
Level Infinity Weakest King

"My Level in this world is Infinity?" An old man dies and gets reincarnated in a world filled with magic. He was shocked at first as his dream had been realized but it was only later he understood that the world was none other than the Gaming World in which he had adventured earlier. Though it seems like many thousands of years have passed by. Will he have some fun or will he just be bored yet again? Join me in this amazing journey! [ I'm so sorry guys, the chapters from 1- 40 are in weird dialect. It's rubbish, to be honest, I hope you forgive me for that. Those chapters contain only 500-800 words! ] [ Chapters after 53 is locked so they are of 1000+ words. Incidentaly, from chapter 60 onwards, chapter contains 1500-2000 words ] [ The sounding might be different and there might be lot of errors, ( English is not my native language )but those errors won't be repeated again from chapter 165 that is ] [ Read at your own risk, if the chapters anger you or upset you, you may quit but don't lave hate comments or reviews that demotivate behind! ] [ Last edited on 05/24/2021 ]

1st_Manga_KING · ファンタジー
262 Chs


Liu was really surprised on hearing that Rex had 3 emblems....but he still couldn't believe that so hi asked Rex,"Young boy, let me check your spirit ocean, that way I will be able to tell whether you really have 3 emblems or not!"

Rex at once allowed Liu to diagonize himself...

Liu, moved forward his ghostly hand that seemed blue in color since they had started glowing, and then slowly he put his hand on Rex's head, then ...for 5 minutes there is was movement...Rex was now annoyed...He thought this old man was simply fooling around when Liu suddenly speaks up...

Liu, with his eyes, wide open, says,"Young Boy, You...you...h a h a h a h a h a h a... H A H A H A " Rex, after seeing Liu laughing thought,"Ha? Has this old geezer finally gone insane?" Then the old man starts laughing even louder,"H A H A H A H A H A... H A H A H A H A"

Rex: Oii! Come on! Why are you laughing for old man? Tell me!

Liu, slowly controlled his laughter and finally stopped himself from laughing, replies,"Lad, you really have 3 emblems and I have never felt such strong power from the emblems in my entire life...h a h a" Rex was staring at the Old man and while doing that he asks,"But...your dead now right?"

Liu: Oh! Ya, I am! But h e h e.....Boy...you are the first one in the whole history to have 3 emblems so...are you happy...

Rex, after listening carefully, replies,"Ha! What's there to be happy? I can't even use this power!!!"

Liu: H e h e, do you want to know the reason boya, that why you can't use the power?

Rex: What? You know about it? Don't tell me that it is because of Emblem poison again!!

Liu: You are partly correct and partly wrong! It is true that you have 2 emblems that have opposite origins but...there is a 3rd one which is much stronger, hence the Emblem Poison is almost nullified..!

Rex: Then...what is the reason that I can't use the Emblems?

Liu: It's simple boy, it's because you body is not complete yet! h a h a!

Rex, on hearing that his body was incomplete, suddenly asked,"Incomplete? What do you mean by that?"

Liu enthusiastically replies," H a h a! Do you want to know boya? Hehe! Let me give you an example, Our Embems are like vessels, you can even call the as containers and the mana is what is filled inside them! The bigger the container, the more the amount of mana it can store and the more difficult it is to use them! H a h a! Now, since you have 3 containers and they are too big, how will you be able to lift them? H a h a h a!"

Rex, after keenly hearing,"Oh! Now I understand! So when you told me that my body was incomplete, you tried to tell me that I have to build my body, enough strong so that I can handle the containers...Is that right?"

Liu: Ohhh! You are quite sharp! H a h a , very well! I am willing to help you to build your body...what do you say? But we will be giving you a hellish training h a h a!

Rex: Wow....Is that so? Okie dokie, I am ready!(but why did he say 'W E'?)

Liu: Very Well then!

** {W I T H A L O U D V O I C E} You can all come out, we have our disciple standing here, h a h a!**

Rex: Ha? Whom are you calling out Old Man?

And suddenly a lot of shadows appeared who were similar to Liu, about 12 of them, who now surrounded Rex and were watching him keenly...!!

Rex, a little shocked and a little afraid, asks,"Who...who are you all?"

Liu: We..? We are...

Hey Liu! Why did you stop? Continue man! I wanna hear! Who are you all? H a a a a! Never mind! I'll wait for the next chapter...



I hope You enjoy reading this chapter!

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