it's parent arrives so I'll leave the details of guarding it to you."

He agreed after a short break only for Togepi to find a crack in the wall while Pikachu followed. Morty used the ghost Pokémon to go after and find them. We ended up heading outside where we ran into team idiot. I told Umbreon to use crunch on the Jessie's hair and make her bald unless they return Togepi.

Jessie called me mean and Umbreon went after her until she threw Togepi back to us. I smiled and told Pikachu he could be mean now as well. They were blasted away and Pikachu returned to Ash happily. We went to the gym and I fought Morty who used Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar.

My Quilava wrecked Ghastly before Bayleef fought Haunter and beat it with a well timed solar beam. Finally Croconaw faced Gengar and after several Crunches and a hydro pump while dodging shadow balls, hypnosis and night shade, Croconaw came out on top. I got my fog badge and Morty promised Ash a battle tomorrow. We headed to the Pokémon center for some rest as even I was going to sleep well tonight, fitful ness or not.

Using up my own lifeforce like that exhausted my body and mind. I couldn't lift a pencil at the moment, let alone read minds. Hell, I'd had to call out my strategies in the battle earlier. It'd been hard, but I was still able to feel and see the ghost Pokémon and my Pokémon trusted my calls absolutely.

The next morning Ash faced Morty and nearly lost, but his Noctowl pulled a reversal of fortune in a clinch moment. Right after Ash got the fog badge, it was time to go. Mewtwo had already returned to training Pokémon for the Pidgey carrier service. A few days later we headed to a tea ceremony after meeting an Eevee trainer.

Brock hit on all Sakura's four sisters and I ignored it while listening to music, smelling the flower arrangements and drinking Oolong tea. Misty and Sakura had a heart to heart and Misty agreed everyone seemed to ignore her except me. She told Sakura I was the best sex she or any of the multiple lovers we brought to our bed ever had while we were together. Sakura and her sisters blushed as Brock silently cursed me and Ash did his best to ignore the topic with me.

They went into a bit of a female detail thing where Misty told them I gave massages while listening to whatever issues she had and offering advice before giving several mind blowing orgasms and thats before the foreplay and sex itself.

They became hushed whispers of things we'd done and the unbelievable pleasures we'd felt. I huffed and finished my tea while problems arose with team rocket. Umbreon went with the others to deal with the dumbasses. I was dragged away by the four older sisters of Sakura and they had there ways with me.

When I finally crawled out of bed the next morning, I skipped the dance performance to train my Pokémon. Umbreon was tired as well having mated with all four of their Eevee evolution Pokémon overnight. They'd had Eevee eggs which their trainers told me it meant something else in their family while blushing and touching their stomachs. I smiled and sighed, giving them my number before they said they were fine without me.

Sakura was only fourteen so I wasn't interested and told her sisters as much when they told me what they planned when Sakura wanted to come with us. Soon enough we were leaving and the four sisters told me to come back sometime, even if it's just a stop over for a night. I shrugged and left while Brock hammered my head weakly and asked why I couldn't share. I didn't answer because I didn't really care one way or the other.

To me it was a night of pleasure in a bed with four willing and ready women while to him it was true love or so he pretended it was. He was a desperate guy while I wasn't. Even if they hadn't wanted me I'd have had Misty instead for the night and even if Misty didn't want me I could teleport to Duplika for a night or one of the many women I've bedded. I don't wreak of desperation and teen hormones any longer and I have a confidence more mature than Brock that attracts women who know I can please them.

We headed towards Olivine city for the next gym. A day later Ash was polishing his badges while Brock, Misty and I made lunch. When Murkrow showed up, I told them to go and I'd stay to train my Pokémon before making supper and catching up if they took too long. They agreed and left while my Pokémon and I ate before training.

Later that evening Tron and I caught up with them and we continued on our way. A week later we ended up in a hot mountain side near Remoraid mountain and a Pokémon center. We headed to the Pokémon center because we were out of water. We met a nurse Joy at a patch of ruins and she told us of the Remoraidians, those that worshipped Remoraid and how they screwed the environment and destroyed their own civilization.

