

F_R_A · ファンタジー
12 Chs


He was so excited that he grabbed my hand and took me inside .

His house was really beautiful from the inside perfectly designed and decorated with the finest furniture he took me to the living room and asked me to sit on the sofa .

Olivia , Leena , Lisa , Amber , Andrew , Luca come down here everyone to the living room we have a guest today he shouted with excitement .

After few minutes all of the family members except one arrived there was an old lady ( Olivia ) a little kid ( Luca ) two twin sisters ( Leena and lisa ) a teenage boy like me ( Andrew ) .

The old lady came forward and greeted me gently and the little kid was a little shy but the teenage boy didn't seem to pleased to see me .

Ohh hello my child what's your name she asked gently .

My name is Zain Maxwell I replied with a smile .

He is the boy I told you all about and today he even helped me home today .

Ohh really thankyou mister replied one of the twins .

That is really kind of you my child thankyou for helping your grandpa the old lady said while sitting next to me .

So this means you are going to stay with us today asked the other twin with excitement .

Ah no sorry I can't mom is alone at home and she probably would be waiting for me I think I should go now it was nice meeting you all thankyou for inviting me to your house I said while standing up .

Don't be in a hurry my child wait for sometime and let us chat with you grandpa said with a smile .

Amber dear hurry up bring the food for the guest and Leesha Lina go help your sister grandma said with a soft voice .

After few minutes Amber came inside the living room with a trolley full of snacks but I didn't look at her face as grandpa kept on praising me and chatting with me .

But when she came forward to give me a cup of tee to my shock it was Ellie from my college .

She was as shocked as I was to see her .

Ellie wait what you live here and isn't your name Ellie I asked her with confusion .

Ohh Zain my name is Ellie but my mom's name was Amber so grandpa calls me by that name she replied while handing me the cup .

Ohh so you live here I asked her with excitement .

Yeah I do and I didn't know you were the boy who helped my grandpa thankyou so much Zain it means alot she said with a bright smile .

So he is your classmate what a coincidence so you knew where she lived right asked Andrew with a smirk on his face .

No Andrew we just met today Ellie replied while handing him a cup of tea .

Ohh really I thought he was stalking you ain't it right Maxy he said with a grin .

And why would I stalk my friend I don't want to scare her off and by the way man my name is Max nit Maxy and stop with your enquiry it's of no use I replied ( with a cold expression ) .

He looked really pissed and left the room .

Ohh don't worry he'll come around he actes like that Infront of new people grandma said while holding my hand .

It's totally fine grandma I replied while finishing my tea .

Then after eating some snacks grandpa asked me to play a game of cards with them I was about to say no but he was so persistent

that I had to agree and to be honest it was really fun for the first time ever I had actual fun after my dad left us and it felt really good the bond of this family was so strong that it filled my heart with pleasure and tears fell off my eyes .

Ohh dear why are you crying are you okay asked grandpa with a worried face .

Ohh no grandpa I'm fine it's just that you guys are so nice and I love your family bonding you care about each other and look out for each other and well I never had this fun since dad left us .

Ohh honey why where did your dad go grandma asked while gently placing her hand on mine .

And I felt opening up to her ohh grandma he died when I was only four and mom and I were devasted it was really difficult for us and mom had to work double shifts and she never had anytime to spend with me so I grew into a cold person as I grew old and acted tough infront of everyone but deep inside I was really broken and I didn't know how to express my feelings and I never wanted mom to worry so I kept everything to myself but it's really painful and today you guys melted my heart with your love and kindness and it just breaks my heart I said ( while whipping my tears ) .

Is that so why didn't you tell me honey that you felt alone asked mom form behind .

When I looked back mom was standing behind me tearing up .

I quickly stood up ohh mom it's nothing I'm totally fine see and how did you know I was hereI said while holding her hand .

Ohh honey you could have told me I'm your mom how can you not trust me she asked while looking at me with teary eyes .

Ohh mom how could I you never had time for me you were always busy and always left me with a nanny .

But she took good care of you while I was away she said while wiping her tears .

But she couldn't replace you even if she loved me I still missed your presence , your love , your attention but you were never there how could I ever share my feelings with you .

Well I was working hard for us for you and you could have told me about your feelings I could have spent more time with you she said with a loud voice .

Ohh really mom when huh when did you had the time we were always moving form one place to another and on every weekend you had meetings with your boss and clients and I was left alone I know you worked hard but you were never there for me okay I replied while leaving her hand and I ran out of the house while mom followed me with everyone else behind it was raining really heavy and suddenly I didn't realize that I came in front of a car and it hit me and I fell down on the ground I could hear mom screaming and others rushing towards me suddenly everything went black and I fainted .