
Hinata 2.0 Failing the first test?

We shortly would be on your way to the chunin exam canter i was thinking about thinning down the examine before long, maybe put an henge on the class panels? In the original they had also done that but i was thinking of exchanging the good one with one closer if i was lucky maybe i could get out Orochimaru? Well, i know it myself being delusional won't get me anywhere but a girl can try.

At less this time around Gaara should have his sanity, i didn't get much information as i would have wanted about him, but i heard the youngest son of the Kazekage was a really polite but strong child. I was hoping for some change and i did get one, i just wonder what Orochimaru could know about me i hope i didn't attract to much his attention it would be bad if he came after me rather then Sasuke kun.

If that happen i definitely need to get aways, i can't never let the snake get my body or know about my power. I know by the end of the manga he was an okay guy, but at the beginning he was nothing short of a mad scientist who didn't mind killing hundred of test subject to perfect his techniques. With my power he would become unstoppable. Just imagining it make me shiver.

I had also in the last 6 month studied the impure resurrection jutsu of the second Hokage. After trial and error i had manage to modify it so it could be used with my perfect clone. I also made sure those perfect clones would not transmit memories or have consciousness.

My first test was used with Shisui eye that i had confiscated from Danzo all those years ago. Strangely the normal version got incorporated in the new version i had devised and i gained a lot of proficiency for modifying it. I could now chose the age range of the one called upon like make him or her a 5 year old chibi or a 100 year old decrepit old man. The cost in chakra to use this technique was out of my mind but it was worth it i believed.

**** POV Hinata meeting with the now death Shisui****

-You are little Hinata he?

-Sorry Shisui san i was trying this technique and could not think of someone better to us it on.

-Oh i am flattered, but i hope you didn't use anyone from Konoha to do it.

-Do not worry, i used a modified version that don't use a living body or event a corpse to use it.

-That look good , do you mind me asking ? Did Itachi manage to kill all the Uchiha clan.

-No he didn't i kicked his butt out of that stupid idea, also i am sorry i didn't manage to save you too.

-You what!!!

-Hm, that a long story you might want to sit down a little.

And so i told the resurrected Shisui all about Danzo and his plan to make the Uchiha have their fallout. He was surprised and also really angry not to have been the one to discover it himself. If he had been more observant maybe he could have prevented all of it. I comforted him, telling him at less at present the Uchiha clan was still standing on the leaf side to this day.

-Sigh really what an Idiot. Me and Itachi didn't even think something like that was remotely possible. We might have been put under the genjutsu too, that why we were having bad feeling toward the Uchiha clan.

-Hum, i think it is plausible that would explain a lot too.

-You're a clever girl managing to have all of this. You know nobody must know about Itachi intention too as it would reflect badly on them.

-Don't worry Shisui san all of this is under a S rank secrecy seal. I only talked of it to you because you are death and knew about most of it. I chose you for a reason too i knew your not a bad person and would not try to get out of the jutsu even if you had the power to do so.

-Well i am death, and death persons should not try to insert themselves with the living for a first. Secondly it was my choice to die in this fashion i don't regret it, but if i must say my only regret is Itachi i left him with a heavy burden.

-If that can comfort you, i have plan for Itachi return to Konoha and to clear his name. I still need him where he his now though. I don't have anymore thing to do with this technique but if you want to go see what have become of Konoha i don't mind.

-That would be nice.

After a couple of hour of exploration Shisui was very happy to depart once again for the after life telling me to give him a call if i ever needed him. Well that was a thing now should i try with Madara and tell him everything? Nan… … let wait until i have perfected this version to the point of changing the targeted soul true strength to whatever age i want him to be, i'll then call him in the body of a ten year old boy so he can't do anything. It would be safer then what Kabuto did when he got him to break off the jutsu, now that would just be the worst.

****POV meeting over****

The 3 of us were now inside the classroom after i had put a few henges on some classroom number plates outside. That felt way emptier than in the manga, before i forgot Lee had wanted to challenge Sasuke like in the original, figure why... … i told him not to an gave Lee a clear statement that if he acted stupid again my teammates i would be the one he face off. The boy let it go no before his sensei came out telling us about the spirit of youth, that simply made me sick.

The rookie 9 had manage to get inside despite my couples of henge but i could not say the same for all the other examine from other villages. When Ibiki came to i disqualified all those who had not made it to the classroom. I could see Gaara and his two siblings silently keeping themselves in a corner our gaze made contact and i smiled to him, he put his head to the side in a confused manner but i didn't look anything like the girl he met back then so it was understandable. I hope his team place well.

I had warned Sasuke and Naruto this examination would test their ninja skills and it was most to do with team effort. Kabuto gave us some info about the other participant, i asked him about himself since i was curious what he would come up with. I should not have done it the guy bullshited me so much i had wanted to clean him from the face of the globe.

-Well the information about you are even more interesting than those of that Gaara kid over there. You team a completed the most mission out of all the genin from last year and you are the only team to have been given B and an A rank missions even the mission record of most chunin are pale in comparison to your achievements. Some rumor even say you were part of the special force.

I gave him a surprised look for a moment. I wonder who could have made those rumor only two person and me… … wait no Reika should also know of it but she would never betray me. Hum, i could not think of anyone who could have leaked it maybe it was truly just someone who started that rumor as a prank, if that was the case how terrifying…

-You should not believe rumor like that i am only 12 how would i have the chance to be part of them ?

-True enough, but i can't just not account for even the smallest of rumor. I would not be doing my job than and that would lower my survival ability.

-Well good luck.

The exam started and looking a the question, me and Naruto used sealing technique to switch around my answer to his sheet. Now we only needed to wait for Ibiki to announce the final part of this exam. Ibiki made his little treat speech and Naruto go hyped and told him off making me smile in the process. He was certainly not an idiot, since me and him devised that fuinjutsu switch around, but his temper was still the same an hotblooded knucklehead.