I hummed and asked for water which she took us to her Pokémon center for. Once all my Pokémon were refreshed, I made a call and got some of my Pokémon, exchanging all except Mewtwo's ball, Umbreon, Croconaw and Bayleef. Everyone else was exchanged out for four Pokémon I needed at the moment. Hell, Professor Oak was happy to see Raikou at least and I had to make another call for now.

Once I was ready, I headed out with the rest to Remoraid lake which was a crater with an ice pillar in it. Once team rocket was sent away, I brought out all my Pokémon, telling Venusaur and Bayleef to spread their pollen and help mix it in with the ground like fertilizer. I told Gyarados and Blastoise to use hydro pump and ice beam to make the pillar far bigger. Croconaw, Umbreon and Rhydon helped till the land and make small streams all over for water.

The Remoraid helped out by watering the lands as well once they were feeling better and soon Blastoise, Croconaw and Gyarados did rain dance. It poured for hours and clouds hung in the air while we worked. Soon seeds budded and began to grow while massive ice pillars kept the water cool and coming. Gyarados and Venusaur agreed to stay with nurse Joy and help while the old painter and his Venusaur agreed as well.

I'd recorded the phenomenon and all we'd discovered about it and the Remoraid up to and including how they avoided capture and what they did to survive. I sent a call to Professor Oak to ask water and grass type Pokémon trainers to stop by the area and help restore the land when they can before sending Blastoise back. I made giant wood casket troughs and told Gyarados how to fill it before freezing so Venusaur could plant them everywhere.

I petted the big red lovable guy and told him to only use rain dance once a day to stay in shape and push his tolerance while doing all the other work. He agreed slowly and I asked him to keep the Remoraid safe. I got Poliwrath to come and stay to help out as well before apologizing for not having that many grass type Pokémon to leave. I left Rhydon, Poliwhirl, Gyarados and after Ash reminded me of the Exeggutors, I agreed to have all but one sent over.

The walking forest gave shade to the real trees so they could grow in relative safety. They were powerful and I'd asked them to protect this land and the Pokémon center along with the Remoraids. Nurse Joy was deeply shocked at how much effort I was putting into helping nature and the Pokémon. All I asked was that she fed and looked out for my Pokémon if trouble comes and to call me if it does.

My Pokémon did their parts so the once dead land soon had a lot of color and water in it. The old man agreed to help because he'd spent his life in wonder of the effects of the Remoraid lake's phenomenon and he wished to repay them. The Remoraid cheered from the lake and I petted a few while wading my feet in the water before going to shower and get ready to leave. I told Poliwrath and Gyarados to help train the Remoraids so they can be strong as well and protect their home because my Pokémon couldn't stay forever.

My Pokémon agreed and I heard less than a week later from nurse Joy that several Remoraid had evolved into Octillary who were helping on land and in the water now. We were in a cabin in the woods for the night when I got the call. Misty woke us up a bit later about noise outside. I had all my regular Pokémon back except Raikou who stayed with Oak.

When a Teddiursa came into the cabin, I ignored it and told Tron to keep an eye on it. I went to sleep and woke up to Misty complaining about Golduck eating her apples. I asked Tron in front of them who did it and Tron pointed Teddiursa. I chuckled. "I see. It seems Teddiursa is a troublemaker who likes to eat peoples food and blame it on others."

Teddiursa got mad at Tron and Tron huffed, looking away as if the little asshole wasn't worth his notice. Misty asked Teddiursa if it was true and it played cute which I smiled to. "Yeah, it knows it's cute and uses it to get away with stuff."

I tapped the little bear Pokémon's head. "Touch my stuff or my Pokémon and I'll teleport your butt into a cave of prehistoric Pokémon who'll eat you alive kid. I'm not a female and while you may be cute, I've eaten Pokémon before and bear stew doesn't sound too bad."

It backed away and hid behind Misty while I told Tron to keep an eye on it and make sure the other Pokémon aren't blamed for it's pranks. Tron nodded and we headed off, stopping to get roasted corn from team rocket who were doing vendor duty. I offered Jessie a fun time at the nearby lake and a nice night if she wanted and she blushed while in disguise. I shrugged and told her she'd know where to find me if she decides on a great time.

