
Bonding with Alvin

I just woke up and get up and get ready for today, because today I'm going to snorkel with Alvin the handsome charr.

Before I get ready I texted Alvin what time we are gonna meet in the lobby, it was currently 7 am so went to their cafe to have coffee because coffee is life.

"hey Alvin meet me in the lobby at 9 am ok"

after I texted Alvin a get ready for today, a prepared my swimwear and my wetsuit.

after I went now to the lobby to wait for Alvin, now Alvin just arrived so we went to our boat to have a snorkel.

I see Alvin he's so adventurous, after we head to, are the first destination the sand was so beautiful I love the scenery.

so I swim for a bit, now we head to our next destination to have lunch, the food was good I enjoy it after we eat we relax for a bit.

"hey Alvin thanks for coming with me"

"welcome anything for you"

"hey Skye are you always doing this"

"Not every day maybe a week or a month"

"oh I see"


We are enjoying the scenery but my heart just keeps on beating fast omg, this is the first time that happen to me I just think I had a crush on Skye.

I don't know but I like her and her personality, whenever I see her my heart just keeps on beating and beating so fast.

after we head back to our last destination is to snorkel, while we snorkel I just can't stop looking at Skye and I keep on thinking of her omg.

after we snorkel we head back to our hotel to get change and relax for a bit

"Hey Skye thanks for inviting me I enjoyed it"

"Welcome Alvin next time again"

after that I called Liam for help because I want to court my beautiful girl charr soon she will be mine.

"hey Liam i need help i have a plan let's talk about it tomorrow, because this is going to be special"

"so we need to plan this nicely where and what time we are gonna meet"

"Meet me in restaurant at 11am ok"

"ok Alvin noted"

after i went to bed goodnight this going to be the best surprise ever