
Level 1 Telekinesis skill

Something for fun

Megumint · 都市
3 Chs

Inside the Tower(1)

I walked towards the doors that were open outwards. I moved closer, my eyes fixated at the gigantic tower, captivated by its grandness and sheer scale. I've never seen anything quite like it.

When I reached the entrance, along with the other people near its proximity. The inside was brightly lit even without an obvious light source, and I saw greenery, trees, grasses, and a huge amount of perfectly carved squared rocks. Almost resembling old medieval, or rather ancient structures you'd see in fantasy novels. Then I observed further and looked past the greenery and crude rocks. I saw flowing rivers, vines and moss covering medium-sized square rock. Like those you'd see in the pyramids.

Then, the gentle and soft chirping of birds distracted my observation. I turned my head around, back outside of the entrance to look for the disturbance. Only to realize that the noises came from the inside. Sounds continued to appear from the inside, the croaking of frogs, the cricketing of crickets, and sounds of flowing rivers. I had only one thought, how the fuck is there a whole fucking eco-system in here?

Before I realized it, I was bewitched by its… beauty. It felt peaceful, extraordinarily peaceful like something out of a fantastical land, something that wasn't real. I looked above, thick fogs of darkness spreaded throughout the ceiling if there is even one. Even with the light spreaded throughout the entire area, it couldn't penetrate the sheer defenses of the dark.

"Woah!" I heard from the others outside. Their excited voices slowly closed in towards me. Then even more voices appeared then came the added sounds of rushing footsteps, the hurried breathing of people as they ran inside the tower. 

I continued into the tower taking in and inscribing the sights into my eyes, until I reached another gigantic door, guarded by two extremely detailed stone statues of some devilish demons. They each held a weapon, one held onto a trident, and the other one a weapon similar to a pike but at the end instead of a pointy tip, there was a circle and inside said-circle there were spikes around its inner circumference. Its form just reeks of sadistism and pure malevolence..

I walked right up to the more sadistic one, its weapon fascinates me after all. its height was extremely tall and imposing especially with the threatening weapons it wields. Its glare also wasn't quite pleasant, just by looking at it I could feel its… vile intent. I quickly averted my eyes from it, fearing for what might happen to me if I had taken one second longer to stare at its corrupted, disgusting eyes. 

I moved my eyes to something more pleasant. The enormous door beside it, even bigger than the two statues before its might. I walked in even closer, to get a closer look-up at its rough surface. There were several markings of line on the stone door, which looked like it was weaved smoothly across its hard surface, something that didn't seem to be doable in the medieval times. The line marks looked like they were forming into something, into a shape or an image. As I slid my fingers across the lines, the image started to form in my mind. Until I couldn't reach it anymore, it was an um enormous door, like a few tens of meters high. 

I moved back, trying to comprehend and put its entire size into my eyes. When I moved back just enough, I saw the lines connected between each part, the bottom right connected to the ones on the top left while the bottom left reconciled with the top right, as the lines loomed and knotted together the shape began to form. 10 simple circles that appeared to be surfaces, laid flat upon one another with just a few distance away, almost like there were levels or floors. Each one of them gets increasingly smaller as it descends to the very bottom. 

Then I had a desire. A desire to open it. But with what? Push it? It's nigh impossible. Yet, as soon as my desire began to deepen and solidify itself, I could sense my power yearning for it to be used and abused. And just a moment after, the lines on the door lit up and so did the eyes of the two statues before it. Then it began to tremble and I could feel the air inside vibrating every single fibre of my being.

I could hear the desperate cries and shock behind me. I looked to see why, only to realized with the my desire to open the entrance had sealed us inside with no means of going out. But ironically enough, I wasn't scared or anxious like before. In fact, I didn't even feel concern, only the comforting feeling that I was the one to open it and sealed us all in.