I went to gather rocks to build a fire pit while all my Pokémon were out relaxing and helping in places. When Totadile was blamed for eating all the ham for our sandwiches, I told them they shouldn't jump to conclusions before looking to a nearby tree where Umbreon jumped out and pointed to Teddiursa again. I turned to Ash. "If you all keep taking wild Pokémon at their word over your own you'll end up degrading the trust they have in you just like your own words show you lack trust in them."

I flicked Teddiursa's head. "Keep up your little thieving ways and you won't be with us any longer. Unlike my friends here, I'm not afraid to piss off an Ursaring herd. I have a hungry Aerodactyl and plenty of carnivore Pokémon that would love to eat bear."

It hid behind Misty again and gave me the stink eye while playing cute. Misty said it didn't know any better and I grunted. "You're underestimating the mind of wild Pokémon Misty. The fact that this Teddiursa isn't afraid of us or our Pokémon while stealing our food and blaming our Pokémon means it knows what it's doing and it's likely been doing it for a while, stealing and starving dumb trainers passing through the area and relying on it's charm abilities to get by or it has a herd of Ursaring nearby it can call on. Either way, it knows what it's doing and it's doing it intentionally."

I gestured to my Pokémon and we made a fire pit before gathering water and making stew. When Ash's Chikorita was blamed for Teddiursa's theft of sausages, I smacked the back of each of their heads. "Chikorita is a pure grass type Pokémon that gets most of it's nutrients from water and basic Pokémon food. It doesn't eat meat you dumbasses!"

Ash said it still looked suspicious and I grunted. "And you're still a moron so how about not speaking so you don't lower the IQ of the collective group with your brain farts."

I gestured to Teddiursa. "It's the only Pokémon that's been at all three incidents so unless you're going to call all our Pokémon liars, it's logically the only thief here. Stop being a dumbass and-"

Teddiursa tried to flee with Brock's backpack and I growled as Croconaw and Tron appeared in it's path. "Take one more step with that pack and my Pokémon will tear you apart here and now. Put it down and leave or become their lunch to accompany the stew."

It dropped the backpack and fled while Misty complained. Still, it was gone and the proof of it's crime was obvious. Even nurse Joy let us know it was a problem so we went to deal with it and Ash's Chikorita beat it, making it evolve. We left after that and came across Todd aka Snap again several days later.

We found a frozen Sunkern, got it defrosted and heard about the south slope being unusually gold this year. I raised an eyebrow and thought to Mewtwo that we might have a legendary battle coming. Team rocket showed up in a snow machine and we were buried in snow for a moment. Sunkern used Sunny Day and Bulbasaur destroyed the machine with a solar beam before Pikachu blew up their balloon. Brock suggested I use my sun stone to evolve Sunkern and I shook my head. "No need, the other Sunflora are returning."

I gestured to the coming grass Pokémon and soon the slope was covered in them. Mewtwo came as I sensed Articuno and I smiled as they clashed while Todd took the old couple's picture. The Articuno wasn't a full legendary, but a pseudo child of the legendary Articuno in the Orange Islands. The clash was still epic and when Articuno lost, it landed in a slide of dirt not far away. It stood up and faced me as Mewtwo landed beside me. I told it. "Join us. You've nothing to be ashamed of, think of it like fate. I can make you stronger and you can rest easy knowing no other trainers will come after you regardless."

Articuno nearly shook it's head until Mewtwo told it that it will or their fight will continue until it loses and does so regardless. Articuno slowly looked me in the eye and I sighed. "Please, don't make this harder than it has to be. I don't like seeing Pokémon needlessly injured. You can't win against a full legendary like Mewtwo here."

Articuno looked to Mewtwo and backed to me before lowering it's head. I used a friendship ball to promote friendship between us both and caught Articuno. Once it was caught, I brought it out and used potions to heal it before grooming it and introducing everyone to it. Ash was so jealous while Todd couldn't stop taking pictures of it.

Misty loved it and for whatever reason it liked her as well. Mewtwo said it's parent sent it to find a red headed trainer that fought it a while ago to challenge me and my Pokémon. He said it agreed because I told it Mewtwo himself was my Pokémon and a legendary in fact. It seems I'd gained the respect and recognition of one of the legendary Pokémon of the Orange islands after all.

