
Hinata 2.0 Death by fluff

Naruto bragged about not being impressed from Anko speech about us learning why this forest was called the forest of death. Sasuke and me facepalmed before Anko threw her kunai injuring Naruto cheek, that was without accounting for me placing a kunai on her throat making her stop any aptemp at jesting and backing away a little.

-Girl, are you not a little too possessive of you boyfriend.

-He happen to be my friend and a boy, but you should watch out who you're teasing miss Anko you might be unfortunate and get stab for that. Here you kunai.

Behind me i could sense the annoyance of Orochimaru having though he could in full display threaten his previous student. Too bad for him i was no in the mood for those kind of thing. Our team signed the form to acknowledge we were willing to die to participate in this second exam.

We were than send to a specific door and waited till the time the examiner opened the door for us. After getting inside Naruto promptly decide to go pee. Damn he could have done that before … … a few minutes later he came back but with his shuriken pouch on the wrong side. Seriously that guy was hopeless, i gave a sign to Sasuke to wait and when he was finally at our side, ready to attack i gave him the 64 strike of the soft palm series effectively blocking all his chakra point rendering him useless.

Activating the void eyes i jumped to his nearest teammate to taking him out and ,still going on with it, i jumped to the next one and gave him a palm strike too. I proceeded to go back to Sasuke, with the two before going to save our last friends Naruto. He was mad because they had taken him by surprise while he was doing his thing.

Seriously Naruto, i wonder if he know what it mean to be a ninja? It was too bad, their scroll was the sky one like our own i still pocketed it since it would mean less competition. If we met with a team who had two of the other ones we could also exchange it.

-Sasuke, Naruto i believe we should come up with a code.

-Then, the code will be the favorite food of each of us.

-Wait Sasuke i know ramen for me and tomato for you but i never got what Hinata favorite food is.

-Naruto my favorite food is calories block since they are convenient.

Naruto stopped a second before understanding my statement, someone is listening don't talk about calories blocks when you say the password next time. That was a trap me and Sasuke had set for whoever would be spying on us. After all even if Naruto didn't know what i loved to eat he know i dislike the taste of calorie blocks the most.

-Ok, that fine but what do we do next. We go search for another scroll.

-Yes dobe we do.

Suddenly a the wind started to raise and the three of us stumble away from each other. Few moment later me and Sasuke reached each other and with my byakugan i confirmed that was him so did he with his sharingan.

-Tomato, ramen and calorie block.


I then gave him the sign it was me with my left hand, we had practiced those sign with Naruto before, even if Naruto didn't manage to learn them all. Naruto, or should i say Orochimaru made his entrance next he gave us the code but without raising his hand in the sign before that. Sasuke and i threw some F.T.G Kunai to him making him dodge them, but i could see him look at them with a certain level of surprise. Kakashi and me had given Naruto and Sasuke half a dozen of those kunai to serve us when needed in mission, personally, i only used those as decoys since my void eyes were way better.

I didn't let the kunai out of his sight probably wary of me using the marker on them but my punch directly came from his blind spot without even moving much from where i was standing. After all with the control i had their was the possibility of partial body movement and so the sannin ended up getting punched so hard he flew to the other side of the clearing.

-I would ask you how you knew i was not Naruto, but that would be the less of the question i have to ask. So rather, how did you punch me when i never lost sight of your two markers? I am pretty sure those were the famous flying thunder god markers, i heard some member of the anbu recently rediscovered how to make them. I was expecting to see it in action, but you used it as a decoy, how?

-Sigh, you're right it was a decoy but as how it worked out how about you figure that on your own since we clearly are enemies.

-Huhuhu, good answer so you're the famous Hinata the genius of the Hyuga well you are indeed tempting, if i had not come for the Uchiha bloodline i might truly want to try you on.

-Hinata you know who that is?

-If i am not wrong his name is Orochimaru he is listed in Konoha Bingo Book as the highest priority. A dangerous man that the 3th didn't manage to kill when he gone overboard.

-I see.

Suddenly the sannin unleashed his killing intent on us. My reaction? Throwing him a kunai right to the face. That seem to have surprised him more then the fact i could use a variant of FTG, seriously the kunai almost reached his face before he moved it. Sasuke was crouching down barely able to hold himself up.