That when Anko chose that moment to enter the premise blasting a window apart in the process. Damn that woman is even more hype than Naruto. Everyone had deadpan eyes seeing this fashion of entrance. I personally found her fun maybe we could become good friend later. But if i remember correctly Orochimaru would injure her this time around using his special seal.

I remarked the a pale looking woman not to far away from us. I could recognize Orochimaru disguise now, what a creep. I only looked over a second because i was worried he would sense it, damn he is lvl 76 that a whole 16 level over me. Not that i could not beat him, if i truly tried, but it would not be a nice fight and i would likely have to summon old man Kurogane and use my scorch release rasenshuriken. I never like open fight like the one i had with Yagura, even with Mei and all the Kiri rebels we barely won with our life intact.

I guess i will have my fluffy friend eat snake for a while after that fight. Not that they would complain they would just eat anything if left to it. They seriously go hooked on my cooking and i now needed to provide a scroll with food for a month worth each time i invoke them. If anyone else had to do that they would cry but to me it was not that hard my mission alone could cover for it let not talk about all the business i have in Konoha and the land of fire. One of my pharmacies has become overly popular not only for the healing potion but also for the beauty cure cream it sold. Yeah, i have the sense of making good affairs.

My business bank account number of zero could barely be counted by human anymore. I had like 600 000 000 000 ryo in it and that was only from the business account my personal one had twice that over from the profit of the divers firm and store i had open from last year to today, Tenten parent were taking care of managing my weapons shops all over Hi no kuni after i hired them to do so I also hired a pharmacist from the Nara though it took me a long time to convince her to join me. Well, i only had to give her a few scrolls about recipe for healing potions and an encyclopedia of all herbs and their different function that was even more advanced than the one the Nara had to bribe her to help out. The Nara clan complained about it and i sold them 40% of the stores shares to shut them up after all i am not interested in making the Nara my enemies, i still have to win a shogi game again Shikaku.

Many convenient thing were made and bought in Hi no kuni and the trade channel extended all the way to the other hidden village permitting our spy to also access more easily those places. The only exception being Ame who was truly too secretive but since i knew Pein their leader was being it it was not much trouble. I was still expecting on one day convincing the guy to join me to stop Madara plan or should i say black zetsu plan. Nagato would be a great addition to my friend list if it ever happened plus, his girlfriend Konan was one of my all time favorite character.

**** Sakura first exam POV****

That exam was hard, but i was not worried at less until the examiner told us if one of our teammate got zero we would all be disqualified. Damn Kiba will never make it, that moron is even more stupid than Naruto, maybe Akamaru or Yukihime would help him out? No way for Akamaru, he would just leave Kiba to fend for himself but Yukihime maybe? That is if she don't take her usual motherly approach that a child should do thing himself to grow up.

Shit, let's just continue on and hope he don't get caught cheating. Shino was certainly fine he might not be able to respond to everything but her should be getting at less one or two points. Let hope Kiba get one too.

I was so relieved and mad, that damned examiner he definitely is part of the interrogation team no question about that. Hinata gave me a thumb up and that made my day if only we could have been on the same team it would have been good. But seriously what the hell with that Anko Mitarashi she is even more hype than Naruto and Kiba. I hope we can get out of our next test without much trouble.

Suddenly i felt extremely sleepy in the middle of this exam, maybe i didn't sleep enough last night? Next time i will got to be by 8 and have a nice night of sleep.

****end of Sakura POV****

****Kiba POV****

After seeing i was not able to complete any of the questions, Yukihime simply got to it and did it herself. After all animal were considered ninja tool so it was not cheating to have Yukihime help out with the examination?

Well Yuki san got really angry a the examiner almost beating him when he passed near her, making me have to apologize for her. That's a wolf temper for you, i was specialised on canine but i truly only got to it when Hinata helped me out change Akamaru diet so he become stronger and he can now talk too. Well he alway tell me off and get disappointed at the first chance he get, but that just proof of love i guess?

After this exam when i become chunin i will definitely confess my love to Hinata and make her mine. No doubt when i exit out of it with the top performance she will definitely be charmed.

Author note:at that time Hinata suddenly feel a sense of dread and shivered a little.

****End of Kiba POV****

****Third person POV****

For the most of it the rookie 9 got out of this exam almost the same way as the original story. Shino used his bee to get the question from other examines. Ino took Sakura over and copied all her questions, she could have tried for Hinata but she felt it would have failed. Shikamaru and Choji just waited for Ino. Sana with her newly awakened Sharingan copied some examine movement similarly to Sasuke who was just a few sits away.

Junichiro and Hiruki use the same technique as the Ino-shika-cho trio alongside Sana using her as the target, as to not arise suspicion she was to put her head on the desk once she got all response. Other examine also go on cheating Haku used his ice to create mirrors on the ceiling for his teammate and Maki put a few genin under genjutsu to facilitate their task. Ryota was taking advantage of his two teammates ability to gather all the needed information to pass the test.

Gaara created his third eye made of sand like in the original story and Kankuro and Temari got away with cheating for the most of it. Other also got out of the examiner clutch but lot of them also didn't and got eliminated on the spot.

Finally the last question came in and Ibiki made them chose to response and maybe fail and never have the chance to take the exam or to retire now. Some retired until Naruto finally go up telling everyone he didn't care and would become Hokage with the strength of his will. That was Naruto for you, the most unpredictable ninja of all Konoha. Ibiki finally ended passing 60 people all together.

Anko erupted in the classroom startling everyone before accusing Ibiki to have been too soft. She then took her role more seriously and had the examine follow her to the forest of death.

****Third person POV end****