We left and I called Professor Oak while Mewtwo reaturned to the Pidgey express. He said his time there was almost up so he'd be returning my Pokémon to the ranch and coming back himself. I nodded and told him I'd missed him and his kid like happy personality. Todd came with us because he wanted a better more natural picture of Articuno.

The next day we found a hot spring locator, his daughter and their three Swinub. I told him they likely need a battle to unclog the dirt in their noses and get them heated up. Quilava, Bayleef and Croconaw faced all three of his Swinub and I made sure the battle was as intense and long lasting as possible. I just didn't expect the three Swinub to evolve into Piloswines once the battle was over.

It didn't take but a moment for all three Piloswine to find three different hot springs nearby after that. Hell, they found an untapped oil basin as well which will make the hot spring locators very rich. They even defended it from team rocket who were sent flying. The old guy was so happy he promised to give me half the profits and I told him a quarter was fine before giving him my information and where to send the money to.

We saw another Articuno heading to snow top mountain so we went there and found a Pokémon center at the base of the mountain. We heard about the legend and I told them they were children of the legendary bird Pokémon and only pseudo legendary in power, living off it's parent's legends in a way and sought after regardless. I brought out my Articuno to see the statue and told them it was smaller than it's parent, but beautiful all the same.

Soon enough another Articuno appeared and dropped team rocket in a pile of snow. I nodded to it and my Articuno spoke to it. Mine was the oldest child apparently while this new one was smaller and less powerful. Todd got his picture before the new Articuno could fly off and it included my Articuno and I.

After team rocket warmed up, I asked Meowth. "So you have a trainer and Pokéball?"

He shook his head and I smiled. "Would you like to join me then? I don't care if you can't learn payday. You can have hot meals, friends and whatever luxuries I can give you if you're interested. All I ask is that you continually work to improve yourself, be it learning things about the world, physical training or new moves."

I massaged him and he was practically purring when I finished. I set food in front of him and asked him to think about it and let me know tomorrow when we leave. He agreed and Ash asked why we'd wait until tomorrow. I chuckled. "Two Articunos on one mountain. We're blizzard bound. It's going to be cold and we're going to get snowed in tonight."

The winds outside were already picking up and Jessie asked. "Two Articuno?"

I nodded. "My Articuno and the one that lives here on the mountain. It saved you, but it's a peak pseudo legendary Pokémon. If you attack it freezing to death will be the nicest thing it does to you. Imagine attacking Lance and his Dragonites or my first Dragonite and the odds of you doing anything more than pissing it off."

They all three shivered and I nodded. "To add to that it has the home field advantage so even if you beat it somehow by miracle, by the time you're done you'll be frozen stiff with no chance of ever getting warm. You'll die of frost bite and it'll break free, heal up and go about it's business. Even as a pseudo legendary Pokémon in power it is immortal like all legendary Pokémon thanks to it's heritage. It can and will outlive us all."

They said that was depressing and I shrugged. "I think it's nice. Something that never changes in a world that's always changing. It's existence reminds us that some things last and are remembered long into history."

I finished my own lunch and relaxed until Jessie came over to bug me about my Pokémon and how Misty got a Suicune. I told her of Mewtwo and how I took it from their boss because it wanted to be with me and wasn't technically his. I told them how Mewtwo helped me catch Suicune, Raikou and my Articuno and how I gave Suicune to Misty because she wanted it and even after all this time I could deny her very little.

She asked if we hooked up like I offered before if I would give her Raikou or Articuno if she asked. I shook my head and told her I offered sex and pleasure, but Misty and I had shared love which is fundamentally different while not exclusively used intertwined. I told her I could give her real pleasure and make this night memorable for her as something good to cherish, but I wouldn't give her my Pokémon so she could use it for crimes or abuse it when it doesn't want to do something evil.

She left and after a while she pulled me into her room at the center. I had my way with her repeatedly even though I was shocked she was a virgin. Still, she most definitely wasn't by morning. If I were Catholic I'd have to speak to a priest for the things I did to her.

As it is she'd slept soundly, fully glazed over with her mouth, ass and slit filled. Her once virginal holes lay agape and filled with enough seed to start a farm the size of Kanto and her satisfied expression while she lay sleeping out a smile on my face while I pulled out after finishing inside her one last time as dawn came. It would most certainly be memorable and a night she'd never forget.