-Seem like i will need to use my pets to restrain you.

The old snake bite his thumb before preparing the summoning mudras. I opened my chakra doors up to the seventh one, making 7 tails of chakra instantly come to be before biting my own thumb and doing the same has him.

-Kuchiyose no jutsu!!! Snake invocation.

-Kuchiyose no jutsu!!! Tailed fox invocation, Kuro Shiro come to my help please.

The sannin two big snake came to attack but before they could come close to use my own contracted summon slashed them into sashimi. Kuro was a big 5 tailed fox with a great single blade sword in his paws and Shiro was a 4 tailed fox wielding two long katana, the two were know has the yin yang duo of the tailed fox tribe and my second strongest invocation possible. If Orochimaru called out Manda i would have no choice but to call on boss Kurogane but if i did everyone in Konoha might believe Kyuubi was attacking them again.

Boss Kurogane was the biggest and baddest fox of the tribe, with his 8 tails he could very well be a treat at the same level the bijuu were. If i had to go that far i would but i would rather not i would exhaust all my chakra to do so even with the soldier pills it would leave me barely standing.

-What!!! The tailed fox? Not that impossible a little girl like you can't have that much power.

-Hey brother did that madman just call Hinata bouchan weak?

-I think he did. You think we should kill him?

-Yeah, nobody call one of our contractor weak without dying horribly.


It was worth it summoning those two idiot just to see Orochimaru face in front of them. The corner of my lips raised a little from their conversation the man seemed to think about retreating but i was not about to let him go without a fight. I mixed my chakra amassing the most i could before Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

-Damn i think i missed something there's two mini kyuubi and that slimy snake.

-Brother who is that kid that chakra feel familiar.

-Shiro, Kuro that is Naruto he is Kurama sama receptacle.

-Oh!!!, is that so, amazing! Hey brat next time come with Hina chan to the fox valley to meet boss Kurogane i am sure he would like to meet you.

I finally finished building up my reserve enough to create my strongest jutsu at the moment if needed.

-This is all well, but i can give up on the Uchiha their is still two more in this exam after all.

-What do you mean two more, said Sasuke while activating his sharingan.

I guess i figure the sannin was not exclusively after him but also the other two Uchiha participating. That was bad timing, if he was stupid enough to talk about Maki i was not sure i could keep calm. Maki was the only person i would let go of my everything to protect i would use everything even if it mean dying to kill him.

-I mean my dear Sasuke little Sana Uchiha and that big girl Maki Uchiha.

Sasuke unleashed the full brunt of his killing intent while Orochimaru was clearly finding all of this greatly entertaining. At that time neither me nor Sasuke kwnew he had already come in contact with Sana team or that he had bitten her to put his cursed seal on her neck. But that was out of everything i could think of.

In my rage i opened the eight chakra door and suddenly i could feel all the pain in the world. Even the pain nullification skill didn't have effect on that, but this door was supposed to cause death upon opening i guess it was normal. In this life never again will i allow for my precious one to be taken aways from me. My chakra very much looked like what Naruto bijuu coat would later look like i moved my hand a little and Naruto was now beside me surprise about what was happening. My void eyes were active in full display along with the sharingan at maximum capacity.

-Oups, that bad brother Hinata bouchan is totally mad now the snake will die without leaving a corpse.

-God preserve the tailed tribe the last time she almost killed off old seven tails.

Before the sannin could do anything i had formed a ball of chakra that was made of the most hellishly hot flame my scorch release was capable off. I looked over at him and far being him perfect nobody i care will die with him. This was the pinnacle of the rasenshuriken the scorch release one, at the zone of impact the ground would melt forming glass, then 200 meter away everything would burn to ash in a flash of white fire. I threw my all, all my anger all my frustration all my chakra in that attack making it pass right through to him he only had time to invoc his most famous defensive barrier the rashomon gates.

That was way too late for that the gate all melted in a matter of seconds. 400 meter away all i could see were the burning white flame of my rage, i really did it didn't i? That was all i could think before fainting of chakra exhaustion.

****Orochimaru POV****

Damn that girl was good punching me like that i truly saw some start the last punch like that was one of Tsunade special if i had been weaker i would died just from that. What was on my head though was how she die it she had clearly send out kunai with marker to use the second and fourth specialty but she didn't use them at all rather they were decoy. Impressive was all i could think of, so young and already capable to take a hit on me.

