
Lazy day

Happy Monday yah all! I just woke up, i just get lazy to go out so i decide to chill and relax here in my room, but yesterday i was planning to snorkel but i get lazy so i just reschedule it for tomorrow.

now i was starving so instead of going to their restaurant, i just got room service after i check my messages and someone just texted me it's a guy.

"hi I'm alvin, remember me from last night"

"oh yah Dasha's friend i remember you, but how do get my Fb"

"I got it from Dasha i ask, i just wanna be friends with. if it ok with you"

"yah, sure why not"

"thank you so much, are you bc if not let's hangout in the beach"

"No i don't have plan yah we can hangout when"

"Maybe around 3pm if it's ok for you"

"yah sure it's fine, i'll just get ready and i'll head to the beach so we can hangout"

"ok thanks bye see later"

"see you later"

Now it's time to prepare, when i was preparing i was thinking is this a date or a hangout only i said never mind.

after i prepare i head now to the beach and i wait for alvin.

while i'm waiting i just relax for a bit, and enjoy the scenery i just love the sound of the waves and bird it's so calm i love it.

after a long wait, alvin just arrived and also he brought a snack for us

"hey alvin what's that"

"oh i brought snacks for us"

"ok thanks you did have to do it"

"it's ok"

"can i ask alvin"

"sure what is it"

"do you have girlfriend"

"No i don't have, i'm just staying here alone"

"oh we are the same"

"you know your beautiful"

"No your joking"

"No i'm not joking for real"

"omg thanks so much"


Hays she's so beautiful i think i fell in love with her, look she is so kind and friendly, and she is so gorgeous my heart is beating fast, omg what i'm gonna do.

i just need to relax for a bit we had long chat after that we head back yo have dinner.

after that dinner we say are goodbye.

"Skye let go back now to are rooms"

"sure it's been a long day"

"i'll just chat you "

"yah sure, can i ask"

"what is it"

"i was planning to snorkel tomorrow, maybe you wanna join"

"sure i don't have any plans tomorrow"

"yay, i'll just texted what time we are gonna meet in the lobby."

"ok Bye i'm heading now"

"bye alvin see you tomorrow"

"see you tomorrow Skye."

After we head back to relax.