I took a few pictures and smiled at my handy work before leaving fully dressed. I slipped into my room and found Misty, Jenny and Joy asleep in my bed. Smiling, I woke them up for some morning fun before grabbing a shower. They'd been naked and clearly had fun without me so I'd woken them up using those slick entrances for my own gain.

Once the fields were tilled and the seeds planted, Misty sighed saying they'd missed me last night. I shrugged and told her where I was and who I was doing. I told her Jessie wanted a night to remember and I'd given her one. Jenny slid atop me and told me to give her a morning to remember. It was well passed noon when I had my shower and the women hummed happily with me in it.

I had Jenny and Joy one more time in the shower before were got out. Nurse Joy touched her stomach saying I'd gone deep the last time so she might be having a baby Joy sometime. Jenny agreed before saying she hoped her husband didn't mind redhead kids because she knew it was her fertile time and her womb was stuffed. I shrugged and dressed saying she wasn't the only Jenny with a red headed kid because half the Officer Jenny's and Nurse Joys in Kanto had my rugrats running around.

They blushed together saying. "Oh my."

I sighed and gave them my contact info, telling them to call me sometime and I'd teleport back here for more. I put a hand on their stomach and told them I didn't mind kids and having fun while they were pregnant or cucking their husbands. I growled a little and their slits got wet as I touched them, telling them I could give them far more pleasure every time they call.

We were soon on our way when Meowth declined my offer and met Ramona with her kid brother a few days later. They told us of a fire Pokémon competition in a nearby and gave us a ride. Misty rode her Suicune beside us and I rode an Arcanine behind Ramona. With my arms around her waistline and the motions, I soon had a hard on and her rear was grinding up against it repeatedly.

It was too much not to notice and soon I apologized, but my body was just reacting to the beauty I saw and felt unintentionally. She blushed and told me it wasn't a problem because she was feeling something similar herself thanks to me. She slid one of my hands into her pants discreetly and I felt the proof of her attraction in a wet and sticky way. I let my fingers play and work their magic until she shuddered and blushed before saying we'd find some excuse when we stopped to rest. I nodded and continued to let my fingers play for another shuddering gasp.

Her panties were soaked and so was my hand by the time we stopped. I said I needed some rest and headed into the forest after suggesting lunch. She soon joined me and we shook the trees as it were. When we came out much more relaxed, Mewtwo was there and holding the fire stones while team rocket ran off with a bag of rocks and the illusion of Pikachu in a cage that would wear off in a few hours.

We ate and headed to the small town where she turned in the fire stones and I told the others I was entering the competition with Quilava to win the stones tomorrow. It was already the evening so the others stayed and I had my way with both Ramona and Misty that night. It was turning out to be a more interesting adventure than I ever thought so far. Brock was heart broken when Ramona and I shared a kiss before the tournament. When I won thanks to Quilava evolving into a Typhlosion, Ramona and I celebrated in the bathroom at a restaurant I was buying lunch at for everyone.

Misty chided us quietly because everyone was there, telling Ramona she was leaking. Ramona used a handkerchief I provided to stuff herself discreetly while we are and talked. Brock saw the whole thing, blushing up a storm while trying to see Ramona's pussy by ducking down and pretending to pick up something. I chuckled lightly into my hand and shook my head thinking that if he knew sweat I'd done with her he'd know she wasn't no lady and was a freak in the sheets.

After a few bites of food she said she was stuffed and Misty said she wished she was. I grunted. "Wait until tonight, I'll make you something to keep you filled to the brim."

She blushed and Ash asked. "You're cooking tonight, Ren?"

I hesitated before nodding. "Um, sure Ash."

He cheered because I rarely cooked and it was always damned good despite me sweat dropping because that wasn't my original intent regardless. Misty said she couldn't wait while Ramona said she wished she could come with us, but she had work to do and a little brother to look after. When we said goodbye, I gave her half the fire stones and told her to take care if there's a little one from our fun. She blushed and agreed to call me if there is and if not she'd call me to make sure there is someday soon.

Brock offered to stay saying he didn't mind raising other's kids so long as there was a place for him somewhere. Misty grabbed his ear and agreed, calling it the dog house as ha he dragged him away. I chuckled and followed, heading towards Olivine city just like usual.