-I would ask you how you knew i was not Naruto, but that would be the less of the questions i have to ask. So rather, how did you punch me when i never lost sight of your two markers? I am pretty sure those were the famous flying thunder god marker, i heard some members of the anbu recently rediscovered how to make them. I was expecting to see it in action, but you used it as a decoy how?

-Sigh, you're right it was a decoy but as how it worked out how about you figure that on your own since we clearly are enemies.

-Huhuhu, good answer so you're the famous Hinata the genius of the Hyuga well you are indeed tempting, if i had not come for the Uchiha bloodline i might truly want to try you on.

I unleashed my killing intent on the two to no avail, the girl simply sent a kunai to my face. I could sense her own killing intent bend on resisting mines. That girl was more amazing by the seconds i looked at her with a shocked face this was a first to me. The two took each defensive stance again me.

-Seem like i will need to use my pets to restrain you.

I used my contract with the snake tribe to get two new large snake to come in the balance and restrain it but that was without counting upon that little girl Hinata summoning her own contracted tribe. She summoned two tailed fox who made mincemeat of my snakes before i understood anything. After i voiced my surprise the last brat came in but i was already going to leave no way Sasuke was worth all the trouble this girl would put me through. But i just had to open my mouth about the two other Uchiha.

Frankly i don't know what happened next i just saw a big ball of white flame come at me with the feeling this would annihilate me . I took out the rashomon gates but i didn't feel any more secure so i rapidly invoked one snake before entering him and reverse summoning us out. When i came to, Manda sama was spitting me out in anger

-Damn you Orochimaru how dare you try to use me to defend your lowly self in that manner???!!!

-Manda sama, i am sorry i didn't invoke you in particular i was rushed and used too much chakra.

-My skin will take time to heal you will send me 2000 sacrifices one year from now.

I looked over Manda gigantic body to see in horror the ravage those flames had done to him for the mere seconds he was out. Had it been me, i would not have left a corp. It was terrifying to imagine that girl could have done something like that from a single attack. I still decided to go back there, i wanted to enjoy the chunin exam but this time i will be careful not to end in that girl eyes. That would not be good for my immortality project if i were to be burn to ash before getting the body of an Uchiha child. The only good thing was that i had already marked one of the three children.

****End of Orochimaru POV****

**** Third person POV****

Since Hinata is down for the count at the moment let me narrate what happened next to her and her team. The two fox made Naruto and Sasuke promise to tell Hinata to send them the usual alcohol and food for this time invocation, they then dropped them in a safe place before poofing away.

Naruto made a perimeter with his clones and Sasuke took care of Hinata using the healing tag he had on himself. The burn of her arm were nasty but after disinfecting them he managed to fully heal them. He didn't know what that technique was but if the guy was alive he was certainly half death and would not go after anyone else for a while. That when many sounds and the yell of some guys entered his ears.

-Naruto what give?

-We have some guess that have fallen in my trap i guess. Those tag Hinata made me learn come quite handy for my prank spree you know, if you apply them into real trap tactique that become even better.

-Do i want to know what you did?

-Hehehe, you'll see.

A few moment later sasuke could clearly see the trio of Oto covered in various flashy color of pain and he could smell the disgusting aroma from all the way over there. Plus the girl of the group had a black eye.

In the end a dual started between the two pair of boy while Kin wanted to go after the sleeping Hinata before someone else appeared before the motionless body of the Hyuga princess. A pair of angry eyes were staring her down an her heart could not take it anymore before retreating. Sasuke was dodging fairly well the attack of Zaku and finally took him down with an explosive tag attached to his kunai.

Naruto used his shadow clones one after the other maintaining Dosu away from him. His sound waves attack were way to dangerous for him to take him at close range. Therefore he used what Hinata called a guerrilla tactic wasting his opponent chakra away by the seconds. Dosu finally seeing Kin get knocked out but the new intruder decided to give up on the mission and give Sasuke his earth scroll.

-There, if you let us get away you can have that.

-You better get lost and that i don't see you again you damned bastard!!!

-Dobe shut it!

When the two turned they saw their new ally and started to be shocked about it and scared for their lives.